MEININGER Hotel Amsterdam City West parking


MEININGER Hotel Amsterdam City West parking


MEININGER Hotel Amsterdam City West parking

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- MEININGER Hotel Amsterdam City West -

Disclaimer: This is not an official website. This site offers the property's information and telephone number, as well as online Booking service.

staffs provided very good service. the room wasn't that clean but enough. location is good, just next to the train station. and they let's put the luggage after checking out which is a very convenient thing (some hostels don't provide it free). super close to supermarket spar and a very nice restaurant.

Meininger Hotel Amsterdam City West

On-street parking

Meininger Hotel Amsterdam City West is situated in a paid parking zone. This parking zone is colored in orange on the map above. Here are the details of the parking rules for this zone:

Zone orange

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Alternatives to park around

You can often find free or cheaper parking zones near your destination, however these are usually not easy to find. We have listed these parking zones hereunder. Feel free to check the interactive map of Seety to find all the best parking spots.

On-street parking:

If you are ready to walk 5 min, you will find one alternative that's more advantageous. This zone is cheaper or gives you the opportunity to park for longer. You will find the details for this zone below: