Python is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file jenkins

Questions : Jenkins couldnt recognize Python run from .BAT file

2022-08-01T21:48:16+00:00 2022-08-01T21:48:16+00:00


I'm a beginner to Jenkins, and trying to run anycodings_jenkins a small Python code from Jenkins batch anycodings_jenkins command for Windows.

However, the build run throws below error:

Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\PythonProject1 [PythonProject1] $ cmd /c call C:\Windows\TEMP\jenkins7865401366299588301.bat C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\PythonProject1>cd C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\py C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\py>python C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\py\ 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\py>exit 9009 Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE

Python is installed in my machine and is anycodings_jenkins declared in Environment Variable too. What anycodings_jenkins am I missing?

Total Answers 1


Answers 1 : of Jenkins couldnt recognize Python run from .BAT file

"Running as SYSTEM" means the Jenkins anycodings_jenkins service is not running with your anycodings_jenkins account, but the Windows system account, anycodings_jenkins used as a service account.

That means you need to add python path anycodings_jenkins to the system environment variables, not anycodings_jenkins the user ones.


2022-08-01T21:48:16+00:00 2022-08-01T21:48:16+00:00Answer Link


After installing Python on our PC when we try to run the console command python.exe, we sometimes get the following error message:

'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

This error occurs when the user does not specify the full path of python distribution. Therefore we can resolve this error by:

1) Adding a Python to the PATH Environmental Variable in Windows 

2)  Adding Python to Windows Environmental Variable using Python Installer

But before that, we need to know what is Environment variables in Windows and its role.

What is Environment variables?

Environment variables are variables that create the environment in which programs runs in your computer. It enables the user to specify the directory to install files in, location to store temporary files, and also the location to find user profile settings. In the same way, the python environment variable help system to specify the location of the python executable.

Option 1) Adding a Python to the PATH Environmental Variable in Windows 

Here is step by step process of adding a full path of python distribution in Environmental Variable:

1.Open Computer/System Properties

Press (Windows Key) and Type "This PC" then right-click on Computer (This PC) and select Properties.

Python is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file jenkins

2. Inside 'Property' window click on 'Advanced system settings'

3. Now click Environment Variables button at the bottom (here we will add the full path of python distribution).

4. In the 'Environment Variables' window select 'Path' variable and click 'Edit'.

5.  Now click on the 'New' button to add Python Environment Variable. 

For Example: "C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Python32”

Python is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file jenkins

Note: C:\Python32: is your python installation directory. 

In the latest version of Python the setup get installed in


6. Click 'OK' to save the changes and then run Python command from the command prompt.

Note: The procedure explained above works fine with Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 10

Option 2) Adding Python to Windows Environmental Variable using Python Installer

1.Download the same version of Python executable installer from (

Note: In this tutorial, we are using Python 3.7

2. Run python Setup and select the 'Modify' button

3.In the next window click 'Next' 

4. In 'Advanced Options' window check 'Add Python to environment variables' and click on 'Install'.

Note: You don't need to uninstall the older version of python, just modify the previous installation. 

Now if you run python through command prompt it will give you the following result:

C:Usersmypc>python Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul  8 2019, 19:29:22) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>

Python is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file jenkins

This implies that all is OK and your system is ready to run python

How do you fix Python is not recognized as an internal or external command?

Specify the full location to python.exe One way to fix the error would be to launch Python from the Command Prompt by passing in the full path to the executable file each time you wanted to run Python. In other words, instead of typing Python you would type something like C:\Users\me\path\to\python.exe .

Why does my command prompt not recognize Python?

What is causing the 'Python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” error? Developers using a Windows machine may find this error when they try to run Python. This could be due to the Windows version being outdated, or if some settings were deleted.

How do you fix pip is not recognized as an internal or external command?

You can fix this by changing the Python install to include pip, and here's how:.
Press the Windows key + R to open Run..
Type appwiz. ... .
In Program and Features, right-click Python and click Change..
Select Modify..
In Optional Features, check the pip box and hit Next..
To apply the changes, click Install..