What is the most critical nursing action in caring for the newborn immediately after the birth quizlet?


(Placental separation is indicated by a firmly contracting uterus, a change in the uterus from a discoid to a globular ovoid shape, a sudden gush of dark red blood from the introitus, an apparent lengthening of the umbilical cord, and a finding of vaginal fullness. Cervical tears that do not extend to the vagina result in minimal blood loss. Signs of hemorrhage are a boggy uterus, bright red vaginal bleeding, alterations in vital signs, pallor, lightheadedness, restlessness, decreased urinary output, and alteration in the level of consciousness. If clots have formed in the upper uterine segment, the nurse would expect to find the uterus boggy and displaced to the side.)

ANS: A, B, C, D

The presence of companions, clothing to be worn, care and handling of the newborn, medical interventions, and environmental modifications all might be included in the couple's birth plan. Other items include the presence of nonessential medical personnel (students), labor activities such as the tub or ambulation, preferred comfort and relaxation methods, and any cultural or religious requirements. The expected date of delivery would not be part of a birth plan unless the client is scheduled for an elective cesarean birth.

Step 1 - Use sterile gloves & soluble gel for lubrication

Step 2 - Position the woman to prevent supine hypotension

Step 3 - Cleanse the perineum & vulva if necessary

Step 4 - After obtaining permission, gently insert the index & middle fingers into the vagina

Step 5 - Determine dilation, presenting part, status of membranes, & characteristics of amniotic fluid

Step 6 - Explain findings to the patient

Step 7 - Document findings & report to the provider


Reddish-haired women have tissue that is less distensible than darker-skinned women and therefore may have less efficient healing. First-time mothers are also at greater risk, especially with breech births, long second-stage labors, or rapid labors during which the time for the perineum to stretch is insufficient. The rate of episiotomies is higher when obstetricians rather than midwives attend the births. The woman in the first scenario (a) is at low risk for either damaging lacerations or an episiotomy. She is multiparous, has dark skin, and is being attended by a midwife, who is less likely to perform an episiotomy. Reddish-haired women have tissue that is less distensible than that of darker-skinned women. Consequently, the client in the second scenario (b) is at increased risk for lacerations; however, she has had two previous deliveries, which result in a lower likelihood of an episiotomy. The fact that the woman in the third scenario (c) is experiencing a prolonged labor might increase her risk for lacerations. Fortunately, she is dark skinned, which indicates that her tissue is more distensible than that of fair-skinned women and therefore less susceptible to injury.


Placental separation is indicated by a firmly contracting uterus, a change in the uterus from a discoid to a globular ovoid shape, a sudden gush of dark red blood from the introitus, an apparent lengthening of the umbilical cord, and a finding of vaginal fullness. Cervical tears that do not extend to the vagina result in minimal blood loss. Signs of hemorrhage are a boggy uterus, bright red vaginal bleeding, alterations in vital signs, pallor, lightheadedness, restlessness, decreased urinary output, and alteration in the level of consciousness. If clots have formed in the upper uterine segment, then the nurse would expect to find the uterus boggy and displaced to the side.

ANS: A, B, C, D

The presence of companions, clothing to be worn, care and handling of the newborn, medical interventions, and environmental modifications all might be included in the couple's birth plan. Other items include the presence of nonessential medical personnel (students), labor activities such as the tub or ambulation, preferred comfort and relaxation methods, and any cultural or religious requirements. The expected date of delivery would not be part of a birth plan unless the client is scheduled for an elective cesarean birth.


Placental separation is indicated by a firmly contracting uterus, a change in the uterus from a discoid to a globular ovoid shape, a sudden gush of dark red blood from the introitus, an apparent lengthening of the umbilical cord, and a finding of vaginal fullness. Cervical tears that do not extend to the vagina result in minimal blood loss. Signs of hemorrhage are a boggy uterus, bright red vaginal bleeding, alterations in vital signs, pallor, lightheadedness, restlessness, decreased urinary output, and alteration in the level of consciousness. If clots have formed in the upper uterine segment, the nurse would expect to find the uterus boggy and displaced to the side.

What is the priority nursing action in caring for the newborn immediately after birth quizlet?

The nurse's priority is to assess fetal well-being. The nurse should document the characteristics of the amniotic fluid, but the initial response is to assess fetal well-being and the response to ROM.

What is an essential part of nursing care for the laboring woman quizlet?

What is an essential part of nursing care for the laboring woman? A woman who is gravida 3 para 2 enters the intrapartum unit. The most important nursing assessments are: Fetal heart rate, maternal vital signs, and the woman's nearness to birth.

What are your nursing responsibilities during labor and postpartum?

Monitor the vital signs of the mother and the heart rate of the baby; Monitor for potentially dangerous complications of medications commonly given during labor and delivery; Communicate with the doctor to provide timely and accurate information; Identify complications and notify the doctor; and.

What is the primary responsibility of the nurse after C section delivery?

You will be brought to a recovery area right after surgery, where a nurse will: Monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and the amount of your vaginal bleeding. Check to make sure your uterus is becoming firmer.