Undersocialized delinquents share several characteristics including all of the following except

89. Which of the following is a factor in explaining the historical low in the teenage birth rate?

a) the increasing price of condoms
b) adolescents taking the "virginity pledge" in schools across the country
c) the rates of sexual intercourse among teenagers have increased, and the use of birth control, such as condoms, has decreased
d) substitutions for sexual intercourse, such as oral sex, are increasingly accepted as an alternative to sexual intercourse

Which of the following statements about socialized and Undersocialized delinquents is accurate?

Sigmund Freud. Which of the following statements about socialized and undersocialized delinquents is accurate? Socialized delinquents are highly influenced by peer pressure, and their delinquency often occurs in groups.

What is the most common nutritional concern during adolescence?

These problems include problems of overeating and/or consistently making poor food choices, resulting in obesity. Conversely, other adolescents develop problems with unhealthy and extremely restrictive dieting without meeting the minimum nutritional requirements necessary for healthy growth and development.

In what way does a woman's body react differently to binge drinking than a man's?

Women absorb and metabolize alcohol differently than men. Women generally have less body water than men of similar body weight, so that women achieve higher concentrations of alcohol in the blood after drinking equivalent amounts of alcohol. Women DO appear to eliminate alcohol from the blood faster than men.

Which term best describes an adolescent's focus on their self concept?

Which term best describes an adolescent's focus on their self-concept? intensive. Who would be most likely to argue that the vast majority of personality is formed between birth and age six? Leo, a psychodynamic theorist. As a teenager, Luz struggled with low self-esteem.