What is the distinctive characteristic that defines an individual or is shared by those belonging to a particular group?

Presentation on theme: "What is Identity? Distinctive characteristics belonging to any one person, or shared by all members of a particular society It is what makes us who we."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Identity? Distinctive characteristics belonging to any one person, or shared by all members of a particular society It is what makes us who we are as a person and a group Individual Group Country

3 What is Identity? Relates to self-image How do you see yourself as a person? How do you see yourself in relation to other people, ideas, and nature?

4 My Identity Teacher Canadian Male German, British, Irish, Scottish English speaking

5 Cultural Identity Identity of a group or culture Identity of an individual who is influenced by their belonging to a group

6 Cultural Identity Based on: Location Gender Race History Nationality Language Religious beliefs

7 Cultural Identity Based on our types of: Clothing Food Multi-media (TV, internet, movies, music) Activities (sports, relaxation) Sports Image

8 Canadian Identity Set of characteristics and symbols we feel express our unique place and role in the world Not easy to identify

9 Canadian Identity 5 key characteristics 1. Bicultural nature (French-English relations) 2. History- resisting revolution (U.S. Model) -less individualism, more support for govt. 3. Parliamentary system-our system of govt. 4. Social structure of ethnic groups -Cultural mosaic vs. Melting pot 5. Geography -vast area, coldness, closeness to U.S.


11 http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/06/30/canada-day-poll-15-things-you- should-know-about-canadian-identity/

What is the distinctive characteristic of an individual?

The definition of distinctive is a quality or characteristic that is unique to a person or thing. An example of something that would be described as distinctive is the colorful feathers of a peacock, which are unique to those birds. That is characteristic or typical of something.

Which of the following refers to the distinctive characteristic of a good or service that sets it apart from similar items *?

A feature is a distinctive characteristic of a good or service that sets it apart from similar items.”

Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture group of answer choices?

Examples include cars, buildings, clothing, and tools. Nonmaterial culture refers to the abstract ideas and ways of thinking that make up a culture. Examples of nonmaterial culture include traffic laws, words, and dress codes. Unlike material culture, nonmaterial culture is intangible.