Is the type of care we are practicing when we focus on making a person comfortable at the end of life?





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Terms in this set (31)

Good health is historically and socially contingent.

Defined by the World Health Organization, health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

What is good health?

health and illness are shaped by social factors

What do health and illness have in common?

preventive medicine

type of healthcare that aims to avoid or forestall the onset of disease by taking preventive measures, often including lifestyle changes

acute disease

Diseases that have a sudden onset, may be briefly incapacitating, and are either curable or fatal

acute disease

Sid feels horrible. He goes to his doctor, who tells Sid he's got a bad cold and he should be feeling better soon. How would Sid's illness be classified?

acute diseases

_______________ come on suddenly and are often contagious.


Whereas the top causes of death in the United States are ________________, those in the developing world are continually affected by the threat of _______________.

chronic disease

Diseases that develop over a longer period of time and may not be detected until symptoms occur later in their progression

chronic disease

In the 1990s legal researcher Erin Brockovich helped win a lawsuit against Pacific Gas and Electric Company because they had been poisoning the water in the small town of Hinkley, California for 30 years. Toxic Chromium 6 leached into the water system and sickened many Hinkley residents with ailments like liver damage and cancer. How would the illnesses of the Hinkley residents be classified?

palliative care

Type of health care that focuses on symptom and pain relief and providing a supportive environment for critically ill or dying patients, rather than fighting the illness or disease

palliative care

When we focus on making a person comfortable at the end of life, we are practicing ______________.


Occurs when a significantly higher number of cases of a particular disease occur during a particular time period than might otherwise be expected


Occurs when a significantly higher number of cases of a disease also spreads through an especially large geographical region spanning many countries or even continents


When an epidemic spreads across national borders, continents, or around the world, it is referred to as a _____________________.

concentrated epidemic

When a particular disease is concentrated in and transmitted by a specific population within a confined geographic locale, this is referred to as a(n)


gather and analyze data on particular illnesses, how, where and to whom they are spread, as well as how to stop their spread.

climate change

More recently, epidemiologists are studying the role of ______________ in the spread of diseases globally.

1. Lyme disease
2. West Nile virus
3. yellow and dengue fevers
4. plague

Epidemiologists predict that __________ rates may dramatically increase when vector organisms and animals enter new ecosystems due to global climate change


the branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects

vector organisms

Animals like mosquitoes, ticks, and birds that carry and spread pathogens (germs or other infectious agents) in a given area

gender and health

Health is one place where gender inequality tends to benefit women over men, as women are generally healthier and enjoy a longer life expectancy despite having a lower social economic status than men

Yes, because organizations like the American Medical Association set policy and shape definitions of health and illness throughout the nation.

Is medicine in the U.S. a social institution?

studies on doctor-patient relations

Studies show that while we may think that doctors automatically have more status (and hence more power) than patients, this actually has to be established in the interaction - it is not an inevitable feature o medical settings.

Another study says that while you might think that what constitutes good or bad medical news is pretty obvious, doctors and patients do not always agree on whether a particular diagnosis is pleasant or unpleasant, trivial or serious.

cultural competence

A term used to describe the concept of acknowledging and incorporating a patient's cultural background as part of the treatment process; the recognition that patients' beliefs shape their approach to health care


The study of controversial moral or ethical issues related to scientific and medical advancements


What does one call the study of controversial, moral or ethical issues related to scientific and medical advancements?

Millions of people are condemned to suffering and early death even though proven medical treatments exists. AIDS is a direct reflection of healthcare and the conflict theory.

What is the social meaning of aids?

Solutions to problems of disease

1. curative or crisis medicine
2. preventative medicine
3. palliative care

vector organisms

More recently, epidemiologists are studying the role of temperature increases in the spread of diseases globally. Specifically they have found that increases in temperature can also increase pathogen-carrying agents called:

safe sex fatigue

Research on HIV by Rowniak (2009) found that a social transformation has taken place since the inception of improved treatments for AIDS that make it more of a manageable disease than an imminent killer. Specifically, the research found that the response to this "less than a death sentence" diagnosis has caused what some researchers refer to as _______________ that can lead to a rise in infection rates

preventive medicine

Kea tries to take good care of herself. She works out regularly, gets plenty of rest and eats well. Her approach to health is more closely aligned with:

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What type of care does provides care comfort and support for persons with chronic and life threatening illnesses and their families?

Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients (adults and children) and their families who are facing problems associated with life-threatening illness.

What is the term for comfort care?

It is important to know that Comfort Care is also known as Palliative Care. The goal for Hospice Care and Comfort Care is to alleviate pain and provide symptom relief.

What is the meaning of end of life care?

End-of-life care includes physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support for patients and their families. The goal of end-of-life care is to control pain and other symptoms so the patient can be as comfortable as possible. End-of-life care may include palliative care, supportive care, and hospice care.

What type of care that focuses on comfort and pain relief is called?

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness.