When the kidneys secrete fewer hydrogen ions into the filtrate how would blood pH affected?

Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disturbances

When the kidneys secrete fewer hydrogen ions into the filtrate how would blood pH affected?

One of the main roles of the kidneys is to maintain the correct acid-base balance in the body. The correct acid-base balance is essential for everything in the body to function. When acid-base balance is too low or too high, the chemical reactions that maintain the health of the body cannot occur, and molecules like proteins cannot maintain their shape. This can cause serious illness, organ failure and even death.

Acid-base balance, or pH, is determined by the number of free hydrogen ions in the blood. When there are more hydrogen ions, the pH is low, and the body is more acidic. Fewer hydrogen ions makes the body more alkaline.

The kidney maintains the correct pH by excreting hydrogen ions in urine to remove them from the body when the pH is too low. The kidneys can also resorb bicarbonate from urine to keep it in the body, which raises pH and makes the blood more alkaline.

Damaged kidneys cannot easily maintain a balance of acids and bases in the body. This can result in acidosis, or too much acid, or alkalosis, which is too much base. These conditions must be diagnosed promptly so doctors can treat the problem before it gets worse.

Renal tubal acidosis is a disease caused by the kidneys’ inability to excrete acids from the blood into the urine, making the blood too acidic.

Symptoms of Pediatric Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders

Some children have few symptoms. Others demonstrate:

  • Confusion
  • Lethargy
  • Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)
  • Shock; if the body is not receiving enough blood flow, oxygen flow to organs is disrupted

Diagnosis of Pediatric Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders

Often, children with pediatric kidney imbalances have an underlying condition, such as diabetes, cancer, liver disease or kidney disease. Achild’s doctor may order several tests to confirm a diagnosis, such as:

  • Urine pH. A urine sample is tested immediately by inserting a dipstick into the sample, which indicates the level of acid in the child’s urine.
  • Serum electrolytes. This blood test measures the body’s most significant electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate, which help the body maintain a healthy balance of fluids and acid levels.

Treatment of Pediatric Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders

Determining the treatment type for acid-base and electrolyte disorders depends on the underlying cause. Treatments may include:

  • Dietary restrictions
  • Controlling the child’s blood sugar levels
  • Prescription medication called phosphate binders to counteract high phosphate levels in the blood

Depending on the underlying conditions, a child with a pediatric kidney imbalance may need to be treated by a multidisciplinary team that could include nephrologists, urologists, oncologists and nutritionists.

Drug excretion is the final step in the ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) process and consists of a series of pathways that remove an administered drug and/or its metabolites from the body.

From: Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2021

Principles of Drug Therapy

Robert M. Kliegman MD, in Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2020

Renal Drug Elimination

The kidney is the primary organ responsible for the elimination of drugs and their metabolites. The development of renal function begins during early fetal development and is complete by early childhood (Fig. 73.3D andTable 73.5). Total renal drug clearance (CLrenal) can be conceptualized by considering the following equation:


where glomerular filtration rate (GFR), active tubular secretion (ATS), and active tubular reabsorption (ATR) of drugs can contribute to overall clearance. As for hepatic drug metabolism, only free (unbound) drug and metabolite can be filtered by a normal glomerulus and secreted or reabsorbed by a renal tubular transport protein.

Renal clearance is limited in the newborn because of anatomic and functional immaturity of the nephron unit. In both the term and the preterm neonate, GFR averages 2-4 mL/min/1.73 m2 at birth. During the 1st few days of life, a decrease in renal vascular resistance results in a net increase in renal blood flow and a redistribution of intrarenal blood flow from a predominantly medullary to a cortical distribution. All these changes are associated with a commensurate increase in GFR. In term neonates, GFR increases rapidly over the 1st few months of life and approaches adult values by 10-12 mo (Fig. 73.3D). The rate of GFR acquisition is blunted in preterm neonates because of continued nephrogenesis in the early postnatal period. In young children 2-5 yr of age, GFR may exceed adult values, especially during periods of increased metabolic demand (e.g., fever).

In addition, a relative glomerular/tubular imbalance results from a more advanced maturation of glomerular function. Such an imbalance may persist up to 6 mo of age and may account for the observed decrease in the ATS of drugs commonly used in neonates and young infants (e.g., β-lactam antibiotics). Finally, some evidence suggests that ATR is reduced in neonates and that it appears to mature at a slower rate than the GFR.

