For which age group would the nurse anticipate experiencing the most challenge in providing care

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10 Which of the following is a current trend in families or family living? More people choosing to live alone
10 Of the following trends, which one represents the greatest current health care challenge to nurses? Homelessness
10 When working with families, the nurse may view the family as context or client. Which one of the following examples demonstrates the view of the family as context? The client’s ability to understand and manage his own personal dietary needs
10 What would a nurse expect to find in an assessment of a healthy family? The structure is flexible enough to adapt to crises.
10 Initially, the nurse should begin by doing what in completing a client’s family assessment? Determining the client’s definition of familiar structure and attitudes
10 Post discharge, the client is returning to their home environment. In assisting the client with that, specifically in implementing family-centered care, the nurse: Offers both client and family information about necessary self-care abilities
10 A client is unable to independently perform colostomy care due to arthritis. The nurse should first: Inquire as to family members who may be able to assist with the care
10 The optimum goal of effective communication within the family, according to the nurse observing the family members and their interaction, is: Problem solving and psychological support
10 Which of the following is a gerontological principle related to families? Support systems are likely to be different than those of younger age-groups.
10 In assessing the roles and power structure of a client’s nuclear family, the nurse should specifically ask the client: “Who decides where to go on vacation?”
10 Needing assistance with daily living activities, an older adult with two grown children is being discharged home. Although both children live nearby, the daughter is expressing concern about handling her parent’s physical needs.nurse’s ini. resp is to: Work with the family on delegating responsibility
10 The nurse suspects that there is physical abuse present after visiting the client in the home. In recognition of the pattern of family violence, the nurse knows that: Spouses are the most frequent abusers
10 The primary goal of family-centered nursing is to: Provide support and care for the family and its individual members
10 A nurse who is sensitive to the care of families recognizes that the term ‘family’ is primarily defined: By the client as individuals important to the client
10 The nurse is preparing a new mother for discharge when the woman shares that she is “worried about going back to work and its effects on my infant.” The most therapeutic response by the nurse is: “There is no proof that working will harm your baby.”
10 The greatest risk to a child of adolescent parents comes from the: Lack of appropriate parenting resources and role models
10 Which of the following nursing statements has the greatest therapeutic value when counseling a ‘sandwich generation’ client caring for a chronically ill parent? “What do you do for relaxation now that your mom lives with you?”
10 The mother of child receiving immunizations at health clinic shares with nurse she child have not eaten Which following nursing interventions is best directed at impacting the immediate problem while being sensitive to the mother’s sense of self-worth? Providing her with contacts at the neighborhood food bank
10 The nurse recognizes that the presence of an alcohol-abusing parent places a child at greatest risk for: Family violence
10 The most important impact that truthful, timely communication between the nurse and the family of a critically ill client has is on the family’s ability to: Trust the nurse
10 When caring for a terminally ill client, the nurse must also assess the family, because the primary benefit will be: The ability to respond effectively to the family unit during the dying process
10 When attempting to meet the needs of the family, the nurse recognizes the central concept of the theory of family developmental stages is that: While each family is unique, they all tend to progress through similar stages
10 The nurse can primarily affect the effectiveness of a family’s ability to cope with stress by encouraging: Flexible roles
13 A client thinks that she might be pregnant. Which first trimester physiological changes would most likely indicate this? Amenorrhea and nausea
13 To determine how the client, who is a single parent of three children, will be able to cope with the current pregnancy, the nurse should ask the client: “Who do you have for support during this pregnancy?”
13 The nurse is performing a physical examination on a 40-year-old adult client. The nurse will most likely find that the client of this age is experiencing which one of the following physiological changes related to normal aging? Decreased strength of abdominal muscles
13 A 49-year-old client is experiencing problems with depression. She has come to the clinic showing signs of malnutrition and fatigue. Which of the following is the best initial statement for the nurse to make in the assessment phase? “Have you recently been experiencing menopausal symptoms?”
13 The nurse, trying to promote positive health habits regarding stress management is aware of the external influences on young and middle adult clients. With this knowledge, the nurse recognizes that an effective strategy for this age-group is: Determining an effective daily exercise schedule for stress reduction
13 Individuals at the young adult point in their life are generally expected to, according to developmental patterns: Ignore physical symptoms
13 A nurse is preparing an education program on safety for a young adult group. Based on the major cause of mortality and morbidity for this age-group, the nurse should focus on: Automobile safety
13 A nurse is working in the health office at a local college where most of the students are young adults. Being aware of the major concerns for this age-group, the nurse includes assessment of these clients’: Lifestyle and leisure activities
13 As an individual enters middle adulthood health problems generally become more prevalent. The middle adult may be influenced by chronic illness that results in: Changed sexual behavior habits
13 The nurse is performing a physical examination on a 58-year-old adult client. The nurse will most likely find that the client of this age is experiencing which one of the following physiological changes related to normal aging? Decreased skin turgor
13 The nurse is alert to stressors that may have an influence on the young adult client. One example of a common stressor for this age-group is: Occupational pursuits
13 A client who works in a dry cleaning establishment comes to the clinic for a regular check-up. Based on this information, the nurse assesses the client for: Dermatitis
13 The nurse is completing a physical exam for a 45-year-old client who has come to the family practice office. In evaluating the observations made during the examination, the nurse recognizes that an expected finding for a client in this age-group is: Visual acuity below 20/50
13 When discussing the stressors felt by a single mother in her 30s, the nurse recognizes that the greatest financial impact on this family is caused by: The realization that a female earns 25% less than her male co-worker
13 Because young adults are less likely to experience serious illness, which of the following nursing interventions is most effective in determining risk for illness in this age-group? Personal lifestyle assessment
13 Research has shown that certain postpartum factors negatively affect a woman’s general health status after pregnancy. Which of the following women has the greatest risk factor for poor postpartum health? A mother of a 3-week-old and a 2-year-old whose military husband is currently deployed overseas
13 The nurse is preparing to discuss postpartum depression as a part of discharge teaching with the parents of a newborn. Which of the following nursing actions would be most therapeutic regarding early detection of this postpartum condition? Having a discussion with the father in which he identifies the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression
13 Which of the following young adults is at greatest risk for experiencing death or injury? A 20-year-old living in an urban housing project
13 The most serious risk for death for a young adult living in rural poverty is: Suicide
13 During a routine physical ass. a 27 y.o. client acknowledges suspension of his driver’s license because arrest for driving under influence of alcohol. This admission should prompt the nurse to discuss which of the following in detail with the client? Use of illegal drugs
13 In preparing to discuss safe sex practices with a 20-year-old, it is most important that the nurse shares with the client that in addition to physical symptoms of genital pain and discharge, sexually transmitted diseases: Are particularly common in young adults
13 Which of the following lifestyle choices poses the greatest risk for chronic illness to the young adult? Alcohol and tobacco use
13 Which of the following client responses shows the best understanding regarding the management of risk factors for chronic illness among young adults? “I’ve never smoked and I drink only occasionally.”
