What form of stratification is based on economic differences and offers some social mobility quizlet





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Terms in this set (81)

To see whether a stratification system is open or closed, that is, whether born rich, stay rich, born poor, stay poor, sociologists are more likely to look at:

intergenerational mobility.

Comparatively, social mobility is most frequent in:

a class system.

Which of the following statement does NOT characterize the caste system?

It is a fairly open system based on people's achieved status.

Which one of the following is true concerning the definition of social stratification and the stratification system in America?

Social stratification refers to the ranking of people into a hierarchy in which the resources considered valuable by society are unequally distributed.

As computers were introduced into the workplace many new white-collar jobs opened up overnight. Taking advantage of these new opportunities, many workers switched from blue-collar to white-collar employment. This is an example of:

structural mobility

The values, skills, lifestyles and attitudes family pass on to children which increase a person's chances of success is termed as (blank).

cultural capital

The sociological perspective positing that difference in the level of rewards are necessary in order to motivate individuals to perform important roles, and a complex division of labor requires unequal distribution of power because some must be in a position to coordinate the activities of everyone else is the (blank).

Functionalist perspective

The sociologist who argued that property was not the sole basis of a person's position in the stratification system, but rather, property, prestige, and power determine social class.

Max Weber

According to the functionalist argument, social stratification:

provides incentives for people to work at more important jobs, then it is necessary and beneficial.

The social class system is based primarily on economic factors and (blank) statuses.


Which one of the following traits is important in determining one's socioeconomic status?
a. income.
b. education.
c. occupation
d. all of these.

d. all of these

Joe came to America as a young child with the rest of his family. They all served as migrant workers moving from farm to farm to pick crops. Joe grew up and joined the military, and was promoted as a colonel and his children all go to college. This scenario is an example of (blank).

intergenerational upward mobility

Large-scale social change such as technological advancement and economic, political change that enable people to move up or down in statuses are referred to as (blank).

structural mobility

Kingsley Davis, from the functionalist perspective, argued that inequality in society is created by (blank).

the needs of society for order and balance

Sociologists who follow the (blank) perspective agree that members of all classes use symbols, languages, and clothing to differentiate between themselves and those who are at social levels.

symbolic interactionist

Interactionist theory focuses on (blank) of people in different social ranks.


T/F Social class is the process by which people are set apart for unequal access to valuable resources in society.


T/F Social class is the only form of social stratification.


T/F social stratification is multidimensional.


T/F Throughout history, the slavery system is the most closed system where statuses are permanent, hereditary, and slaves had no legal rights.


T/F Intergenerational mobility refers to changes in an individual's social ranking over the course of his or her lifetime.


T/F America is considered the land of opportunity and majority people move upward as long as they try hard to achieve.


T/F Peter Blau and Otis Duncan found that fewer than one percent of American move from the bottom to the top of the social hierarchy.


T/F A consistent research finding is that working class people tend to have strong ties with family and a large number of kin in contrast to middle and upper-class people who are more prone to rely on social networks.


T/F Social mobility is more likely in estate systems than in caste systems.


T/F Sociologists found that attending prestigious universities in America is based on family social class background more than on academic performance.


(blank) is a system in which people become the property of others


(blank) is practiced in the caste system to prevent people from moving across status through marriage.


(blank) system are different levels of social position based on land ownership and political power.


(blank) is the most open system which offers individuals possibility to move into the modern industrial world.

social class

Social stratification is based on (blank), (blank), and (blank).

property, power & prestige

According to Karl Marx, who considers the economy as the driving force for social change, only (blank) dimension is important in stratification systems.


According to (blank), power and prestige should be added in the study of social stratification.

max weber

The movement of people from one status to another in the social hierarchy is termed as (blank).

social mobility

Lenski's convergence theory considers (blank) as the key factor to see which theory offers a stronger explanation for social stratification systems.


The (blank) theory argues that social stratification is based on the exploitation and oppression of the poor by the rich.


Today the age category at greatest risk of poverty is:


Being born into a particular social class affects people's (blank), which means the probability for people to get what they want in life.

life chance

Life chance can be measured by which one of the following?

life expectancy

According to the textbook, approximately in the year 2001, (blank) million Americans, or (blank) percent of the population, have income below the poverty line.

33 million, 12 percent

Which one of the following is NOT true concerning the distribution of income and wealth in the United States.

The richest 20% of America own 50% of the country's wealth.

Today in America, which social class category are more likely to practice endogamy?

the rich

Erik Wright's term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests is:

contradictory class location.

Compared with Karl Marx, who argued that social class is based on property ownership only, Weber defined social class

according to people's relative position in terms of power, wealth and social prestige.

Which of the following statement is Not true regarding the status of children in America?

The U.S. has one of the lowest child poverty rates of industrialized countries in the world.