Altered renal drug clearance in the newborn and infants result in the different dosing recommendations seen in pediatrics. The aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin provides an illustrative example. In adolescents and young adults with normal values for GFR (85-130 mL/min/1.73 m2), the recommended dosing interval for gentamicin is 8 hours. In young children who may have a GFR >130 mL/min/1.73 m2, a gentamicin dosing interval of every 6 hr may be necessary in selected patients who have serious infections that require maintaining steady-state peak and trough plasma concentrations near the upper boundary of the recommended therapeutic range. In contrast, to maintain “therapeutic” gentamicin plasma concentrations in neonates during the 1st few weeks of life, a dosing interval of 18-24 hr is required.

Drug Excretion

Erin F. Barreto, ... Emily J. Koubek, in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2021

1 Introduction

Drug excretion is the final step in the ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) process and consists of a series of pathways that remove an administered drug and/or its metabolites from the body. Excreted drugs are either eliminated in their original, unmetabolized form, or they can be eliminated following metabolic biotransformation, as described in the preceding chapters. The metabolic biotransformation prepares drugs for excretion. Typically, more hydrophobic drugs are transformed into a more polar, water-soluble compound that is readily eliminated. As an example, the anti-epileptic drug phenytoin is a highly lipophilic compound. A series of metabolic transformations in the liver convert phenytoin to several inactive water-soluble metabolites that can then be excreted in the urine. In addition, excretion of a drug is dependent on intrinsic properties of the drug, such as pH and size. For example, weakly acidic drugs display increased excretion in basic urine, while weakly basic drugs are excreted more readily in acidic urine. Ionized drugs with a molecular weight greater than 300 g/mol can be actively secreted by the liver into bile. Genetic variation and underlying acute or chronic comorbidities can also impact drug excretion. Impaired kidney function or hepatic diseases that compromise biotransformation pathways may decrease drug excretion, which can result in drug accumulation and potential toxicity.

Total medication clearance is described by CL = CLk + CLh + CLother where CLk reflects kidney clearance, CLh reflects hepatic clearance, and CLother integrates all other sources such as extracorporeal clearance as with renal replacement therapy or metabolism by pH-dependent plasma esterases (Lea-Henry et al., 2018). As can be seen in the preceding equation, the main contributors to drug excretion are the kidneys and the liver. Water-soluble compounds are excreted primarily by the kidneys, while larger, more hydrophobic compounds are the responsibility of the liver. Secondary routes of excretion do exist (CLother), such as through breast milk, sweat, saliva, hair, and respiration. However, their contribution tends to be small. The following chapter will describe the various routes of excretion, the methods by which researchers and clinicians measure and model drug excretion, and how this information may be applied clinically.

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Principles of Drug Use in the Fetus and Neonate

Richard J. Martin MBBS, FRACP, in Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 2020

Renal Excretion of Drugs

The kidneys are the most important organs for drug elimination for most agents. In the newborn, the most frequently used drugs, such as antimicrobial agents and caffeine in the premature neonate, are excreted by way of the kidney. Renal elimination of these drugs reflects and depends on neonatal renal function, which is characterized by a low glomerular filtration rate (GFR), low effective renal blood flow, and low tubular function (secretion and reabsorption) compared with that in the adult. The neonatal glomerular filtration rate is about 50% of the adult value and is greatly influenced by gestational age at birth. A term neonate has a glomerular filtration rate of 2-4 mL per minute per 1.73 m2, whereas the glomerular filtration rate at less than 34 weeks of gestation is about 0.7-0.8 mL per minute per 1.73 m2. The most rapid changes in renal function occur during the first week of life, but adult values are not reached until 6-12 months after birth in term neonates.14,27 As expected, it takes even longer for the GFR to reach adult values in preterm infants secondary to the smaller number of glomeruli present.14 Medications administered to the neonate can also cause a decrease in GFR and ultimately reduced elimination of concurrent drugs. For example, indomethacin inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, which leads to an increase in renal vascular resistance and thus a reduction in renal blood flow. The consequence of this is a decreased clearance of other medications such as gentamicin that are dependent on glomerular filtration for elimination.

Effective renal blood flow may influence the rate at which drugs are presented to and eliminated by the kidneys. Available data suggest that there is low effective renal blood flow during the first 2 days of life (34-99 mL per minute per 1.73 m2), which increases to 54-166 mL per minute per 1.73 m2 by 14-21 days and further increases to adult values of about 600 mL per minute per 1.73 m2 by age 1-2 years. These data are probably not applicable to premature infants with very low birth weight, particularly those who weigh less than 750 g at birth. It is assumed, pending definitive data, that the glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow in these micronates are substantially lower than those in bigger premature infants, such as those who weigh more than 1000 g at birth. Nevertheless, renal function in these patients is highly variable and reflected in the highly variable body clearance of a number of commonly administered drugs.

