Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?

Resistance training doesn’t mean resisting to train — yes we know, terrible joke. It actually refers to exercises that cause muscles to contract against external resistance. It differs from strength training in a number of ways that we will cover right below.

What is resistance training?

Resistance training is using outside resistance to exercise your muscles. This external resistance can be your own body weight, resistance bands, free weights, medicine balls, bottles of water, bricks, particularly plump kittens… okay, maybe not the latter. Basically, any object that causes your muscles to contract. The aim? To increase your strength, power, hypertrophy and endurance.

And what about strength training?

While resistance training encompasses many forms of exercise, strength is more specific. The ultimate goal is in its name – strength-building. This mainly includes lifting heavy weights for fewer reps, with the ultimate aim to get stronger. Put simply, it’s the kind of training that helps you lift that ridiculously heavy suitcase into the overhead storage of a plane with ease. A helpful skill to have.

Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?
Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?

The difference between strength and resistance training

Looking at the range of exercises in resistance training, it’s clear that its main difference from strength ones is that getting stronger is not the only goal. It’s one of them – but others can be building endurance or explosive power. Resistance training exercises involve pushing or pulling against the resistance of an object (including your own body), whereas strength training involves a large amount of muscle tissue by continuously increasing the weight you lift (while lowering the number of reps), which leads to bigger body gains in strength.

Who is resistance training good for?

1 – Beginner exercisers

Practising resistance training before a strength workout is a good idea if you’re fresh to fitness. Since all you need for the first is the weight of your own body, you can perfect your form first before adding heavier loads in strength training. This is crucial to avoid injuries – and something a qualified personal trainer can help you get right from the start.

2 – Endurance builders

Bodyweight exercises such as planks, push-ups and squats can also help you build your endurance, helping you work out for longer and putting you in a better position to push harder with weights (if you want to) in the future.

3 – Strength trainers

If your ultimate goal is to get stronger, mixing heavy strength workouts with resistance ones can alleviate stress on your body. Alternate strength-focused workouts with general resistance sessions — i.e. lower-intensity exercises such as bodyweight exercises and stretching.

4 – Anyone who wants to improve functional fitness

The benefits of this type of workout are plentiful — for your health, fitness, and everyday life. If you want to increase your bone density, strengthen muscles, improve sleep, and feel better mentally (oh hi endorphins), resistance training can help. Official medical guidelines emphasise spending at least two days a week on resistance workouts for optimum health and fitness.

While resistance workouts are feasible using just your body weight, there’s a lot to be said for mixing it up with science-backed equipment. Our clubs are like a playground for exercise enthusiasts (and even the non-enthusiasts).

Take a look at our training zones, where you’ll find innovative resistance machines to strength training equipment such as Olympic barbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and more.

Have you wondered which method of strength training is better, free weights or strength-training equipment? The truth is, each has its advantages and disadvantages.

The choice depends on your level of experience, your exercise goals and, to some extent, your personal preference. An understanding of these factors will help you decide if free weights or machines—or a combination of both—will help you reach your goals.

Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?

The Free-weight Advantage

  • Free weights incorporate the stabilizing muscles that enable you to perform the movements you choose to make and may be more effective in producing overall muscular strength and power gains.
  • Free-weight exercises tend to more closely match the movement patterns you’re likely to need for specific sports.
  • Free weights are more versatile; you can do a wide variety of exercises with a simple set of dumbbells. You can, for example, hold the weights with palms facing forward, facing your body, or facing the wall behind you. In doing so, you can do three different exercises that will work your muscles in different ways.
  • Free weights tend to be inexpensive, are portable and take up little space.

The Free-weight Disadvantage

  • You must learn to balance the weight while exerting force. This can be difficult—and potentially dangerous—if you are lifting weights overhead.
  • The isolation of specific muscles can be difficult. To target the muscle you want, you must use very precise technique.
  • Free weights can be swung for momentum rather than lifted slowly and steadily, which works the muscles more effectively and safely.
  • Training alone can lead to injury if you don’t use proper technique.

The Machine Advantage

  • Machines are generally safer and easier to use, an advantage for beginners learning a specific movement.
  • Some machines are more efficient than free weights at isolating a specific muscle or muscle group. This is important when you’re strengthening a specific body part or rehabilitating an injury.
  • Machines ensure correct movements for a lift, which helps prevent cheating when muscle fatigue sets in.
  • Machine workouts can take less time because you can move easily from machine to machine. Changing the resistance is easy; you just insert a pin or enter a code.

The Machine Disadvantage

  • Most machines involve moving a weight along a predetermined path, making it difficult to strengthen the stabilizer muscles.
  • Machines are much more limited, with most devices allowing only one exercise.
  • Most machines are geared to the average-sized person, so if you’re shorter or taller than average, you may find it difficult to use some machines. However, some companies have developed equipment that is scaled down to suit many smaller men and women.
  • Generally speaking, if you are beginning a strength-training program for the first time, or have been away from your program for months or even years, then it’s a good idea to use the resistance-training machines for the first 10 to 12 weeks of your program.
  • Doing so will give your body the time it requires to adjust without putting undue stress on your muscles and joints. Using machines may also be easier and less discouraging if you’re a novice, because free weights require some coordination to use.
  • Experienced exercisers may want to use free weights because of the additional training benefits they offer. That said, the combination of free weights and machines can add variety to your workout.
  • If you are a health club member, be sure to ask a fitness professional to show you how to properly use the free weights and machines. If you forget how, ask until you feel confident that you are using the proper technique to complete each exercise.
  • If you are exercising at home, be sure to purchase an exercise tape that outlines proper technique. Good technique is essential if you want to reach your strength-training goals while avoiding injury, regardless of which type of resistance you choose.

Additional Resources
American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand—Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults:

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Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?

Free weight training is which of the following forms of resistance exercise?

What is free weight resistance training?

Free weights are a form of strength training that can be defined as resistance exercises provided by 'free' objects that aren't attached to anything and that you can quite literally pick up and move. These include items such as medicine balls, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, resistance bands and sandbells.

Is lifting weights is a form of resistance training?

Resistance training increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against a weight or force. Different forms of resistance training include using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands and your own body weight.

Is training with free weights is a form of variable resistance exercise?

Training with free weights is a form of variable resistance exercise. For a strength training program to develop general fitness, it is sufficient to do just one set of each exercise.

What are the 3 types of resistance training?

There are three important types of progressive resistance training: isotonic exercise, isokinetic exercise, and isometric exercise. Each of these different types of exercise works in a special way to progressively increase the resistance on the body.