The phenomena that divorced women and their children, teenage mother and children are rapidly becoming an underclass in America is referred to as (blank).

feminization of poverty

According to a sociological study, what is the greatest predictor of whether a U.S. family is poor?

sex of the head of a household

In attempting to explain poverty, sociological explanations focus on the:

structural features of society.

Which one of the following statement is NOT true of the circumstances of the poor in the United States?

In today's America, relatively, the poor are better off than thirty years ago, because the money the average poverty Income Cutoffs for a family of four is $13,924 while 30 years ago it was only $3,022.

In sociology, there is a very good index of health and economic development of a society. That "best index" is:

infant mortality rate.

Karl Marx used the term (blank) to describe the working class's acceptance of the unequal social arrangement against their own interest.

false consciousness

Which one of the factors are used by sociologists to account for the low level of class consciousness in America?

a. the 200 years economic progress caused by industrialization
b. the lack of inherited aristocracy
c. other social factors such as race/ethnicity, national background and religion differences that cut across social class.
d. The promise of equal opportunity and wide acceptance of psychological reductionism.
c. All of the above.

All of the above.

In 2000, the richest 20% of families in America receive about 49.4% of the nation's income, while the lowest 20% receives about 3.6% of the nation's income. The inequality ratio between the rich and the poor based on the above information is (blank).


The assumption that the values, behaviors, and lifestyle of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people and that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty is referred to as:

Culture of poverty.

Critics of the "Culture of Poverty" argument points out all of the following EXCEPT:

poor people show different lifestyles and value systems from the majority of society.

"The reason the poor are poor is that they don't take advantage of the opportunities available to them. If they really wanted to work and get ahead, they could." Sociologists call such a view:

blaming the victim

In America, the poverty line today was about (blank) of median family income of the country.


According to Karl Marx,
a. social class depends on one's relationship to the means of production.
b. class consciousness is the basis of the unity of workers.
c. a classless society will occur as a result of a workers' revolts.
d. All of the above.
e. only a) and b) are Marx's ideas.

all of the above

The absence of class consciousness in the United States is due to:
a the ideals of equality of the founders and lack of an inherited . aristocracy.
b. the image of America as a nation of immigrants, for whom anything is possible.
c. the reality of upward movement as a result of three centuries of economic growth.
d. the existence of ties and loyalties based, for example, on race, religion, and ethnicity, that cut across class lines.
e. all of the above.

all of the above

Which term did Max Weber use to describe the chances a person has in life at gaining highly valued economic and cultural means?

life chances

Approximately what percentage of American household income does the top 20 percent of earners make in 2009?

50 %

What term defines a person's change in class position without an overall change in their society's class structure?

relative mobility

What term defines a shift in one's social class that results from overall changes in the way employment is organized in society?

structural mobility

Someone who lacks resources so severely that their life is threatened is living in (blank) poverty.


In the United States, the poverty line is calculated by:

determining the minimum amount of money needed for food and multiplying it by three.

A trend in which an increasing proportion of women and children comprise poor families in the United States is called the (blank) of poverty.


The resources a person has in the family, such as various types of knowledge and ideas, and material provisions, are called

cultural capital.

Memberships in social groups that have the potential to be economically valuable are known as:

social capital.

Which type of tax policy has individuals who earn higher incomes pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes?

progressive taxation

Which type of tax policy has individuals who earn lower incomes pay larger percentages of their incomes in taxes?

regressive taxation

Which of the following nations has the MOST internal social inequality among its citizens?

United States

T/F According to the figures provided by sociologists, in the U. S., because of numerous anti-poverty programs, poor people are getting more money than before, and are better-off today than the 1960s.


T/FThe U.S. has the lowest infant mortality rate of all industrialized countries in the world.


T/F In terms of relative deprivation, the poor quintile in America receives less income than the poor in poor countries of the world.


T/F Of all the industrial nations, the United States has the highest rate of young children live in poverty.


T/F A set of norms, values, beliefs, and attitudes that trap a small number of people in a permanent cycle of poverty is referred to as the culture of poverty.


T/F The majority of poor people are a racial/ethnic minority.


T/F Culture of poverty argument is supported by empirical studies.


T/F Culture of poverty is criticized as a blaming the victim theory by structural sociologists.


T/F Upper-class families are more likely to maintain close relationships with their relatives for social support.


T/F American people have a higher level of class consciousness than people in other countries.


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Which stratification system allows for social mobility?

Slavery as a social stratification system allows for social mobility.

In which type of society does social mobility Most occur quizlet?

horizontal mobility. Comparatively, social mobility is most frequent in: a caste system.

What is social mobility in social stratification?

Social mobility is the movement of individuals, social groups or categories of people between the layers or within a stratification system. This movement can be intragenerational or intergenerational. Such mobility is sometimes used to classify different systems of social stratification.

What is social mobility quizlet?

Social Mobility. A person's ability to move up or down the social class hierarchy; the movement between or within social classes.