Quizlet which intervention would provide comfort to the client experiencing alcohol toxicity

The nurse is most likely assessing the client for fine tremors secondary to alcohol withdrawal. Withdrawal from alcohol can also cause headache, insomnia, transient hallucinations, depression, irritability, anxiety, elevated blood pressure, sweating, tachycardia, malaise, coarse tremors, and seizure activity.

A client is admitted for alcohol detoxification. During detoxification, which symptoms should the nurse expect to assess?

A. Gross tremors, delirium, hyperactivity, and hypertension
B. Disorientation, peripheral neuropathy, and hypotension
C. Oculogyric crisis, amnesia, ataxia, and hypertension
D. Hallucinations, fine tremors, confabulation, and orthostatic hypotension

A nursing instructor is teaching about donepezil (Aricept). A student asks, How does this work? Will this cure Alzheimers disease (AD)? Which is the appropriate instructor reply?

A. This medication delays the destruction of acetylcholine, a chemical in the brain necessary for memory processes. Although most effective in the early stages, it serves to delay, but not stop, the progression of the AD.
B. This medication encourages production of acetylcholine, a chemical in the brain necessary for memory processes. It delays the progression of the disease.
C. This medication delays the destruction of dopamine, a chemical in the brain necessary for memory processes. Although most effective in the early stages, it serves to delay, but not stop, the progression of the AD.
D. This medication encourages production of dopamine, a chemical in the brain necessary for memory processes. It delays the progression of the disease.

Is caffeine effective in treating acute alcohol intoxication quizlet?

During acute alcohol intake, caffeine antagonizes the “unwanted” effects of alcohol by blocking the adenosine A1 receptors that mediate alcohol's somnogenic and ataxic effects.

Which medication has a greater advantage for treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome?

Benzodiazepines have the largest and the best evidence base in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, and are considered the gold standard. Others, such as anticonvulsants, barbiturates, adrenergic drugs, and GABA agonists have been tried and have evidence.

Which type of drug preparation is contraindicated for a patient taking Disulfiram Antabuse?

Ethanol: (Contraindicated) Disulfiram is contraindicated for use in patients who are receiving or have recently received alcohol or alcohol-containing preparations.

What is the definition of the term tolerance as it relates to substance abuse?

Drug tolerance refers to the body getting used to a substance over time. When someone develops a tolerance, they need to take a higher dose to experience the same effects.