What would happen with the supply curve for televisions if a new company started making them

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Terms in this set (60)

You are looking at the market for blue jeans. consider these two things happening seperately
1. The price of cotton, an input to blue jeans, increases
2. The income of buyers of blue jeans increases, and blue jeans are a normal good. What happen to the supply and demand curve

#1 will shift the supply curve left and #2 will shift the demand curve right

The demand for your product is P=640-6Q. The supply of your product is P=64+2Q. Assume your market is in equilibrium. What is the consumer surplus


The difference between allocative efficiency and productvie efficiency is that...

Productive efficiency means that goods/services are produced at the lowest possible cost
Allocative efficiency means that goods/services are produced in accordance with consumers' preferences

You are looking at the market for Apple Pies. Consider these two things happening separately
1. The price of cherry pies, a demand subs. for apple pies increases
2. The bakers of apple pies install new ovens, improving technology used for making apple pies
Whcih will shift the supply of apple pies to the left

Niether 1 or 2

What does the term "ceteris paribus" mean?

All other things held constant

You are looking at the market for tortilla chips, consider these two things happening at the same time
1. The price of salsa decreases
2. The price of corn, an input to tortiall chips increases
What willl we see in the market for tortilla chips regarding P&Q

A higher equilibrium pricer and we coannot say about equilibrium quantity

Your demand equation is P=190-2Q and your supply equation is P=10+3Q. Market is at equilibrium. Calculate equilibrium P&Q. Now assume the sellers in this market expect the price to increase in the future. After any/all curves have shifted which of the following is most likely to be the NEW quantity in the market? Why?
a 40
b 48
c 32
d 54


Supply curve will shift left so less supply

Assume 32 is your Q at equilibrium and your demand equation is P=190-2Q and your supply equation is p=10=3Q what is the consumer surplus in this market

Consumer surplus of 1024

P=190-2Q and P=10+3Q Q=36. If a price ceiling of $100 is establishhed in this market what will we see as a result

a shortage of 15 units

Product X and Y are compliments. if P of product Y increases, what will we see in the market for product X recagding demand, increase or decrease?

Demand shift left, which is a decrease in demand

Looking at market for cable t.v. You open the paper and read 1. All cable t.v. companies have upgraded their networks (improved technology) and, at the same time the price of satellite t.v., a subs. for cable t.v., has decreased. In the market for cable tv we will see demand and suppy

Demand shift left and supply shift right

***The price of cotton, an input to blue jeans, has decreased. At the same time, the makers of blue jeans have installed new tech. In the market for blue jeans after any/all curves have shifted what will we see

a lower equalibrium price and a higher equalibrium quantity

If sellers of hoverboards expect price to decrease in future supply will shift _____ today and if buyers of hoverboards expect the price to decrease in the future we will see demand shift ____ today

shift right; shift left

***YOur demand eqn is P=140-Q and your supply eqn is P=20+3Q. $20 unit tax is placed on the seller of this good. where is the majority of the burden

The majority of the burden of this $20 tax willl fall on the seller of this product

The market for running shoes, that market is in equilibrium. Now assume the makers of running shoes introduced new/improved tech for making shoes, after any/all curves have shifted what happens to
consumer surplus
producer surplus
economic surplus

CS increased
PS increased
ES increased

Product X and Y are complements' if the price of Y increases the demand curve for X will shift....


A normative statement


A positive statement


Which is the best example of a product/service that is excludable but nonrival
A. new pair of running shoes
B. An outdoor fireworks display
C. A movie you can stream form Netflix
D. starbucks latte


The demand for chili chees fritos would be more _____ than the demand for snack chips in general


What percent of ppl in the U.S do not have health insurance and is this % increasing, decreasing, or staying the same

10% decreasing

You have product X, you know product X is an inferior good. now you also have product Y, and when product Y decreased, demand for product X increased, What do we know for sure are they substitutes or complements

Product X and Y are complements

if X (an inferior good) and Y are complements what do we know about the income elasticity of demand for X
the cross-price elasticity between X and Y

and negative

elasticity of demand eqn

avg Q2 and Q1
avg P2 and P1

Price elasticity for Product A is .60
Price elasticity for Product B is 1.25
The Q for A is 450 and P for A is $40
The Q for B is 250 and the P for B is $35
which products price would you increase to increase revenues, and increase the price by 20%. which of the following comes closest to the new Q that will be demanded of that product after the price increase
A. 230
B 96
C 212
D 422

B 96

Revenue eqn

price*units sold

which were factors that were and were not key drives of increasing health care
1. individuals are treated in emergency froom if they are not uninsured
2. doctors must pay for malpractice insurance
3. increased buereaucracy

all NOT key factors

Prodcut Z exhibits a negative externality so what would you do to incorporate this externality in reality

placing a tax on this good

if 1.11 is the price elasticity of demand and the price elasticity of supply is .70. then where does the "burden" fall if a tax is placed on this good

