What was a significant result of European exploration through the Columbian Exchange quizlet?





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Terms in this set (15)

The Old World

Europe, Asia, and Africa

The New World

North, Central, and South America

The Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, and germs that took place between the Old World and the New World after Columbus came to the Americas. Some of these changes were good; some were bad.

Christopher Columbus

One of the first Europeans to come to the Americas and begin substantial interaction with Native Americans. Sailed for the Spanish crown.

New World food items

chocolate, vanilla, tomatoes, potatoes, chili peppers, turkeys, pumpkins, avocados, peanuts

Old World food items

wheat, oranges, beef (cows), pork (pigs), bananas, milk, cheese, honeybees

Juan Ponce de Leon

"found" Florida, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Gulf Stream ocean current in his search for the mythical "fountain of youth"

Ferdinand Magellan

the first explorer to attempt to completely sail around (circumnavigate) the world.

Henry the Navigator

started the first school of navigation in Portugal

Francisco Pizarro

Spaniard who conquered the Incas and sent much of their gold and silver back to Spain

Henry Hudson

English explorer who tried to find a northwestern sea passage to the spice islands of India and China. While unsuccessful, he did "find" the Hudson River and Hudson Bay.

John Cabot

Italian explorer employed by Henry VII of England to find a "northwest passage" through America to the Far East. He failed but did "find" Canada and claimed it for England.

Hernan Cortes

Invaded Mexico and eventually conquered the Aztecs, bringing their culture and empire to an end.

Jacques Cartier

French explorer who also sought a northwest passage through America to the Pacific. He also failed, but "discovered" the St. Lawrence River and established a French fort near present-day Quebec City, Canada.

effects of Columbian exchange

New World natives decimated by European diseases
Old World food supplies and food security increased
Old World cuisines transformed

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  • New World food items
  • Old World food items
  • Henry the Navigator

What was a significant result of European exploration through the Columbian?

Christopher Columbus introduced horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World, while facilitating the introduction of New World commodities like sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process by which commodities, people, and diseases crossed the Atlantic is known as the Columbian Exchange.

What was the most significant result of the Columbian Exchange?

The spread of disease. Possibly the most dramatic, immediate impact of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of diseases. In places where the local population had no or little resistance, especially the Americas, the effect was horrific. Prior to contact, indigenous populations thrived across North and South America.

What was the significance of the Columbian Exchange quizlet?

The significance of the Columbian Exchange was that it helped bring the western and eastern hemispheres together by transferring plants, animals, and diseases. These diseases spread included chicken pox and measles. They introduced new food like potatoes and corn which helped the population grow significantly.

What were some effects of the Columbian Exchange quizlet?

What were some of the effects of the Columbian Exchange? Africa's population declined, the Americas flourished with plants from Europe, and wealth flowed into the European economy. What gave rise to the slave trade? The death of many American Indians to disease and the planting of labor intensive crops.