Outcomes used in evaluating training programs include all of the following except

Evaluation: A systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using data to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and, as importantly, to contribute to continuous program improvement.

Program: Any set of related activities undertaken to achieve an intended outcome; any organized public health action. At CDC, program is defined broadly to include policies; interventions; environmental, systems, and media initiatives; and other efforts. It also encompasses preparedness efforts as well as research, capacity, and infrastructure efforts.

At CDC, effective program evaluation is a systematic way to improve and account for public health actions.

55.(p. 290)Training evaluation criteria can include all of the following exceptA.organizational resultsB.organizational demographicsC.knowledgeD.behaviourE.reactionDifficulty: Medium

Objective: #8Schwind - Chapter 07 #55

56.(p. 290)In a perfect world, the best criteria of evaluating a training program would be

Difficulty: MediumObjective: #8Schwind - Chapter 07 #5657.(p. 291)Although none of the following are scientific methods of evaluating training, select the one that wouldlikely be the most effective as a practical measurement

Difficulty: MediumObjective: #8Schwind - Chapter 07 #5758.(p. 291)As far as costs go, training should be considered to be

Difficulty: MediumObjective: #8Schwind - Chapter 07 #5859.(p. 293)An increasing number of human resource departments see employee career planning asA.a strategy for reducing the number of employees to the organizationB.an expense that should be the employees' responsibilityC.previously useful but becoming a less acceptable expense in an era of downsizing and labour surplusD.giving the organization a larger pool of qualified applicants to fill job openingsE.only being important in smaller organizations

Difficulty: MediumObjective: #9Schwind - Chapter 07 #59

60.(p. 293)A study of employees revealed that there were a number of areas of concern in regards to careerplanning, including all of the following except

Difficulty: MediumObjective: #9Schwind - Chapter 07 #6061.(p. 293-294)Organizations have become increasingly aware of the benefits of employee career planning,including all the below except

Difficulty: EasyObjective: #9Schwind - Chapter 07 #61

Asked by Palikasharma

1.Training evaluation criteria can include all of the following except:

organizational results.

organizational demographics




2.Defined Benefits (DB) Plans are benefit plans whose benefits are determined by: 

A.a formula based on age and length of service, with the employer assuming responsibility for funding.

B.amounts contributed by the employer and the employee, the final pension depending on amounts contributed, investment income and economical conditions at retirement.

C.a formula based on the amount contributed by the employer and employee, as well as the employees age, length of service and economic conditions at retirement.

D.solely the number of years of service of the employee.

E.similar to RRSPs where employees can directly manage their pension funds.

Answer & Explanation

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Answered by AnneValerie

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, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna

Which is not the outcome of training program?

Participation (It's not an outcome of training program).

Which of the following is the best way to evaluate a training program quizlet?

The most accurate way to evaluate the training program is to: conduct pretests and train only part of the employees. Which of the following characterizes electronic performance support systems? They provide expert advice when a problem occurs on the job.

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Show and Tell. ... .
Relate information to what learners already know. ... .
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Which is the first step in evaluating a training program quizlet?

-The first step of a training program is to conduct a needs assessment study in order to determine who needs training and what kind of training is needed. -The second step is to set objectives so that it will be clear what the training should accomplish. -The third step is to design the training program.