Which event is not part of the sequence of interaction that results in secondary deviation Quizlet

2. The term deviance can be defined as:

a. The act of notifying authorities when criminal acts are occurring.
b. A violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law.
c. Social reward for the violation of norms.
d. The regulation and enforcement of norms.

Labelling theory

Came to the forefront during a time when various assumptions concerning societal authority were being questioned and reexamined.

This perspective focuses on such questions as
Who applies the deviant label to whom?
Who establishes and enforces the rules?

These scholars were also interested in how society reacts to this labeled behavior.

Symbolic Interactionism

focuses on how an individual's personality and thought processes evolve through social interactions such as symbolic language and gestures.

foundation of labelling theory

Charles Horton Cooley

An individual gains a sense of his or her social self through primary groups or significant others.

Identified the process of an individual obtaining a self-image through the "eyes of others" as the looking-glass self.

Primary groups are those characterized by intimate and personal interactions.

William I. Thomas

Concerned with the later years, specifically when the adult self is redefined.

To understand human behavior, one needs to understand the "total situation" that consists of subjective factors as well as an individual's subjective definitions of those factors.

george herbert mead

symbolic and non symbolic interaction

Mead was primarily interested with symbolic interaction.

Specifically, Mead was concerned with the interpretation, or ascertaining the meaning of the actions or remarks of the other person, and definition, or conveying indications to another person as to how he is to act.

Non-symbolic interaction

Occurs when individuals respond to gestures or actions.

symbolic interaction

Occurs when individuals interpret each other's gestures and act based on the meaning of those interactions.

An essential component of symbolic interactionism is that individuals who are stigmatized as being deviant are predisposed to take on a deviant self-identity.

Erving Goffman

stigma; Maintained that stigmatized individuals differ from "normals" in terms of how society reacts to them.


An attribute that is deeply discrediting and that diminishes the individual from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one.

Frank Tannenbaum

Crime and the Community (1938)

Many scholars identify the origins of the labeling perspective to this publication.

Focused on the process that occurs after an individual had been caught and designated as having violated the law.

There is a gradual shift from the definition of the specific act as evil to a definition of the individual as evil.

Dramatization of Evil

The community's point of view, or the social reaction to illegal behavior.

The process of making the criminal involves the process of tagging, defining, and identifying the individual as such resulting with that person becoming the very thing he or she was described as being.

The first dramatization of evil has a greater influence on "making the criminal" than any other experience.
Acts are not inherently good or bad.

There are differing degrees of good and bad.
Social reactions influence how behaviors will be labeled.

These behaviors are placed within a context that includes such factors as a person's social status and the social setting.

Edwin M. Lemert

Social Pathology (1951)

Distinguished between primary and secondary deviance.

primary deviance

Behavior that is situational or occasional.

A person uses excuses or rationalizations for his or her deviant behavior.

This process is done either through normalization (i.e., a problem of everyday life) or through minimal controls which do not seriously hinder individuals from getting along with each other.

A person engaging in primary deviant behavior perceives the behavior as bad; this individual, however, does not perceive himself or herself as being a bad person.

secondary deviance

Deviant behavior or social roles based upon it, which becomes a means of defense, attack, or adaptation to the overt and covert problems created by the societal reaction to primary deviation.

A person engaging in secondary deviant behavior uses his or her behavior as a way to defend, or adjust, to the various problems related to the social reactions of this behavior.

A key aspect to secondary deviance is not only society's reaction to the individual's behavior, but the individual's response to that reaction.

The sequence of interaction that results in secondary deviation

Primary deviation,Social penalties, Further primary deviation, Stronger penalties and rejections,
Further deviation, possibly with hostilities and resentment toward those imposing the penalties,
Crisis reaching the tolerance quotient, expressed in formal action by the community stigmatizing the deviant,Strengthening of the deviant conduct as a reaction to the stigmatizing and penalties, and
Ultimate acceptance of the deviant social status and efforts at adjusting to the associated role.

howard s becker

Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance (1963)


refers to those individuals who are considered by others to be deviant; these labeled individuals are considered to be "outside" the circle of the "normal" members of the group.

Social groups create deviance by making the rules whose infraction is considered deviance and by applying those rules to particular people and labeling them as outsiders.

A key aspect to labeling deviance is to realize that certain groups have the power to impose rules, and subsequently labels, on other groups.

This power differential results in those groups with this "authority" to designate other individuals as "deviants" and "outsiders."


Only those behaviors which are considered deviant by others are "really" deviant.

Whether a behavior or an act conforms to a certain rule

The term deviant and delinquent are what sociologist designate as an ascribed status and not an achieved status.

Typology of Deviant Behavior

Conforming Behavior,Pure Deviant, Falsely Accused, Secret Deviant

conforming behavior

Obeys the rules and society perceives that person as obeying the rules.

pure deviant

An individual who disobeys the rules and is perceived as doing so.

falsely accused

An individual has been identified as disobeying the rules; this person, however, did not violate the rules.

secret deviant

An individual who violates the rules of society but society does not react to this behavior.

Edwin M. Schur

Addressed some of the criticisms and misunderstandings of the labeling perspective.
Noted that some scholars maintained that this perspective fails to distinguish adequately between deviance and nondeviance.

The labeling perspective, however, attempts to explain the varieties of the deviant experience rather than just the "mere counting and classifying of deviating acts and individuals."

criticisms of labelling theory

argue the labeling perspective is too narrow; for instance, the focus is on the aspects of the deviant status rather than the deviant motivation.

One reason for this confusion and controversy was the failure of labeling theorists to provide a concise definition of deviance that can be used when conducting research.