13 Which of the following lifestyle choices poses the greatest risk for chronic illness to the young adult? Alcohol and tobacco use
13 Which of the following client responses shows the best understanding regarding the management of risk factors for chronic illness among young adults? “I’ve never smoked and I drink only occasionally.”
13 Which of the following lifestyle choices poses the greatest risk for chronic illness to the young adult? Alcohol and tobacco use
13 Which of the following client responses shows the best understanding regarding the management of risk factors for chronic illness among young adults? “I’ve never smoked, and I drink only occasionally.”
13 Which of the following client responses shows the best understanding regarding the management of risk factors for acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD) among young adults? “Having unprotected sex with someone my age is very risky business.”
13 Which of the following statements made by a 27-year-old client shows the greatest need for further nursing assessment regarding the potential use of illegal drugs? “I like to drink a bit too much, and I lost my license once for drinking and driving.”
13 Which of the following statements made by the parents of a newborn best reflects an understanding regarding the diagnosis of postpartum depression? “We’ve read over the literature, and I’ll be able to recognize any signs of depression in my wife.”
13 Which of the following questions asked by the nurse best assesses for the signs of pregnancy most likely observed in the second trimester? “Have you noticed any cramping in your abdomen?”
13 Which of the following client statements would be the best evidence that this young adult has adopted a positive strategy to promote his own personal emotional health? “I run at least three times a week; it seems to help me stay relaxed.”
13 Which of the following client statements, made by a young adult regarding health promotion habits, reflects a need for further client education by the nurse? “I drink alcohol only on weekends, when it doesn’t interfere with work.”
13 Which of the following nursing assessment questions is best directed toward determining the presence of a normal physiological change experienced by a middle-aged client? “Do you have a skin-moisturizing routine?”
13 Which of the following nursing assessment questions is best directed toward determining the presence of an occupational hazard-related condition specific for a client working in a dry cleaning establishment? “Do you have any problems with rashes or itching?”
13 Which of the following nursing assessment questions is best directed toward determining the presence of career stressors in a young adult? “What is the most stressful part of your daily job?”
13 Which of the following statements concerning health promotion habits made by a young adult best reflects an understanding regarding the primary cause of death and injury among that age group? “Regardless of what my friends say, I always wear a seat belt.”
14 A nurse is performing a physical examination on an older-adult client in an assisted living facility. On completion of the examination, the nurse compares the results to findings expected for individuals age-group. expected finding for this client is: Increased sensitivity to visual glare
14 A 70-year-old client asks the nurse to explain her hypertension as she is to have her blood pressure checked each shift. An appropriate response by the nurse as to why older clients often experience hypertension is because of: Accumulation of plaque on arterial walls
14 In reviewing changes in the older adult, the nurse recognizes that which of the following statements related to cognitive functioning in the older client is true? Reversible systemic disorders are often implicated as a cause of delirium.
14 A client has been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. 14 When teaching the family about the prognosis, the nurse must explain that: It usually progresses gradually with a deterioration of function
14 Which of the following statements accurately reflects data that the nurse should use in planning care to meet the needs of the older adult? Adults older than 65 comprise the greatest users of prescription medications.
14 The nurse is aware that the majority of older adults: Are actively involved in their community
14 The nurse works with elderly clients in a wellness screening clinic on a weekly basis. Which of the following statements made by the nurse is the most therapeutic regarding their mobility? “Continue to exercise your joints regularly to your tolerance level.”
14 A long-term care facility sponsors a discussion group on the administration of medications. The participants have a number of questions concerning their medications. The nurse responds most appropriately by saying: “Feel free to ask your physician why you are receiving the medications that are prescribed for you.”
14 Which of the following behaviors shows the greatest risk to an older adult as they attempt to minimize the effects of the aging process? Refusing assistance with certain activities
14 In performing a physical assessment for an older adult, the nurse anticipates finding which of the following normal physiological changes of aging? Increased airway resistance
14 There are factors that influence the musculoskeletal system associated with aging. The nurse recognizes that with age: Weight-bearing exercise reduces the loss of bone mass
14 The nurse, preparing to discharge an 81-year-old client from the hospital, recognizes that the majority of older adults: Are capable of taking charge of their own lives
14 To assist older adults to meet their needs for sexuality, the nurse should recognize that the greatest impact on the sexuality of older adults is: Therapeutic medications may alter sexual function
14 The nurse is presenting an information session on nutritional guidelines at a senior living center. Incorporated into the discussion are the recommendations for nutritional intake for individuals of this age-group, which include a reduction in: Refined sugars
14 The nurse is presenting an information session on nutritional guidelines at a senior living center. Which of the following foods meets the recommended nutritional guidelines for older adults? Grilled chicken
14 In the assessment of older-adult clients, it is often difficult to discriminate between delirium and dementia. Delirium is characterized by: Occurrences at twilight or darkness
14 Which of the following nursing questions is best directed towards the assessment of a normal finding regarding physiological changes in an older-adult client? “Any difficulty driving at night?”
14 Which of the following responses by an older-adult client is most reflective of a need for further education by the nurse regarding the physiological changes associated with the older adult? “I can’t help worrying about becoming forgetful.”
14 Which of the following statements made by a family member of a client recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is most reflective of an understanding of this disease process? “We have an appointment with his care provider to see about medication therapy.”
14 The nurse is planning client education for an older adult being prepared for discharge home after hospitalization for a cardiac problem. Which nursing action addresses the most commonly determined need for this age-group? Encourage the client to use a compartmentalized pill storage container for his daily medications.
14 An assisted living facility has provided its clients with an educational program on safe administration of prescribed medications. Which statement made by an older-adult client reflects the best understanding safe self-administration of medications? “I’ll be sure to read the inserts and ask the pharmacist if I don’t understand something.”
14 Which of the following client statements regarding self-medication administration by an older-adult client requires follow-up teaching by the nurse? “I take all the pills ordered once a day at bedtime, so I’m less likely to forget them.”
14 Which of the following statements made by an older-adult client poses the greatest concern for the nurse conducting an assessment regarding the client’s adjustment to the aging process? “As I age I’ve found its harder to do the things I love doing, but I guess it will all be over soon enough.”
14 Which of the following statements made by a 75-year-old client shows the best understanding of how the aging process affects the musculoskeletal system? “I walk 1 mile everyday to strengthen my bones.”
14 Which statement made by an older adult would reflect the best understanding of the nutritional requirements of individuals at this developmental stage? “I eat everything, but just a little a bit of things like sweets.”
14 Which statement made by an older adult would reflect the best understanding of the nutritional guidelines for this age-group? “When I entertain, I serve healthy foods like veggies and low-fat dip.”
14 Which of the following statements made by an older adult regarding sexuality would be of greatest concern for the nurse? “It’s so nice not to have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.”