Tubular secretion and reabsorption are also variable and immature in neonates. Tubular secretion approaches adult values by 7-12 months of age in term neonates, while reabsorption maturation is more gradual and continues through adolescence.27 In premature neonates, tubular function is even more limited. Drugs that require tubular secretion for elimination (e.g., furosemide, morphine) typically exhibit decreased clearance during the neonatal period.

Drug Excretion

David R. Taft, in Pharmacology, 2009

9.6.4 Pharmacokinetics of Large Molecules

This chapter emphasized drug excretion mechanisms for small molecules, given that most medications fall into this category. It should be recognized, however, that peptide and protein therapeutics now constitute a substantial portion of the compounds under preclinical and clinical evaluation. Large molecule therapeutics represent promising approaches to treat a variety of diseases, but they also bring to light challenges to drug development scientists in terms of manufacturing drug delivery and bioanalysis. Additionally, large molecules have different pharmacokinetic profiles than conventional small molecule drugs. For example, peptide and protein drugs are cleared by the same catabolic pathways used to eliminate endogenous and dietary proteins. Although both the kidney and liver can metabolize proteins by hydrolysis, there is minimal clearance of protein therapeutics via conventional renal and biliary excretion mechanisms. You must recognize these differences when applying the principles and concepts presented in this chapter to large molecule therapeutics.

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Pharmacokinetics in Neonatal Medicine

Richard J. Martin MBBS, FRACP, in Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 2020

Drug Excretion

The excretion of active drugs or their metabolites is the process by which drugs are removed from the body. Drug excretion primarily occurs through the kidney and liver (seeFig. 45.2).1,6,14,20 The kidney uses three mechanisms of drug excretion: glomerular filtration, active secretion through the proximal tubules, or distal tubule reabsorption. Glomerular filtration is very low in the first few days after birth and increases with hemodynamic changes and improved renal perfusion. Glomerular filtration also increases with gestational age; preterm infants typically have delayed renal clearance and longer half-life compared to term infants.1,6,14,20 Disease states common in critically ill newborns such as neonatal encephalopathy, sepsis, acute kidney injury, and congenital heart disease all have been associated with reduced glomerular filtration and reduced drug excretion.

Tubular processes related to drug secretion and reabsorption are also important to renal elimination yet incompletely understood particularly in neonates. Drug secretion in the proximal tubules uses transport systems that typically eliminate organic anions. Secretion transporter proteins secrete drugs that are conjugated with glucuronic acid, glycine, and sulfate, such as penicillin or furosemide. Tubular secretion is less developed in newborns, thereby partially explaining the prolonged half-life of penicillin and furosemide.1,14,20 Membrane transporters in the distal tubule can actively reabsorb drugs from the tubular lumen back into the systemic circulation. Tubular reabsorption is also delayed in neonates. Glomerular filtration rate typically improves with maturation faster than tubular mechanisms.

The liver uses four mechanisms of drug excretion: drug metabolism, excretion into bile, fecal elimination, and enterohepatic recirculation. Hepatic drug elimination can be dependent on hepatic blood flow and the metabolic capacity of liver. Patients with hepatic insufficiency have decreased elimination of drugs because of alterations in protein levels and protein binding, decreased liver blood flow, decreased uptake into hepatocytes, and altered hepatic enzymatic reaction. Patients with hepatic insufficiency, however, exhibit marked variability in drug metabolism and elimination. Infants with hepatic insufficiency typically benefit from lower doses of drugs that are eliminated by hepatic biotransformation and therapeutic drug monitoring when possible.

Regardless of excretion mechanism, the rate at which drugs are eliminated from the circulation is essential to the PK properties of drug clearance (CL), elimination rate constant (Kel), and half-life (

) (see formulas inTable 45.1,Eq. [4.6]). Drug CL is defined as the volume of blood from which all drug is removed per unit time; Kel represents the elimination rate constant, in other words, the slope of the drug concentration time curve on a semi-logarithmic plot; and is defined as the time it takes to clear half of the drug from plasma. Clearance can be affected by body weight, body surface area, cardiac output, hepatic function, renal function, plasma protein binding, concomitant medications, and variation in expression of drug metabolizing enzymes. At steady state, drug input is equal to drug elimination and, therefore, the dose given (dose/interval) is equal to the amount of drug removed (CL x drug concentration at steady state).