The various propositions to be tested are not adequately specified. This lack of specificity does not allow researchers to empirically examine the relationship between significant variables.
Due to the lack of satisfactory data and empirical research, evaluating the adequacy of the labeling theory has been difficult.

Labeling theory focuses on the reaction to criminal and/or deviant behavior. It avoids the question of causation.

Labeling theory focuses on the "reactors" rather than the "actors."

Labeling should be viewed as a perspective rather than a theory. Specifically, it is neither a theory in the strictest sense nor does it focus exclusively on the act of labeling itself.

schurs definition

Human behavior is deviant to the extent that it comes to be viewed as involving a personally discreditable departure from a group's normative expectations, and it elicits interpersonal or collective reactions that serve to "isolate," "treat," "correct," or "punish" individuals engaged in such behavior.

Key Factors of Labeling Theory

stereotyping, retrospective interpretation, negotiation


Usually associated with racial prejudice and discrimination.

Stereotyping can also occur in police encounters with juveniles.

During the various decision-making stages of these encounters (e.g., bring the juvenile into the station, type of disposition to invoke, etc.), police react to various cues given by the juvenile.

These cues include the youth's group affiliations, age, race, grooming, dress, and demeanor.

retrospective interpretation

The process by which an individual is identified as a deviant and is thereafter viewed in a "new light."
Through this process, an individual is given a new personal identity.

The most dramatic way of initiating this process is through a public status-degradation ceremony such as the criminal trial.


Alleged delinquents may try to influence their disposition by exploiting the relationship between the image they present and the probable outcome of their case.

Schwartz and Skolnick

examined the effect of an employee's criminal court record and the reaction of potential employers.

The results revealed that only one employer demonstrated an interest in the convicted folder, three in the tried-but-acquitted folder, six in the tried-and-acquitted (with the letter from the judge), and nine in the no-criminal-record folder.

The individual accused but acquitted has almost as much trouble finding even an unskilled job as the one who was not only accused of the same offense, but also convicted.


examined how the label of "insanity" can influence the behavior and perceptions of hospital staff.

Eight individuals from various background, but deemed "sane," applied for admission to different mental hospitals, Upon arrival at the hospital, each individual pretended they were hearing voices, a symptom of schizophrenia, When questioned about their backgrounds and significant life events, they all gave truthful and accurate responses, All but one individual was labeled schizophrenic.

conflict perspective

There are various conflict theoretical perspectives.

They all share a critical position concerning the existing social order; they differ, however, as to their conceptualization of the nature of social order.
Generally, there are two forms of conflict theory: conservative (pluralist) and critical-radical.

conservative (pluralist) perspective

The primary focus of conservative (pluralist) conflict theories is power and the use of that power; this theoretical framework views society as consisting of diverse interest groups competing for power.

George Vold

group conflict theory

The importance of Vold's contribution is that it offered another explanation of understanding crime—critical criminology.

group conflict theory

A key aspect to group conflict theory is recognizing the social process view of society as a collection of various groups that are held together in a dynamic equilibrium of opposing group interest and efforts.

This social process involves a continuous struggle to maintain, or enhance, the position of one's own group within the context of these other competing groups.
Conflict is an essential component to this social process.

Maintained that the process of lawmaking, law-breaking, and law enforcement reflects essential and fundamental conflicts between group interest as well as the struggles among groups for control of state police power.

Group conflict theory focuses only on those situations in which criminal behavior is a result of conflicting group interests.

crimes with group conflict theory

Crimes arising from political protest, Crimes resulting from labor disputes, Crimes arising from disputes between and within competing unions, and, Crimes arising from racial and ethnic clashes.

austin turk

Turk stated that "nothing and no one is intrinsically criminal; criminality is a definition applied by individuals with the power to do so, according to illegal and extra-legal, as well as legal criteria."

Society is characterized by conflict arising between various groups seeking to establish control over one another.

Maintained that social order is based in a consensus-coercion balance maintained by the authorities.
Turk's "theory of criminalization" (i.e., the process of being labeled a criminal) occurs through the interaction between those who enforce the law and those who violate the law.

Stressed the importance of nonpartisan conflict theory-
He maintained that the ideological position or the political utilities of theories are irrelevant when assessing the validity of knowledge claims.

social factors influencing interaction

One such social factor is the congruence of cultural and social norms.

Two additional social factors are the level of organization and the level of sophistication of both the authorities and the subjects.

Conflict is more likely when both authorities and subjects are organized.

Another social factor is the power differential between enforcers and violators.

Criminalization will most likely occur when the enforcers (e.g., the police, prosecutors, and judges) have a great deal of power compared to the resisters.
Realism of moves is another essential social factor.

Conflict will most likely occur when either the enforcers or resisters engage in inappropriate or unsuitable behavior.

Richard quinneys 6 propositions

definition of crime, formulation of criminal definitions, application of criminal definitions, development of behavior patterns in relation to criminal definition, construction of criminal conception, social reality of crime

definition of crime

Crime is a definition of human conduct that is created by authorized agents in a politically organized society.

Formulation of Criminal Definitions

Criminal definitions describe behaviors that conflict with the interest of the segments of society that have the power to shape political policy.

application of criminal definitions

Criminal definitions are applied by the segments of society that have the power to shape the enforcement and administration of criminal law.

development of behavior patterns in relation to criminal definitions

Behavior patterns are structured in segmentally organized society in relation to criminal definitions, and within this context persons engage in actions that have relative probabilities of being defined as criminal.

constuction of criminal construction

Conceptions of crime are constructed and diffused in the segments of society by various means of communication.

social reality of crime

The social reality of crime is constructed by the formulation and application of criminal definitions, the development of behavior patterns related to criminal definitions, and the construction of criminal conceptions.