14 Of the following options, which is the greatest barrier to providing quality health care to the older-adult client? Preconceived assumptions regarding the lifestyles and attitudes of this group
14 The nurse is preparing an educational program for members of the local senior center. Which of the following topics would present the greatest learning challenge for this developmental group? Importance of the human touch
14 When presenting information to the older adult, the client will be most likely to engage with the nurse in the learning process if: The topic or information is valued by the learner
14 Of the following client statements made by an older adult client which best reflects an understanding the educational materials on nutrition presented by the nurse? “I love rye bread. It’s good to know its high in fiber.”
14 The nurse defines ageism most accurately as: Discrimination based on an individual’s increasing age
14 Which of the following statements made by a nurse best reflects an understanding of the negative impact of ageism regarding client care? “If I don’t value the older client, I will never be able to provide the care they are entitled too.”
14 Which of the following statements made by a nurse best reflects an understanding of the adaptation required of nursing to assure quality nursing care for the older adult client? “My client is in her 90s, so I don’t expect her to respond to the therapy like a 50- year-old does.”
14 Which of the following statements made by an older adult client best reflects a healthy adjustment to the aging process and its physical limitations? “I use to run in marathons, but now I truly enjoy a 1 mile walk around the park.”
14 Which of the following statements, made by the daughter of an older adult client concerning bring her mother home to live with her family, presents the greatest concern for the nurse? “I don’t think she will react very well to me making decisions for her.”
14 A nurse is caring for an older adult client preparing for discharge to a nursing center after having hip surgery. Which of the following nursing responses is most therapeutic when dealing with the client’s concern that she, “will never go back home”? “What makes you think that this transfer to the nursing center will be permanent?”
14 A nurse caring for older adults in an assistive living facility recognizes that a client’s quality of life needs are best determined by: A therapeutic nurse-client relationship that facilitates communication
14 A nurse is preparing to perform an assessment on an older adult client newly admitted to a nursing center. Which of the following statements made by the nurse best reflects the unique needs of this client regarding the assessment process? “I will be back after you are settled in and we can devote enough time to this assessment process.”
14 The nurse is preparing to present an educational program to residences of an assisted-living facility. Which teaching strategies would be most appropriate for the learning needs of this age-group? (Select all that apply.) -Speak in a slow but well-articulated manner. -Small groups allow for more speaker-listener interaction. -End the program if there are signs of poor concentration or fatigue.
17 The nurse uses nursing diagnoses after completion of the client assessment, because they: Identify the domain and focus of nursing
17 A 53-year-old client is seen at the clinic for a yearly physical examination. In evaluating the client’s weight, the nurse also considers the age and height. This is an example of: Comparing data with normal health patterns
17 Of the following statements, which one is an example of an appropriately written nursing diagnosis? Deficient knowledge related to need for cardiac catheterization
17 Of the following statements, which one is an example of an appropriately written nursing diagnosis? Ineffective airway clearance related to increased secretions
17 The nurse has diagnosed the client’s problem as altered elimination. From the database the nurse identifies all the following as appropriate etiologies for this diagnosis except: Total hip replacement
17 The nurse is concerned that atelectasis may develop as a postoperative complication. Which of the following is an appropriate diagnostic label for this problem, should it occur? Impaired gas exchange
17 The nurse recognizes that which one of the following statements is true with regard to the formulation of nursing diagnoses? The diagnosis should include the problem and the related contributing conditions.
17 A diagnostic error can influence the application of the nursing care plan. A likely source for a nursing diagnosis error is if the nurse: Formulates a diagnosis too closely resembling a medical diagnosis
17 Identify the defining characteristics in the following nursing diagnosis: Altered speech related to recent neurological disturbance, as evidenced by inability to speak in complete sentences. “Inability to speak in complete sentences”
17 The primary purpose of a nursing diagnosis, according to the nurses, is to: Recognize the client’s response to an illness or situation
17 Which one of the following is an appropriate etiology for a nursing diagnosis? Increased airway secretions
17 Which of the following is an appropriate etiology for a nursing diagnosis? Incisional pain
17 Of the following statements, which one is an example of an appropriately written nursing diagnosis? Diarrhea related to food intolerance
17 Of the following statements, which one is an example of an appropriately written nursing diagnosis? Chronic pain related to insufficient use of medication
17 Based on the following information, what would the nurse identify as the most appropriate nursing diagnosis? The client has abnormal breath sounds, dyspnea, an intermittent cough, and variable respiratory rate. Ineffective airway clearance
17 Which one of the following is a NANDA International nursing diagnosis label? Risk for impaired parenting
17 When asked to define “Nursing Diagnosis” the nurse’s best response is: “It correlates a client’s problem with a condition a nurse is competent to treat.”
17 The nurse’s initial responsibility in the management of a client’s collaborative problem is to: Monitor for changes
17 The nurse has identified deficient knowledge regarding surgery for a client who is scheduled for an outpatient procedure. Which of the following instructional topics will best minimize the client’s anxiety regarding the procedure? Discuss the pre- and postprocedure care that will be provided.
17 The nursing diagnosis of acute pain falls under which of the following comfort domain classifications? Physical comfort
17 When asked to define the purpose of diagnostic reasoning, the best nursing response is: “Diagnostic reasoning involves using the assessment collected on a specific client to logically arrive at an appropriate nursing diagnosis.”
17 A nursing student expresses some confusion about identifying the appropriate nursing diagnosis for a specific client. Which of the following responses by the clinical instructor is most instructional? “After assessing the client, compare their symptoms carefully to the defining characteristic of the nursing diagnosis in order to support or eliminate it as applicable.”
17 client diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus asks nurse explain, “what the diagnosis means.” Which of the following rationales best supports the nurse’s determination that the client has knowledge deficit rather than readiness for enhanced knowledge? This is a new diagnosis for the client.
17 Which of the following responses best reflects an understanding of the purpose of the “related to” phrase attached to the diagnostic label deficient knowledge regarding postoperative routines? “To provide for individualization of the nursing interventions”
17 Which of the following assessment findings best supports the nursing diagnosis of pain in right knee joint related to degenerative process? Client is observed grimacing when walking to bathroom.
17 Which of the following statements made by a nursing student regarding the cultural characteristics of pain requires immediate follow-up by the clinical instructor? “All clients will tell you when they need pain medication.”
17 Which of the following statements best reflects the nurse’s understanding of the primary nursing-related purpose of a concept map? To demonstrate the relationship between the client’s various health problems
17 Which of the following statements made by the nurse reflects the best understanding of the usefulness of a concept map to client care? “Concept maps help me see the whole client, not just individual health problems.”
17 A client expresses concern over a scheduled intravenous pyelogram by stating, “I don’t know what to expect.” Which of the following nursing diagnoses is most appropriate for this client need? Anxiety related to lack of knowledge concerning intravenous pyelogram
17 Which of the following assessment findings best supports the nursing diagnosis of Pain in right knee joint related to degenerative process? Client observed grimacing when walking to bathroom.
