Was ist der unterschied zwischen carte nationale didentité und passport

Verified 22 August 2022 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of the Interior

The photo ID must have been taken a while ago less than 6 months and similar.

To apply for an identity card or passport, there is onlysingle photo to be provided.

The photo must be taken by professional or cab using an approved system by the Ministry of the Interior.

TheCHILDREN: titleContent provides a search tool to find out where to take photos:

Find contact information for qualified photographers and approved cabins

Photo must respect several characteristics.

In image

Examples of accepted or rejected photos

Was ist der unterschied zwischen carte nationale didentité und passport

ID: standards




The photo must be clear, without folding or trace.


  • Width: 3.5 cm
  • Height: 4.5 cm
  • Face Size: between 3.2 and 3.6 cm (70 to 80% of the picture), from the bottom of the chin to the top of the skull (without hair)

Brightness, contrast and colours

The photograph shall not exhibit over-exposure or under-exposure.

It must be properly contrasted, without shadow on the face or in the background.

A colour photo is strongly recommended.


The background should be solid, light (light blue or light grey for example).

White background is prohibited.


The head must be naked (no hat, scarf or headband for example).

The head must be straight and the face directed towards the objective.

Look and expression

We have to set the goal.

The expression must be neutral and the mouth must be closed.

Face and eyes

The face must be clear.

The eyes must be perfectly visible and open.


Hair should not cover the face.

A fringe can be accepted if it does not cover the eyes.

Ears should be clear.

Glasses and frames

If you have glasses, you don't have to wear them on the photos.

However, if you wear them:

  • The mount must not be thick and must not hide the eyes
  • Glasses shall be neither tinted nor coloured and without reflection
  • Warning  

    if the photo does not meet certain criteria, it will be rejected and the identity document will not be issued.


    type: Article , Topic: Administrative reform

    The new national identity card in credit-card format has been issued since 1 November 2010.

    Germany’s national identity card meets the highest requirements for document security. Its tough security features offer a high level of protection for the data and digital photograph stored on the chip. Its biometric function can be used only for official checks at national borders and within the country to verify the card holder’s identity. Card holders may also choose to store two fingerprints on the chip as well.

    In this way, the electronic identity card can be used as a secure travel document, like the electronic passport. Both features enable efficient and secure support for checks of persons, especially to prevent strangers from misusing lost or stolen documents.

    Electronic identification function

    The national identity card also has an electronic identification function which allows card holders to verify their identity on the Internet or when using e-government services, insurance or other commercial services, kiosks or vending machines. Your personal data are protected at all times. They are sent only with your approval and in encrypted form via the Internet. To learn more about the electronic identification function visit www.personalausweisportal.de.

    The electronic identification function is also implemented in the German electronic residence permit cards. Identity cards issued before 1 November 2010 remain valid until their date of expiry.

    You can use your national identity card instead of a passport to enter some other countries; visit the Federal Foreign Office website to find out more.

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