Feeling disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture.

 Respond to the question/statement below. Provide a well organized and logical answer. Answer all aspects of the question. Provide evidence from class materials (textbook, notes, etc.) to support your statements. Connect your themes to sociological concepts and theories.

Describe a time when you felt disoriented, uncertain, out of place or even fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture. Explain what was so shocking to you. How did you react? Why do people experience culture shock? What does this experience reveal to us about the importance of culture and our everyday customs

Schaefer, Richard T. 5th edition. Sociology in Modules. New York, NY:

Schaefer, Richard T. 5th edition. Sociology in Modules. New York, NY:


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Feeling disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture.


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Feeling disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture.

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a. a comic book b. patriotic attachment to the flag of the United States c. slang words -- are all examples of what? Culture.
People’s adaptations to meet the needs for food, shelter, and clothing are examples of what George Murdock referred to as... cultural
What term do sociologists use to refer to the process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society? diffusion
Which of the following statements is true according to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? Language precedes thought.
What term best describes the set of cultural beliefs and practices that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests? dominant idealogy
Terrorist groups are examples of... Countercultures
What is the term used when one places a priority on understanding other cultures, rather than dismissing them as “strange” or “exotic”? cultural relativism
_____ are gestures, objects, and/or words that form the basis of human communication. Symbols;
_____ is the process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture. Innovation;
The bow and arrow, the automobile, and the television are all examples of _____ . inventions;
“Put on some clean clothes for dinner” and “Thou shalt not kill” are both examples of _____ found in U.S. culture. Norms
From a _____ perspective, the dominant ideology has major social significance. Not only do a society’s most powerful groups & institutions control wealth & property, more important, they control the means of production. conflict;
The United States has strong _____ against murder, treason, and other forms of abuse that have been institutionalized into formal norms. Mores (morays)
Countercultures (e.g., hippies) are typically popular among the _____ , who have the least investment in the existing culture. Young
From the _____ perspective, subcultures are evidence that differences can exist within a common culture. functionalist
A person experiences _____ when he or she feels disoriented, uncertain, out of place, even fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture. Culture Shock
What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? a hypothesis, first advanced by Edward Sapir in 1929 and subsequently developed by Benjamin Whorf, that the structure of a language determines a native speaker's perception and categorization of experience.

What is feeling disoriented uncertain out of place or fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture called?

Anyone who feels disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or even fearful when immersed in an unfamiliar culture may be experiencing cultural lag.

Is the disorientation that people feel when they encounter cultures?

Culture shock is the disorientation that people feel when they encounter cultures radically different from their own and believe they cannot depend on their own taken-for-granted assumptions about life.

What is the term used when one seeks to understand another culture from that cultures perspective rather than dismissing it as strange or exotic?

Terms in this set (24) What is the term used when one places a priority on understanding other cultures, rather than dismissing them as "strange" or "exotic"? cultural relativism.

What is the term used for the set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social economic and political interests?

Values are constantly changing; sociologists view them as being very unstable. Which of the following terms describes the set of cultural beliefs and practices that help to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests? a. cultural universals.