17 Which of the following statements best reflects the nurse’s understanding of the primary nursing related purpose of a concept map? Demonstrate the relationship between the client’s various health problems
17 Which of the following statements made by the nurse reflects the best understanding of the usefulness of a concept mapping to client care? “Concept maps help me see the whole client, not just individual health problems”
Research has shown that which of the following nursing skills is best strengthened through the use of concept mapping? (Select all that apply.) -Evaluation of client outcomes in regards to nursing care -Identification of patterns in client’s health assessment data -Recognition of relationships among client’s health issues -Planning specialized nursing interventions to meet a client’s health ne
25 The client has been informed that he can be discharged once he can irrigate his colostomy independently. The client requests the nurse to observe his irrigation technique. Which of the following learning motives is the client displaying? Task mastery
25 An industrial nurse is planning to give an informative talk on hypertension to employees in honor of “heart month.” He plans teach individuals how to BP measurements. Which info. is imp. for him to ask planning committee before presentation? Type of room available and number of participants
25 The nurse established the following objective for the client who was unable to void: The client’s intake will be at least 1000 mL between 7 AM and 3:30 PM. Feedback showing success is indicated by the client: Drinking 240 mL of fluid five or six times during the shift
25 There are a variety of teaching methodologies fro a nurse to choose from to use with clients. For a toddler, the nurse should use: Simple explanations and pictures
25 The nurse has imp info to share with parent who brought his child to emergency department. The nurse discovers that the parent, who appears very anxious, has just learned his son require surgery. most effective teaching approach in this situation is: Telling
25 A client, after being taught of the clinical manifestations of inflammation to enable early detection of a complication of a surgical wound states, “I will look at the wound 4xday and tell my surgeon if it looks red/swollen.” Her statement is ex. of: Application
25 The client continues to ask questions about a surgical wound. The client states, “I think I would like help the first time I look at my wound.” This is an example of: Guided response
25 There are many factors are assessed before teaching the client to learn insulin injection sites, but the most important factor for the nurse to assess first is the: Willingness of the client to want to learn the injection sites
25 The nurse is demonstrating to client how put on anti-embolitic stockings. In middle of lesson client asks, “Why have my feet been swelling?” nurse stops and responds to the client. Which of the following is the teaching principle nurse should follow? Timing
25 Clients give various responses to teaching sessions. For the nurse, an example of an evaluation of a psychomotor skill is: Client demonstrates the proper use of a walking cane
25 Different topics are presented in the information sessions that are held in the outpatient clinic. In planning for a session on health maintenance/illness prevention, the nurse should select a topic on: Stress management techniques for working parents
25 The nurse is evaluating the responses of clients to teaching sessions. An example of an evaluation of a client’s attainment of a cognitive skill is: Client explains that the medication should be taken with meals
25 The nurse evaluates which of the following statements as an indication that the client is not ready to learn at this time? “There’s no sense in showing me that now. I’m too sick right now.”
25 In planning to teach an older adult client, the nurse should incorporate which teaching method or principle into the plan? Keep teaching sessions short.
25 The nurse has completed an assessment on the client and identified the following nursing diagnoses. Which one of the following nursing diagnoses indicates a need to postpone teaching that was planned? Activity intolerance related to pain
25 There are a variety of teaching methodologies that may be utilized to meet the client’s needs. Which teaching method is best applied to a cognitive learning need? Computer-assisted instruction
25 For a functionally illiterate client, the nurse particularly focuses on: Incorporating familiar nonmedical terminology
25 In preparing a teaching plan for adult clients in a cancer support group, the nurse incorporates evidence-based information. The nurse recognizes that evidence obtained about adult learners has identified that this group prefers: Interesting personal communication techniques
25 While teaching the client about management of his heart disease, a nurse might use a strategy that is implemented to promote learning in the affective domain such as: Encouraging the client to personally discuss his feelings about his health status
25 The nurse is preparing to present a teaching session on skin protection for a group of older adults at a senior center. A principle that has been found to be most effective in teaching older adults is: Beginning and ending each session with important information
25 The nurse is preparing the discharge teaching materials on newly prescribed drugs to a client diagnosed to be in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease. The nurse best deals with the client’s cognitive deficits by: Arranging for family to be present during the discussion
25 The nurse recognizes that the client’s teaching plan is most directly driven by: The client’s identified learning needs
25 The nurse recognizes that the primary goal of a client’s teaching plan is to: Therapeutically affect the client’s health, wellness, and independence
25 Which of the following teaching topics is an example of health maintenance and promotion and illness prevention? Glucose monitoring at home
25 Which of the following teaching topics is an example of restoration of health? What to expect after hip replacement surgery
25 Which of the following actions is the primary nursing responsibility regarding client education? Providing accurate, current, relevant information
25 When a client newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus assumes responsibility for checking her blood glucose level four times a day, this is an example of: Psychomotor learning
25 When a client newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus selects a lunch menu that correlates with the number of carbohydrates he is allowed for that meal, this is an example of: Cognitive learning
25 Which of the following statement best reflects the nurse’s appropriate attention to a client’s need for self-efficacy? “After you watch me demonstrate this inhaler, you will have no problems using it at all.”
25 A client recently told primary cancer has metastasized,cancer considered terminal. When nurse offers discuss palliative care options, client “I’m going have reports reevaluated by another doctor;feel fine think a mistake made.” nurse rec.response as: Disbelief
25 client recently primary cancer metastasized/ cancer considered terminal. nurse offers discuss palliative care optionsclient rep, "can’t understand why you all want to upset me by bringing topic up. just leave me alone.” nurse recognizes response as: Anger
45 The nurse determines that the nursing diagnosis stress urinary incontinence related to decreased pelvic muscle tone is the most appropriate for an oriented adult female client. A therapeutic nursing intervention based on this diagnosis is to: Teach Kegel exercises
45 Which of the following statements should the nurse use to instruct the nursing assistant caring for a client with an indwelling urinary catheter? Empty the drainage bag at least every 8 hours.
45 The nurse suspects that the client has a bladder infection based on the client's exhibiting an early sign or symptom such as: Hematuria
45 When obtaining a sterile urine specimen from an indwelling urinary catheter the nurse should: Use a needle to withdraw urine from the catheter port
45 Immediately after an intravenous pyelogram (IVP) the nurse should observe the client for which of the following? An allergic reaction to the contrast material
45 A client with an excessive alcohol intake has a reduced amount of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The nurse anticipates the client will exhibit: Dry mucous membranes
45 A client is going to have a cystoscopy. Which of the following reflects the correct information that should be taught before the procedure? “You will probably be given sedatives before the procedure.”
45 A postpartum client has been unable to void since her delivery of her baby this morning. Which of the following nursing measures would be beneficial for the client initially? Rinse the perineum with warm water.
