How did the Industrial Revolution impact the development of modern economic systems in your answer identify the economic systems that arose during that period?

better standards of living: the factory system produced huge quantities of new Goods at lower prices than ever before, wages and working conditions improved, family Sage more varied diet, lived in Better Homes, and dressed an inexpensive, massed produced clothing, advances in medicine ensured healthier lives, new job opportunities opened up for skilled and unskilled workers (building of cities, railroads, and factories, demand for goods, railroads and eventually automobiles)

new worlds for entrepreneurs: the new industrial world was more open to change and innovation, enterprising people opened new businesses and invented new products

social and political impact: increased social Mobility (the ability of individuals or groups to move up the social scale) the middle class expanded, members pushed for political influence - working-class men gain the right to vote and women earned the right to vote later on. labor unions won the right to bargain with employers for better wages, hours, and working conditions

How did the Industrial Revolution affect modern society?

The Industrial Revolution brought rapid urbanization or the movement of people to cities. Changes in farming, soaring population growth, and an ever-increasing demand for workers led masses of people to migrate from farms to cities. Almost overnight, small towns around coal or iron mines mushroomed into cities.

What are 5 impacts of the Industrial Revolution?

10 Major Effects of the Industrial Revolution.
#1 The Factory System. ... .
#2 Rise of Capitalism. ... .
#3 Urbanization. ... .
#4 Exploitation of the Working Class. ... .
#5 Opportunity and Increase in the standard of living. ... .
#7 Technological Advancement. ... .
#8 Rise of Socialism and Marxism. ... .
#9 Transfer of Wealth and Power to the West..

How did the Industrial Revolution change the economy quizlet?

It created jobs for workers, contributed to the wealth of the nation, increased the production of goods which eventually lead to a raised standard of living, healthier diets, better housing, cheaper mass produced clothing, higher wages, shorter hours and better working conditions after labor unions were formed.

What key social and economic changes did industrialization bring about both for better and for worse explain your answer with evidence from the text?

The Industrial Revolution increased the standard of living for many by the big quantities of goods for lower prices produced by the factory system. Social mobility became more accessible and increased political rights.