What are the types of password attacks What can a systems administrator do to protect against them quizlet?

The types of password attacks include: Password Crack, Brute Force, and Dictionary:

- Password crack: Attempting to reverse calculate the password is called "cracking." Cracking is used when a copy of the Security Account Manager data file can be obtained. A possible password is taken from the SAM file and run through the hashing algorithm in an attempt to guess the password.

- Brute Force: The application of computing and network resources to try every possible combination of options for a password.

- Dictionary: A form of brute force for guessing passwords. The dictionary attack selects specific accounts and uses a list of commonly used passwords with which to guess.

To protect against password attacks, security administrators can:

- Implement controls that limit the number of attempts allowed.

- Use a "disallow" list of passwords from a similar dictionary.

- Require use of additional numbers and special characters in passwords.

Why is information security a management problem what can management do that technology Cannot quizlet?

What can management do that technology alone cannot? Information security is a management problem because management is the one who authorizes new technology, makes security policies, and enforces said policies. Technology won't work if policy is not used to enforce its use.

Why are employees one of the greatest threats to information security quizlet?

Employees are the greatest threats since they are the closest to the organizational data and will have access by nature of their assignments. They are the ones who use it in everyday activities, and employee mistakes represent a very serious threat to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

What is a buffer overflow and how is it used against a Web server quizlet?

What is a buffer overflow and how is it used against a Web server? A buffer overflow occurs when more data is sent than can be receivers buffer can handle - usually resulting in non-buffer application memory being overwritten.

What is information extortion describe how such an attack can cause losses using an example not found in the text?

What is information extortion? Describe how such an attack can cause losses, using an example not found in the text. Information extortion occurs when an attacker or trusted insider steal information from a computer system and demands compensation for its return or for an agreement not to disclose it.