45 The nurse is visiting the client who has a nursing diagnosis of urinary retention. Upon assessment the nurse anticipates that this client will exhibit: A feeling of pressure and voiding of small amounts
45 The unit manager is evaluating the care of a new nursing staff member. Which of the following is an appropriate technique for the nurse to implement in order to obtain a clean-voided urine specimen?  Collect the specimen after the initial stream of urine has passed.
45 The nurse is aware that clients with chronic alterations in kidney function suffer from insufficient amounts of: Vitamin D
45 In an assessment of a client with reflex incontinence the nurse expects to find that the client has: No urge to void and an unawareness of bladder filling
45 When calculating the daily intake and output, the nurse anticipates that the urinary output for an average adult should be: 1500 to 1600 mL/day
45 A timed urine specimen collection is ordered. The test will need to be restarted if which of the following occurs? The client voids in the toilet.
45 The nurse is working with a client who has a urinary diversion. Included in the plan of care for this client is instruction that: Special skin care is a priority
45 Which of the following would indicate that the clinician performing the catheterization of a female client was competent? Inflating the balloon to test it before catheter insertion
45 The nurse caring for a client who is receiving closed catheter irrigation instills 950 mL of normal saline irrigant during the shift. There is a total of 1725 mL in the drainage bag. The nurse calculates the client’s urinary output for the shift to be: 775 mL
45 The nurse caring for a client in an extended care facility should provide which intervention in a bladder retraining program? Putting the client on a q2h toilet schedule during the day
45 A 3-year-old child is visiting the pediatric clinic. The nurse suspects that the child has a urinary tract infection. An appropriate method for the nurse to implement in order to obtain a urine specimen from the child is to: Offer fluids 30 minutes in advance
45 A urine sample is obtained from the client for a routine urinalysis. Upon reviewing the results of the test, the nurse notes that an expected finding of the urinalysis is: Specific gravity 1.018
45 The client is experiencing urinary retention, and the health care provider is contacted. The nurse anticipates a medication that will be ordered to promote emptying of the bladder is: Bethanechol (Urecholine)
45 Which of the following actions by the nurse would indicate the need for remedial education in the removal of an indwelling catheter? Cutting the catheter to deflate the balloon
45 A condom catheter is to be used for an adult male client in the extended care facility. In the application of the condom catheter, the nurse employs appropriate technique when: Leaving a 1- to 2-inch space between the tip of the penis and the end of the catheter
45 Urinary elimination may be altered with different pathophysiological conditions. For the client with diabetes mellitus, the nurse anticipates that an initial urinary sign or symptom will be: Polyuria
45 The nurse is assessing a client admitted with complaints related to chronic kidney dysfunction. The nurse recognizes that this client is most likely to present with which of the resulting symptoms? Anemia
45 Which of the following statements made by a client experiencing chronic kidney dysfunction reflects the best understanding of the most common physiological effect this disorder can have on the body? “I’m tested regularly for anemia.”
45 Which of the following clients is at greatest risk for developing a renal infection? A 9-year-old female
45 Which of the following clients will most benefit from client/parent education regarding the prevention of renal infections via proper hygiene habits? Females ages 3 to 12
45 The nurse is interviewing a client with a history of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). In light of this diagnosis, the nurse should include information regarding which of the following in order to assess the chronic effects of this renal disorder? Whether he usually experiences a complete emptying of his bladder
45 Which of the following statements made by a client with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) during an admissions interview reflects the best understanding of the long-term effects of this condition? “At least I can usually empty my bladder; I really hate that feeling of being full.”
45 Which of the following statements made by a client with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) during an admissions interview reflects the best understanding of the long-term effects of this condition? “At least I can usually empty my bladder; I really hate that feeling of being full.”
45 The nurse realizes that a postsurgical client who underwent a left knee replacement is most likely to experience which of the following urinary complications? Dysuria
45 The nurse recognizes that a client recovering from anesthesia required for surgical repair of a fractured ulna is likely to experience difficulty urinating primarily because of: The effects of the anesthetic on the nerves and muscles controlling the relaxation of the urinary bladder
45 A 70-year-old client is discussing his recent difficulty in initiating his flow of urine while on a cross-country bus tour with a senior citizens’ group. Which of the following assessment questions is directed toward the most likely cause of problem? “Do you find using public restrooms unsettling?”
45 Which of the following nursing interventions is most specific for a client being monitored for possible urinary retention? Asking the cognizant client to report each time he or she urinates
45 nurse caring for older adult who is recovering hip replacemen. The client shares w/nurse that he has been using urinal “a lot but I feel like my bladder isn’t empty.” Which of following by nurse shows best understandingappropriate initial intervention “I’m going to ask that you please use your call bell and notify me or the ancillary staff each time you void.”
45 The nurse is discussing signs and symptoms of both upper and lower urinary tract infections with a client who has a history of both. Which of the following statements by the client reflects the best understanding of the differing symptomatology? “I have a big problem when I feel like I have the flu but with back pain too.”
45 The nurse is discussing urinary elimination alterations with a group of middle-age adults. The nurse appropriately shares with the group that whereas men experience urinary frequency as a result of prostate enlargement, the female: Experiences an increased risk for urinary tract infections related to menopause
45 The nurse is caring for a 19-year-old male client with a fractured left femur whose leg was pinned 36 hours ago and is now in traction. Which of the following stressors is mostly likely the cause of this client’s diff. related to starting urine flow? The inability to stand in order to facilitate urination
45 Which of the following statements made by an older adult with a history of urinary tract infections shows the best understanding of interventions that minimize the risk for developing such infections? “I drink 8 ounces of cranberry juice a day to discourage bacterial growth in my bladder.”
45 The nurse is caring for a 23-year-old male client who is in the ICU with second and third degree burns over 40 percent of his body. One of the first symptoms that the client is having organ failure is that the urine output is less than: 30 mL/hour
45 The nurse knows that which of the following clients is most at risk for a bone fracture: 64-year-old male with Cushing’s disease
45 A 33 yo f client first trimester of pregnancy complains to the nurse on her prenatal visit that she is needs to urinate more frequently and is concerned about having a urinary tract infection. Which of following would appropriate for nurse to make? Are you having any burning or pain when you urinate?