The 'burden' would fall on the seller

match countries to healthcare
third party system
socialized medicine
single payer
universal insurance


US - 3rd party
UK - socialized medicine
Canada - single payer
Japan - Universal

If income elasticity of deman is a positive number and is small like, .09, what do we know

normal good and a necessity

Demand curve is P=240-4Q, what is the price elasticity of demand for this good as the price changes from 64 to 56


The Affordable Care Act requires what of all employers

employers with more than 200 full time employees must offer health insurance to their employees

When one party to a transaction has more information than the other party AND USES THIS INFO TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of the party with less information

Adverse Selection

if your product is a necessity and is also a small part of the consumers' budgets, how would you price your product to increase revenues

increase price because demand is inelastic

market failure

when the market... left to its own... fails to produce the best/optimal output

Which can be described as non-rival but excludable
Fish in the ocean
mcdonalds cheeseburger
national defense
a toll road

toll road

Assume a country is engaged in free trade, and then either a tariff/quota is placed on imports. Which is most likely to happen
-tariff will reduce PS, compared to free trade, quota wont
-tariff will increase CS, compared to free trade, qouta wont
-a tariff will reduce Q imported, compared to free trade, quota will not
-none will occur

none will occur

What are the 4 sources of compartitive advantage

Relative abundance of labor
External Economics
Natural Resources & Climate

fixed costs are 40. When Q=8. total costs =450. Q=9 marginal cost =13. what is the AVC when Q= 9


Greece can produce 100 tons of wine or 60 tons of olives what is the opportunity cost of producing 1 ton of olives to ___ tons of wine

1.67 tons of wine

laor is your only variable input. $300 wage per worker. when you are emplying 5 workers total output is 375 units. What is the AVC when you are producing this level of output.


marginal product is the change in ______ divided by the change in ______ , while marginal cost is the change in _____ divided by the change in ______

change in total quantity
change in total output

change in total costs
change in total output

none of the above on test

in long-run phonomenon where your avg total costs, or cost per unit, decreases as you produce more output

economies of scale

Largest countires to whome U.S exports in order

Canada Mexico China

****you own a pizza restuarant. you hire as many cooks as you want. if you higher 2 cooks the AP is 36 pizzas. if you hire a 4th cook the MP of the 4th cook is 12 pizzas. Upon hiring 4 cooks your TP is ______ and your AP is ______


your firm is a coffee shop. you Fixed costs are the shop, $1200. your variable costs are the workers , $160. employing 3 workers your average product is 48 cups of coffee your average total cost is

about $11.67

an arguement in support of tariffs and quotas

tariffs are a good way to increase government revenues and reduce the deficit

Barriers to entry include

Economies of scale
control of key inputs
government grants like patents

assume your firm operates in a perfectly competitive market. you are producing output of 12 ( Q=12). and at that level of output, P=$22 and FC $136, and VC=$80. what is profit per unit at output = 12


which do these two statements describe
1. individual firm faces a downward sloping curve
2. firm will (if allowed) charge P > MC
between monolistic competiton and monopoly

describes both monolistic competition and monopoly

That market for lawn mowing and trimming service in KC metro area is considered.....

monolistic competiton

in perfect competiton the firm will "shut down" if the mark price is below what

Average Variable Cost

if the herfindahl index for this market is 2500>x>1500 and a merger is proposed between two firms than

the merger might be challenged depending on the change to the herfindahl index

If a firm is gaining profits and operates in a monopolistically competitive market what will happen next in the market

new firms will enter the market

1. the market for electricity in LFK ( not regulated)
2. the market for fast food in LFK
3. the market for overnight delivery service in LFK (to the east coast
if these 3 markets were placed in order of "most" market power first to "least" market power third what would be the correct order

1 3 2

four firm concentration ratio

% of the market controlled by the 4 largest firms in the market

The supply curve for the perfectly competitive firm is also the firms

marginal cost curve

because in monopolistic competiton products are differentiated even after all the firms have entered the market P will

not equal MC
because P=ATC>MC

1. Easy to enter the market as a seller
2. Individual firm's MR curve is downward sloping
which describes perfect competion

1 but not 2

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What will happen to the supply curve when changes in new technology?

When a new technique of production reduces the cost of production, the supply curve shifts to the right. Improvement in technology reduces the cost of production per unit and increases the profit margin of producers. Hence the supply increases and shifts the curve to the right.

What will happen to the supply curve if a new technology is developed that makes workers more productive?

Technological advances that improve production efficiency will shift a supply curve to the right. The cost of production goes down, and consumers will demand more of the product at lower prices. Computers, televisions and photographic equipment are good examples of the effects of technology on a supply curve.

What will happen to supply as new technology is created?

New technology A technological improvement that reduces costs of production will shift supply to the right, causing a greater quantity to be produced at any given price.

What can cause a supply curve to shift?

Factors that can shift the supply curve for goods and services, causing a different quantity to be supplied at any given price, include input prices, natural conditions, changes in technology, and government taxes, regulations, or subsidies.