What best describes the role of independent gubernatorial candidates in the 2006 election quizlet?




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    Smartbook study set for Texas Government Chapter 10

    Terms in this set (66)

    Campaigns precede elections, often by...

    A year or more

    Texas candidates receive most of their campaign funding in the form of contributions from __________.


    In modern-day Texas, the media play a(n) __________ role in political campaigns


    Which of the following are common techniques used by political campaign consultants?

    Designing visual advertisements
    Running focus groups
    Performing public opinion polling

    Vicente Gonzales, who became the U.S. Representative for Texas's 15th Congressional District in 2016, received most (76 percent) for his funding from __________.


    Campaigns and PACs must report all contributions over __________ to the Texas State Ethics Commission


    Which of the following is the most essential element of any democracy?


    Which candidate for Texas governor lost the election in part because of an off-color remark made in front of reporters?

    Clayton Williams

    Voters elect all 150 members of the Texas House of Representatives every __________.

    Two years

    Political consultants seek focus group input from which of the following groups?

    Average citizens

    Which of the following Supreme Court decisions ruled that the federal government cannot prohibit or limit direct spending on campaign advertising by corporations or labor unions?

    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

    Which of the following statements about elections in the American system of government are true?

    Elections allow for an orderly transition of power
    Elections bestow legitimacy on the American system of government
    One of the most essential elements of any democracy is elections

    Voters elect candidates to statewide offices, such as governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general, in ______________ election years


    Since 2008, all 254 counties in Texas have used what type of voting system?


    How do most modern political candidates define themselves and create an image?

    They hire political consultants to craft a message and strategy

    T/F: Under the state election code, candidates who declare themselves a member of any party cannot be considered independents

    False: candidates who declare a party, such as Libertarian, may still be considered independents under the state election code

    Money in campaigns has ________ in recent years

    Increased dramatically

    The petition requirements in Texas law ___________ independent candidates to gather signatures and be placed on the ballot

    Make it difficult for

    T/F: In Texas, voters are able to vote a straight ticket by marking a single place on the ballot that allows them to vote for all candidates from one party.

    False: computer-readable ballots allow voters to vote a straight ticket with the click of one box

    Every two years, _________ of the Texas Senate is elected for ________ terms

    One-half; four-years

    How many verifiable signatures must an independent candidate seeking statewide office secure in order to appear on the general election ballot?

    A number equal to 1 percent of the votes cast in the prior governor's race

    What best describes the role of independent gubernatorial candidates in the 2006 election?

    They pulled enough voters away from the Democratic candidate to elect a Republican with only a plurality

    In order to be an "official" write-in candidate for office, individuals must _____________.

    File their intention before the election

    Which ballot format increases the likelihood of straight-ticket voting?

    Party column

    Which of the following currently qualify as minor parties in Texas?

    Green Party
    Libertarian Party

    The Texas Election Code requires major parties to utilize which process of selecting nominees for the general election?

    Party primaries

    In an open primary system, voters __________.

    Can vote in any primary without a party declaration

    In order to sign a petition to get an independent candidate on the ballot, a person must _______________.

    Not have participated in the primary election of other parties in that electoral cycle
    Be a registered voter

    A candidate for statewide office that must file a petition with a specified number of signatures is running as a(n) ____________ candidate


    In the past 50 years, which of the following parties has not held minor-party status as defined by the Texas Election Code?

    Democratic Party

    What parties in Texas hold major party status in Texas today?

    Republican Party
    Democratic Party

    Voters who are able to vote in any primary regardless of their party affiliation live in a state with a(n) _________ primary system


    Which of the following best describes a semi-open primary?

    Voters may vote in any party primary
    Voters are required to request a party ballot

    To be an official write-in candidate, individuals __________.

    Must file their intention to be a candidate before the election

    How does the Texas Election Code define minor parties?

    Any party that receives between 5 percent and 19 percent of the vote for any statewide office in the last general election

    How is the primary system in Texas most commonly labeled?


    When must voters declare their party affiliation in a closed primary system?

    When they register to vote

    States conducting the semi-closed primary require voters to register or change their party affiliation by which day?

    Election Day for the primary election

    In a nonpartisan primary, which is used in Washington State and Louisiana, _______________.

    All candidates are listed on the ballot by office

    How do parties that achieve minor-party status nominate candidates?

    In a party caucus

    Because it restricts voters to a certain degree, Texas's open primary system resembles a _________________ primary system


    In a closed primary system, voters _______________.

    Can only vote in the primary of their party registration

    Which primary format allows voters to register or change their party affiliation on Election Day?


    The system that allowed voters to switch parties between offices and was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court was known as a(n) ________________ primary


    Minor parties enjoy which benefit according to the Texas Election Code?

    Minor parties are exempt from the petition process and can nominate candidates through a convention or caucus

    In Texas's voting system, voters can do which of the following?

    Cross party lines after a primary is over
    Change their party affiliation when they receive a new registration card
    Decline to declare a party when registering

    When voters leave their party and vote in the other party's primary, it is known as _____________ voting


    In Texas, if you voted in the Democratic primary and the Republican Party has a runoff primary, what are your options?

    You have none; you cannot vote in the other party's runoff primary

    The time and method of conducting primary elections in Texas is set by the _________.

    Texas Election Code

    Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos, which encouraged Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton in Democratic primaries to weaken then-candidate Barack Obama, is an example of.....

    Party Raiding

    Which of the following is a special election?

    Election to decide amendments to the state constitution
    Election to fill a vacancy when only one contest is on the ballot
    School board election

    T/F: Voters participating in a semi-open primary can vote in both party primaries during the same election cycle

    False: voters can choose either primary each election cycle but can only vote in one primary every election cycle

    The ___________ ___________ Act is a federal law aimed at preventing racial discrimination in the operation of voter registration and elections at the state level

    Voting Rights

    The nominating election in which voters could switch parties between offices was a(n) ______________ primary


    If you want to participate in absentee voting in Texas, what should you do?

    Go to your early polling place any time from 17 to 4 days before the election and cast your vote

    In Texas, how easy would it be to illegally vote in a party's runoff primary if it is not the party in which you voted in the original primary?

    Easy; currently, this would not be easily detectable

    What happens if a candidate is unable to make the necessary payment to get on the ballot?

    The candidate can be put on the ballot by filing a petition

    "Values voters" would be most likely to vote to support which of the following?

    Prayer in schools

    After a falling out with the Democratic Party, _________ __________ resigned his congressional seat and was reelected in a special election in 1981 as a Republican

    Phil Gramm

    In 1975, the Voting Rights Act was applied to Texas and required that all changes in election procedures obtain preclearance by the...

    U.S. Justice Department

    The process that allows a person to vote before the regular election is known as ________ voting


    Which of the following would most likely be considered wedge issues?

    Gay marriage
    Abortion rights
    Gun control

    An election held in which of the following months is not considered a special election?


    In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the section of the Voting Rights Act that _______.

    Allowed the federal government to oversee the operation of elections in certain states

    Identify which of the following are indicative of the changing nature of election today

    Catholic and male votes are now overwhelmingly Republican, reversing a trend
    The voice of labor unions has decline in elections
    The media have a big influence on elections

    When the Supreme Court struck down Section ________ of the Voting Rights Act, Texas no longer had to receive federal approval before changing any in-state voting procedure

    4 or Four

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