45 The nurse is caring for a 56-year-old female client with renal failure who regularly undergoes peritoneal dialysis. The nurse understands that this client is most at risk for: Electrolyte imbalances
45 A 46-year-old client has had kidney disease for the past 10 years. His kidneys are no longer functioning. The nurse knows that which of the following offers the client the potential for restoration of normal kidney function? Kidney transplant
45 45 yo fe client hospitalized for severe abd. pain. health care provider ordered PCA pump. pain due to cholelithiasis client is scheduled cholecystectomy. The client returns unit postoperatively with Foley catheter anchored. Stress response
45 A 73 yo Parkinson’s syndrome prescribed levodopa when other therapies failed. client is alarmed that her urine has become dark brown and is concern. The nurse explains to the client that one of the side effects of this medication is that it may cause: Her urine to become dark brown or black
45 A 34-year-old diabetic female client had a spontaneous vaginal birth of a 37-week 6.2 kg infant. The nurse caring for the client post-partum understands that due to the traumatic birth the client is at increased risk for: Acute urinary retention
45 A 46-year-old male client with chronic renal problems is in the hospital for a nephrostomy. The nurse understands that this is the surgical insertion of a tube that will drain urine from the client’s: Renal pelvis
45 Which of the following clients presents with an increased risk for urinary incontinence? (Select all that apply.) 74 yo diagnosed with parkinsonism 5 yr ago, 62 yo Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed 8 years ago, 34-year-old mother of two diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 8 yr ago, 73 yodiagnosed benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) 6 yr , 69 yo diagnosed type 2 diabetes 9
45 The nurse is caring for a client with type 1 diabetes who has been diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The nurse regularly assesses the client for which of the following? (Select all that apply.) Nausea, Lethargy, Vomiting, Confusion, Headache
45 Which of the following symptomatology is reflective of a lower urinary tract infection? (Select all that apply.) Chills and fever, Nausea and vomiting, Frequency or urgency, Cloudy or blood-tinged urine, Burning or pain when voiding
45 nurse is discussing a middle-age adult m. report of nocturia. diabetes thatmanaged & exercise & hypertension that is currently well-controlled with medication. nurse should include followingpossible causes his frequent urination at night? An enlarged prostate gland, Poorly controlled blood glucose, Drinking a cup of tea before bed, Taking his diuretic too close to bedtime
46 Which of the following would the nurse expect as a normal change in the bowel elimination as a person ages? Mastication processes are less efficient.
45 An 8-month-old infant is hospitalized with severe diarrhea. The nurse knows that the major problem associated with severe diarrhea is: Electrolyte and fluid loss
46 A 50-year-old male client is having a screening colonoscopy. The nurse instructs the client that: Light sedation is normally used
46 A client is to have a stool test for occult blood. The nurse is instructing the nursing assistant in the correct procedure for the test. The nursing assistant is correctly informed that: A 1-inch sample of formed stool is needed
46 A client who recently underwent surgery and now has a colostomy is correctly instructed by the nurse that for the next few weeks the client's diet will include foods such as: Poached eggs and rice
46 The client has been admitted to an acute care unit with a diagnosis of biliary disease. The nurse suspects that the feces will appear: White or clay colored
46 The client asks the nurse to recommend bulk-forming foods that may be included in the diet. Which of the following should be recommended by the nurse? Whole grains
46 The client is taking medications to promote defecation. Which of the following instructions should be included by the nurse in the teaching plan for this client? Emollient solutions may increase the amount of water secreted into the bowel.
46 While undergoing a soapsuds enema, the client complains of abdominal cramping. The nurse should: Lower the height of the enema container
46 A nurse who is caring for postoperative clients on a surgical unit knows that for 24 to 48 hours postoperatively, clients who have undergone general anesthesia may experience: Paralytic ileus
46 For clients with hypocalcemia, the nurse should implement measures to prevent: Constipation
46 The client is to receive a Kayexalate enema. The nurse recognizes that this is used to: Remove excess potassium from the system
46 The appropriate amount of fluid to prepare for an enema to be given to an average-size school-age child is: 300 to 500 mL
46 A client has undergone intestinal surgery and now has an incontinent ostomy. The use of which of the following products by the client indicates that the discharge learning goals have been achieved? A powder for a yeast infection
46 Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention for a client with a nasogastric tube in place? Mark the tube where it exits the nose.
46 The nurse instructs the client that before the fecal occult blood test (FOBT) she may eat: Whole wheat bread
46 The nurse arteriosclerosis and the effects on body older adult. Although commonly recognized effect on cardiovascular system, nurse should include which of following statements regarding its effect on gastrointestinal system to complete discussion? “The problem it creates with blood flow also affects blood flow to the bowels and so affects elimination.”
46 Which of the following statements made by an older adult reflects the best understanding of the role of fiber regarding bowel patterns? “Whole grain cereal and toast for breakfast keeps my bowels moving regularly.”
46 Which of the following statements made by an older adult reflects the best understanding of the role of fiber regarding good bowel health? “The more fiber there is in my diet, the less risk I have of developing polyps.”
46 The nurse is discussing food allergies with a group of mothers whose children are allergy prone. Which of the following statements made by the nurse best describes lactose intolerance? “If milk causes diarrhea, cramps, or gas, it might be an intolerance of lactose.”
46 The nurse is discussing food allergies with a group of mothers whose children are allergy prone. Which of the following statements made by a mother best describes lactose intolerance? “My child gets diarrhea from dairy products because she can’t digest lactose.”
46 adult client reports nurse that she experiencing constipation recently & interested any suggestions regarding dietary changes she might make. Which of the following suggestions provided by the nurse is most likely to minimize the client’s complaint? “Increase your fluid intake; have some juice with breakfast.”
46 client who is 2 days' postoperative reports feeling “constipated” to nurse. client has good bowel sounds quadx4 tolerated liquids pain is being controlled with an opioid analgesic. Which of the following interventions should the nurse try initially? “Let me get you some apple juice.”
46 Which of the following statements by a client reporthusband who recently experienced a cerebral vascular accident. She tells the home care nurse that she has been very anxious lately about all the added responsibilities. She adds that she has not been “May I have a cup of decaffeinated tea in addition to my breakfast juice? That usually helps.”
46 client is caring husband who recently experienced CVA She tells home care nurse she has been very anxious lately about all added responsibilities. “You are under a lot of stress; that can affect your bowels and result in diarrhea.”
46 A client is caring for her daughter, who recently suffered multiple fractures in an automobile accident. The client tells the home care nurse that she has been “really down since all this happened.” She adds... “You may be depressed; emotional depression can cause constipation.”
46 A 70-year-old client is discussing his recent difficulty with having regular bowel movements while on a cross-country bus tour with a senior citizens’ group. Which of the following assessment questions is ... “Do you find using public restrooms unsettling?”
46 The nurse is caring for a 19-year-old male client with a fractured left femur whose leg was pinned 36 hours ago and is now in traction. Which of the following stressors is mostly likely the cause of this client’s difficulty related to constipation? The need to defecate in an unfamiliar, awkward position
46 A client who was recently diagnosed with anemia and rheumatoid arthritis reports to the nurse that she has noticed that her stool is black, and she is concerned because there is a history of colon cancer in her family. ... “What medications are you currently on?”
46 Which of the following statements made by a nurse discussing the effect of an antibiotic on the gastrointestinal system reflects the best understanding of the possible occurrence of diarrhea? “The antibiotic is responsible for killing off the GI tract’s normal bacterial, and diarrhea is the result.”