Drug excretion

Elaine M Aldred BSc (Hons), DC, Lic Ac, Dip Herb Med, Dip CHM, ... Kenneth Vall, in Pharmacology, 2009


The greatest proportion of drug excretion occurs through the kidneys.

The liver makes most drugs and remedies water soluble for removal via the kidneys (see Figure 17.1, p. 131).

One-fifth of the plasma reaching the kidney glomerulus is filtered through the pores in the glomerular cell membrane. The rest passes through the blood vessels around the renal tubules (Figure 18.1).

Substances with a low molecular weight and not bound to plasma proteins can easily pass through the cell membranes into the tubules.

Active secretion against a concentration gradient also takes place in the tubules.

The factors affecting the rate at which the drug or remedy is excreted by the kidneys are:

kidney disease

pH of urine

change in renal blood flow

concentration of drug or remedy in plasma

its molecular weight.

Kidney Disease

Useful complexes such as plasma proteins (see Chapter 16 ‘How do drugs get into cells?’, p. 126) can be lost, increasing the amount of unbound remedy in the body, with resulting toxicity. Other compounds may be lost in the urine as the reuptake is reduced.

pH of Urine

The pHs of the urine and blood are interrelated. Tubular secretion, which takes place in the kidneys, is an active process whereby certain molecules and ions are removed from the blood and actively secreted into the tubules. From the buffering equation (Figure 18.2), it is possible to see that:

When the pH of the blood decreases, more hydrogen ions need to be secreted (thus removing them) to maintain the balance.

If the pH increases, fewer hydrogen ions need to be secreted (they need to be retained).

The kidneys are capable of absorbing fluctuations in pH and will adjust the removal or retention of hydrogen ions as necessary. This is why the pH of the urine can vary so widely but the blood pH is maintained within very narrow limits.

Any reduction in tubular secretion due to disease may result in serious ion imbalances in the body. Blood is buffered through a balance between carbon dioxide (CO2) and bicarbonate concentrations (HCO3−).

The kidneys act when the blood becomes too acidic (right-hand side of the equation) or too basic (left-hand side of the equation) by altering the amount of water lost through urination. The buffering mechanism is associated with sodium balance, which is also controlled by the kidneys (Figure 18.3) and involves an enzyme called carbonic anhydrase (CA; see Chapter 26 ‘Cardiovascular disorders’, p. 198).

The erythrocytes also contain carbonic anhydrase, which acts as described above to enable them to carry carbon dioxide in the form of the bicarbonate ion (see Chapter 28 ‘Blood disorders’, p. 209).

There are also other buffers in the blood, such as the plasma proteins, but the kidneys have the most dramatic effect as regards pH balance in the blood.

• How Does pH Affect Drug Excretion?

The filtrate passing into the first part of the renal tubule has the same pH as plasma, roughly neutral. As the pH of urine can be anything from 4.5 to 8.0, this will affect the rate of drug excretion (see Chapter 8 ‘Acids and bases’, p. 55).

Take, for example, a drug that is weakly acidic: the lower the pH (e.g. 4.5), the more free hydrogen ions will be available and the weakly acidic drug molecules will be unlikely to give up their hydrogen molecules. They will therefore remain non-polar (uncharged) and be reabsorbed, through the non-polar cell membranes.

In very alkaline urine (e.g. 8.0), the acidic drug molecules will tend to be removed as they will have more readily given up their hydrogen molecule and become polar (charged), making their reabsorption through the non-polar (uncharged) cell membranes more difficult. They are also more easily removed by the ionic active process.

For a more alkaline drug the converse will occur.

Meat eaters tend to have slightly acidic urine (due to the type and amount of protein in their diet) and vegetarians have slightly alkaline urine. A patient’s diet might therefore be a consideration in the treatment plan.

Change in Renal Blood Flow

Perfusion rates are as important for removal as the distribution of a drug or remedy (see Chapter 16 ‘How do drugs get into cells?’, p. 125). Any change in renal blood flow due to kidney (or another) disease will increase the time it takes for a substance to leave the body.

Concentration of Drug or Remedy in Plasma

Normally, a high concentration of unbound substance will ensure its removal if it is small and water soluble. Many drugs are bound to plasma proteins (see Chapter 16 ‘How do drugs get into cells?’, p. 126). How tightly they are bound then affects how easily they can be removed when they reach the kidneys. This can be controlled by pH or the amount of free substance in the plasma.

Kidney disease affects the degree to which a substance is removed from the body. Changes in pH affect polarity and the abnormal exit of plasma proteins from the kidneys to which these substances might be attached.

