The scope of a variable is the segment of the program in which the variable can be accessed

In programming, you'll often have to deal with the scope of a variable. The scope of a variable determines whether or not you can access and modify it inside a specific block of code.

In this tutorial, you'll learn about variable scope in the C programming language. You'll see some code examples to help you understand the differences between local and global variables.

What is the Scope of a Variable?

Before going ahead to learn about local and global variable scope, let's understand what scope means.

In simple terms, scope of a variable is its lifetime in the program.

This means that the scope of a variable is the block of code in the entire program where the variable is declared, used, and can be modified.

In the next section, you'll learn about local scope of variables

Local Scope of Variables in C – Nested Blocks

In this section, you'll learn how local variables work in C. You'll first code a couple of examples, and then you'll generalize the scoping principle.

▶ Here's the first example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
    int my_num = 7;
        //add 10 my_num
        my_num = my_num +10;
        //or my_num +=10 - more succinctly
        printf("my_num is %d",my_num);
    return 0;

Let's understand what the above program does.

In C, you delimit a block of code by {} . The opening and closing curly braces indicate the beginning and the end of a block, respectively.

  • The main() function has an integer variable my_num that's initialized to 7 in the outer block.
  • There's an inner block that tries to add 10 to the variable my_num.

Now, compile and run the above program. Here's the output:


my_num is 17

You can see the following:

  • The inner block is able to access the value of my_num that's declared in the outer block, and modify it by adding 7 to it.
  • The value of my_num is now 17, as indicated in the output.

Local Scope of Variables in C – Nested Blocks Example 2

▶ Here's another related example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
    int my_num = 7;
        int new_num = 10;
    printf("new_num is %d",new_num); //this is line 9
    return 0;
  • In this program, the main() function has an integer variable my_num in the outer block.
  • Another variable new_num is initialized in the inner block. The inner block is nested inside the outer block.
  • We're trying to access and print the value of inner block's new_num in the outer block.

If you try compiling the above code, you'll notice that it doesn't compile successfully. And you'll get the following error message:

Line   Message
9      error: 'new_num' undeclared (first use in this function)
This is because the variable new_num is declared in the inner block and its scope is limited to the inner block. In other words, it is local to the inner block and cannot be accessed from the outer block.

Based on the above observations, let's write down the following generic principle for local scoping of variables:

        //contents of the outer block just before the start of this block
        //CAN be accessed here
        /*INNER BLOCK*/
       //contents of the inner block are NOT accessible here

Local Scope of Variables in C – Different Blocks

In the previous example, you learned how variables inside the nested inner block cannot be accessed from outside the block.

In this section, you'll understand the local scope of variables declared in different blocks.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int my_num = 7;
    return 0;

void my_func()

In the above example,

  • The integer variable my_num is declared inside the main() function.
  • Inside the main() function, the value of my_num is printed out.
  • There's another function my_func() that tries to access and print the value of my_num.
  • As program execution starts with the main() function, there's a call to my_func() inside the main() function.

▶ Now compile and run the above program. You'll get the following error message:

Line   Message
13     error: 'my_num' undeclared (first use in this function)

If you notice, on line 13, the function my_func() tried accessing the my_num variable that was declared and initialized inside the main() function.

Therefore, the scope of the variable my_num is confined to the main() function, and is said to be local to the main() function.

We can represent this notion of local scope generically as follows:


	/*BLOCK 1*/
    // contents of BLOCK 2 cannot be accessed here


	/*BLOCK 2*/
    // contents of BLOCK 1 cannot be accessed here

Global Scope of Variables in C

So far, you've learned about local scope of C variables. In this section, you'll learn how you can declare global variables in C.

▶ Let's start with an example.

#include <stdio.h>
int my_num = 7;

int main()
    printf("my_num can be accessed from main() and its value is %d\n",my_num);
    //call my_func
    return 0;

void my_func()
  printf("my_num can be accessed from my_func() as well and its value is %d\n",my_num);

In the above example,

  • The variable my_num is declared outside the functions main() and my_func().
  • We try to access my_num inside the main() function, and print its value.
  • We call the function my_func() inside the main() function.
  • The function my_func() also tries to access the value of my_num, and print it out.

This program compiles without any error, and the output is shown below:

my_num can be accessed from main() and its value is 7
my_num can be accessed from my_func() as well and its value is 7

In this example, there are two functions – the main() and my_func().

However, the variable my_num is not local to any function in the program. Such a variable that is not local to any function is said to have global scope and is called a global variable.

This principle of global scope of variables can be summarized as shown below:

//all global variables are declared here
    // all global variables can be accessed inside function1
    // all global variables can be accessed inside function2

Wrapping Up

In this tutorial, you've learned the differences between local and global scope. This is an introductory tutorial on variable scope in C.

In C, there are certain access modifiers to control the level of access that the variables have. You can change access by using the corresponding keywords when you declare variables.

See you all in the next tutorial. Until then, happy coding!

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What do you mean by the scope of the variable?

In simple terms, scope of a variable is its lifetime in the program. This means that the scope of a variable is the block of code in the entire program where the variable is declared, used, and can be modified.

What is the scope of a variable quizlet?

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