46 A client is reporting that the oral medication she was prescribed for her hypothyroidism does not seem to be helping. The client goes on to report that she has been experiencing tension-related headaches and constipation. She has been ... “How long have you been taking a bulk laxative?”
46 The nurse is assessing a cognitively impaired older adult client and observes a leaking of liquid stool from the rectum. The nurse’s initial intervention for this client is to: Determine if the client has been eating sufficiently, especially fiber-rich foods
46 The greatest risk for injury for a client who has fecal incontinence is: Perineal and rectal skin breakdown
46 The nurse is providing ancillary personnel with instructions regarding the proper methods to implement when caring for a client with a Clostridium difficile infection. Which of the following practices will have the greatest impact on containment... Practice of proper hand hygiene by all staff
46 Which of the following clients is at greatest risk for serious complications when using the Valsalva maneuver to expel feces? 44-year-old male client with glaucoma
46 The mother of an 18-month-old male client shares with the nurse that she is trying to get her child to tell her when he needs to have a bowel movement. Which of the following statements is the most appropriate response from the nurse? "Development of neuromuscular control of the bowels doesn’t normally occur until a child is between 2 and 3 year of age."
46 The 35-year-old pregnant client is concerned about constipation. When weighing the advantages and disadvantages of having a local anesthetic over a general anesthetic for a caesarian section, the nurse shares with the client that the local ... Local or regional anesthetic often has little or no effect on bowel activity
46 A 44-year-old male client was placed on a daily low-dose aspirin regimen by his health care provider following a recent diagnosis of hypertension and periodic atrial fibrillation. The client is currently hospitalized with renal stones. As the nurse is A GI bleed from the aspirin therapy
46 The nurse is counseling a 65-year-old female client on her use of mineral oil as a laxative. One of the most important things that the nurse can share with the client is how mineral oil... Vitamin D
46 An active 25-year-old female client shared with the nurse that ever since she had gone on a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet she had suffered from constipation. The client states that the diet is working for her in ... Consuming more low-carbohydrate fiber-rich foods like broccoli, raspberries, blackberries, and asparagus
46 The nurse knows that the client receiving enteral feedings is at risk for diarrhea. One of the measures that the nurse can take to minimize the risk for diarrhea in this client is: Using strict sanitation when administering the formula
46 Upon auscultation of the client’s abdomen, the nurse hears hyperactive bowel sounds (greater than 35 per minute). The nurse knows that this can indicate which of the following? Small intestine obstruction
46 The health care provider has ordered a stool specimen for ova and parasites from the 43-year-old male client. The nurse knows that when collecting the specimen the stool must be: Kept warm
44 While doing a nutritional assessment of a low-income family, the community health nurse determines the family’s diet is inadequate in protein content. The nurse suggests which of the following foods to ... Peas and beans
44 A client is suspected of having a fat-soluble vitamin deficiency. To assist the client with this deficiency, the nurse informs the client that: “More exposure to sunlight and drinking milk could solve your nutritional problem”
44 The client is diagnosed with malabsorption syndrome (celiac disease). In teaching about the gluten-free diet, the nurse informs the client to avoid: Wheat products
44 The school nurse suspects that a junior high student may have anorexia nervosa. This eating disorder is characterized by: Self-imposed starvation
44 A client is pregnant for the third time. In regard to her nutritional status, she should: Increase her intake of folic acid
44 The nurse should offer a client who has had throat surgery which of the following? Ginger ale
44 The nurse is discussing dietary intake with a client who is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive. The nurse informs the client that the diet will include a: Reduction in fat with smaller, more frequent meals
44 Which of the following should the nurse do first when introducing a feeding to a client with an indwelling gavage tube? Check to see that the tube is properly placed.
44 The nurse is caring for a client who is receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention when administering parenteral nutrition to a client? Maintain a consistent infusion rate.
Before inserting a small-bore nasogastric tube for enteral nutrition, the nurse correctly tells the client: “The tube will feel uncomfortable and may make you gag at times when I am inserting it”
44 A client is seen in the outpatient clinic for follow-up of a nutritional deficiency. In planning for the client’s dietary intake, the nurse includes a complete protein, such as: Eggs
44 According to the food guide pyramid, vegetables should be included in the average adult’s diet aWhen providing nutritional guidance, the nurse shares with the mother of an 8-year-old client that children of this age need s: 3 to 5 servings per day
44 When providing nutritional guidance, the nurse shares with the mother of an 8-year-old client that children of this age need to: Maintain a sufficient intake of protein and vitamins A and C
44 When assisting the client who practices Islam or Judaism with meal planning, the nurse knows that both religions share an avoidance of: Pork products
44 Which of the following would the nurse expect to see offered on a full liquid diet? Custard
44 During an enteral tube feeding, the client complains of abdominal cramping and nausea. The nurse should: Decrease the administration rate
44 A client is diagnosed with a peptic ulcer and has come to the primary health care provider for a follow-up visit. The client asks the nurse what foods are safe to add to his diet. An appropriate response by the nurse is to inform the client that ... Green vegetables
44 When teaching the parents of a toddler about safe finger foods, the nurse suggests trying which of the following? Cheerios
44 Which of the following is accurate nutritional information that the nurse should share with the parents of an adolescent child? Boys require additional iron.
44 The client is assessed by the nurse as having a high risk for aspiration. The nursing diagnosis identified for the client is feeding self-care deficit related to unilateral weakness. An appropriate technique for the nurse to use when assisting... Place food in the unaffected side of the mouth
44 A nasogastric tube is inserted in order for the client to receive intermittent tube feedings. An initial chest x-ray examination is done to confirm placement of the tube in the stomach. After the x-ray confirmation, the most reliable method of... Measure the pH of the secretions aspirated
44 For the client who is receiving parenteral nutrition via a central venous catheter, the nurse recognizes that a priority is to: Have radiographic confirmation of the placement of the catheter
44 A client has been receiving tube feedings and is tolerating them very well. The health care provider determines that the rate of the intermittent tube feedings may be advanced. The nurse prepares to: Increase the feedings by 50 mL/day
44 The nurse is aware that there are medications that are taken that alter the client’s taste and may influence the dietary intake. In reviewing the medications taken by the clients on the unit, the nurse will consult with the nutritionist to develop... Ampicillin
44 Food safety is a concern of a group of adults attending the community health clinic. The participants identify to the nurse that they have seen a lot of reports on television about Escherichia coli and how dangerous it can be. When asked where the ... Ground beef
44 A nurse is discussing high-nutrient-density food selections with a client recovering from extensive partial-thickness burns. Which of the following statements by the client reflects the best understanding of this dietary concept? “It’s a good thing that I really enjoy salads and whole wheat breads.”
44 A nurse is discussing high-nutrient-density food selections with a client recovering from extensive partial-thickness burns. Which of the following statements by the nurse reflects the best understanding of this dietary concept? “Your body requires lots of energy in order to heal itself, and that energy comes from nutrient-packed foods.”