Molecular Weight

The larger the chemical, the more difficulty it has passing through a cell membrane even if it is lipid soluble.

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Fundamental Principles of Pediatric Physiology and Anatomy

Jeffrey N. Brownstein, Vajahat Yar Khan, in Pediatric Dentistry (Sixth Edition), 2019


Drug metabolism and excretion are profoundly affected by the size of various body fluid compartments. Fluid distribution among these compartments is significantly different in infancy and childhood, which in turn alters the action of certain drugs in this age group.

A brief review of body fluid nomenclature may be helpful at this point. The total body water space consists of the intracellular fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments. The volume of distribution (Vd) is that volume into which a drug distributes in the body at equilibrium. Although Vd is usually measured in plasma (the volume of plasma at a given drug concentration that is required to account for all drug in the body), many drugs distribute into body tissues as well. Thus Vd may be estimated at many times the total plasma volume.

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Jian-Da Lu, Jun Xue, in Critical Care Nephrology (Third Edition), 2019


Drug excretion is the removal of drugs from the body, either as a metabolite or unchanged drug. There are many different routes of excretion, including urine, bile, sweat, saliva, tears, milk, and stool. By far, the most important excretory organs are the kidney and liver. In kidney, excretion of drugs depends on glomerular filtration, active tubular secretion, and passive tubular absorption. Urine and blood pH and the physical characteristics of the drug molecule are important in determining whether the drug is excreted in the urine or remains in the circulation. Drugs appearing in bile will enter the intestines and may be reabsorbed resulting in enterohepatic circulation. Biliary excretion eliminates substances from the body only to the extent that enterohepatic cycling is incomplete. Drugs with a molecular weight (MW) exceeding 300 daltons and with polar and lipophilic groups are more likely to be excreted in bile. Clearance is a measure of the ability of the body to eliminate a drug. The elimination behavior of a drug is described most simply by its half-life, the time needed for the drugs concentration to be halved.

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Hepatitis, Alcoholic

Alan Kaye, Amir Baluch, in Essence of Anesthesia Practice (Third Edition), 2011


Impaired drug metabolism, detoxification, and excretion by the liver can prolong drug half-lives (volatile agents, muscle relaxants, analgesics, and sedatives may be affected).

Remifentail organ independent metabolism, fentanyl common choice

Cis/Atracurium are neuromuscular blockers of choice due to organ independent metabolism

Decrease dose 50% for morphine, meperidine, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.

Desflurane most minimally metabolized inhalational agent; however, sevoflurane and isoflurane also shown to be safe in pts with impaired liver function. Factors known to reduce hepatic blood flow, such as hypotension, excessive sympathetic activation, and high mean airway pressures during controlled ventilation should be avoided

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Organ-on-a-chip and 3D printing as preclinical models for medical research and practice

Abhishek Jain, ... Amirali Selahi, in Precision Medicine for Investigators, Practitioners and Providers, 2020

Technical losses of the model

While studying drug absorption, distribution, and excretion, it is important to include the various losses that are inherently included in a human-on-a-chip. At present most of the organs-on-chip are fabricated using silicones (PDMS) that are porous and elastomeric in nature [101]. Though the porous nature is beneficial for oxygenation of the cells cultured in them, it can lead to loss of drugs by retention and permeation, known as package loss of the effluents. Empirical relations that relate the surface area of channels, volume of PDMS used to make the organ-on-a-chip, and package loss have to be developed, for in vivo drug dosage extrapolation.

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When fewer hydrogen ions are secreted into the filtrate How is blood pH affect?

blood. When fewer hydrogen ions are secreted into the filtrate, how is blood pH affected? Blood pH is not affected by hydrogen ions. Blood pH decreases.

What happens to pH when the kidney secretes hydrogen ions?

2. Excretion of Hydrogen Ions (H+) by the Kidneys. When the blood becomes too acidic, t he kidneys remove excess H+ ions from the body and excrete them in the urine. This makes the urine more acidic and the blood less acidic.

What effect does the secretion of hydrogen ions H+) into the filtrate have on blood pH?

Increased [H+] results in decreased pH, which is termed acidemia, and decreased [H+] results in increased pH termed alkalemia. Hydrogen ions are produced continually through body metabolic processes and either excreted through the kidneys or buffered.

How do the kidneys most significantly affect pH as a buffer?

The renal system affects pH by reabsorbing bicarbonate and excreting fixed acids. Whether due to pathology or necessary compensation, the kidney excretes or reabsorbs these substances which affect pH.