44 The nurse recognizes which of the following clients as being at greatest risk for a negative nitrogen balance? A 40-year-old who has partial-thickness burns over 15% of his body
44 The nurse is discussing food selection with a client who recently experienced a partial-thickness burn over 20% of her body. The client expresses a reluctance to ingest a large amount of carbohydrates because she successfully lost 50 pounds and does .. “The extra carbohydrates will be utilized for energy so that your protein can be saved for repair of your skin.”
44 A client with a family history of cancer is discussing the effects of free radicals on body cells and tissue. Which of the following responses is the most therapeutic answer to the client’s question, “What can I do to protect against free radicals?” “Foods that contain vitamins A, C, and E as well as beta-carotene seem to combat the effects of free radicals.”
44 The nurse is discussing vitamin supplements with a client who is an amateur body builder. Which of the following statements by the nurse shows the greatest understanding concerning the risk for hypervitaminosis? “I realize vitamin supplements are a factor in your training, but be aware of daily requirements so you don’t overdose, especially the fat-soluble vitamins.”
44 Which of the following statements reflects the best understanding of the benefits of breast-feeding related to the infant’s health and wellness? “My husband and I both have food allergies, but she won’t be allergic to my breast milk.”
44 The nurse and the mother of an infant are discussing the introduction of solid foods into her child’s diet. Which of the following statements made by the mother reflects the best understanding of the most appropriate manner to introduce new foods? “I’ll start with nonwheat cereal and then vegetables; one new food a week so I can see if something doesn’t agree with her.”
44 The mother of a 25-month-old is discussing her concerns regarding her daughter’s eating habits with the nurse. The most therapeutic response to the mother’s statement, “She is such a fussy... “Its very common for toddlers to be picky eaters; try offering her food frequently, and offer high-nutrient-density snacks such as the cheese she likes”
44 Which of the following statements by an older adult shows the most need for follow-up regarding the risk for dehydration in this age-group? “As long as I drink whenever I’m thirsty, I think I’ll be well hydrated.”
44 The nurse is questioning a newly admitted client regarding his dietary history. Which of the following questions asked by the nurse is most likely to secure additional pertinent information regarding the client’s ... “What happens when you eat peanuts?”
44 The nurse is counseling a client undergoing chemotherapy. The client has shared with the nurse that the client does not have much of an appetite and is worried about not getting enough nutrients. Which of the following statements by the nurse... "Let me share information about high-nutrient-density foods to help you make choices."
44 A 41-year-old female client has been dieting to lose weight. Which of the following statements indicates that the client needs additional teaching regarding a healthy weight-loss plan? "I am planning to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week."
44 The nurse is caring for a 5-kg 8-month-old infant admitted to the hospital by the health care provider, who was concerned about the infant’s low weight. The infant’s birth weight was 3.5 kg. The nurse knows that on average an infant doubles his... 4 to 5 months
44 The nurse is caring for a 6-kg 4-month-old infant who is hospitalized with a respiratory infection. The nurse knows that an infant this age needs approximately 108 kcal/kg of body weight. The nurse also understands that human breast.... 5.5 ounces
44 Which of the following statements by a new mother indicates that the nurse needs to provide additional teaching before the client is discharged home with her infant? "I can put a few drops of honey in my baby’s formula to make it taste better."
44 One easy way that parents of teenagers can ensure that they are getting enough iodine in their diets to support the increased thyroid activity during adolescence is to: Use iodized table salt
44 A 68-year-old female client tells the home care nurse that she is worried about her 70-year-old husband because he does not eat as much as he used to when he was younger. Which of the following is the best response from the nurse? "Your husband is at an age when his metabolism is slowing down and his energy requirements aren’t as great as they were when he was younger."
44 The nurse is counseling a 64-year-old client that it is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but the client should avoid which of the following because it can inhibit the absorption of some drugs? Grapefruit
44 When menu planning for a newly diagnosed diabetic client who practices Judaism, the nurse should avoid which of the following dishes? Vegetable beef soup
44 The nurse caring for a 55-year-old male client knows that due to his religious beliefs he is most likely a vegetarian. Which of the following religions encourage vegetarianism? Seventh-Day Adventist
44 The nurse is delegating the feeding of an older adult client to ancillary personnel. Which of the following should the nurse include in the instructions as possible warning signs of dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)? (Select all that apply.) Delay in swallowing food 2. Easily triggered gag reflex 3. Absence of a gag reflex 4. Uncoordinated speech 5. pocketing food
44 Which of the following clients has an identified factor that is affecting the client's energy requirements? (Select all that apply.) 1. A 27-year-old diagnosed anorexic client 2. A 21-year-old college football quarterback 3. A 73-year-old recovering from hip surgery 4. A 39-year-old who is currently menstruating 5. A 4-year-old with a temperature of 102.2° F rectally
44 Besides being pivotal in the growth, maintenance, and repair of body tissue, protein plays a significant role in the body’s ability to: (Select all that apply.) Produce T cells 2. Manage bleeding, Maintain blood pressure, Transport drugs systemically
44 The nurse is discussing breast-feeding with a pregnant mother who is being seen for a routine obstetrical visit. Which of the following should the nurse include as positive effects/outcomes of breast-feeding? (Select all that apply.) Good source of antibodies 2. Convenient source of nutrition 3. Economical source of nutrients 4. Minimal digestive system upsets 5. Less risk related to food allergies
44 Which of the following factors are believed to contribute to the prevalence of overweight children seen in America today? (Select all that apply.) Reliance on food as a stress.... Decline in an interest in physi.... Reliance on fast foods.. 5. Increased interest in passive, technology-driven activities 6. Reduced supervision in the home, especially during after-school hours
Older adults are at an increased risk for dehydration from a variety of risk factors that include a decreased thirst drive. Which of the following should a nurse include in a discussion with members of a senior center regarding the signs... Dry, hot skin 2. Memory lapses 3. Dry, cracked lips Physical weakness 6. Decreased urination
44 Which of the following assessment findings in an older adult increases the individual's risk for poor nutrition? (Select all that apply.) Living on a Social Security income check 2. Did not graduate from high school 3. Is easily tired by activity

Which ages are the most critical for speech development during the preschool years?

The first three years of a child's life are the most critical for speech and language development. That's because a baby's brain at this stage is best able to absorb language during this critical growth period.

Which response to medication occurs most frequently in the older adults?

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are common in older adults, with falls, orthostatic hypotension, delirium, renal failure, gastrointestinal and intracranial bleeding being amongst the most common clinical manifestations.

What nursing intervention does a nurse provide during the initiative versus guilt stage?

The initiative versus guilt stage is seen in children between ages three to six years. During this stage, the nurse should teach parents about child impulse control and cooperative behaviors for better growth and development of the child.