Which group on the Design tab is the watermark page color and page border buttons located?

You can change the document view with buttons in the View section on the Status bar or with options in the Views group on the VIEW tab.

Print Layout is the default view, which can be changed to other views such as Draft view or Read Mode.

In Print Layout view, a page displays as it will appear when printed including the white space at the top and bottom of the page representing the default margins.

The Draft view displays the document in a format for efficient editing and formatting but does not display footers, headers, margins or images.

Use the Zoom slider bar to change the percentage of the display.

The Read Mode view displays a document in a format for easy viewing and reading.

Use options at the Ribbon Display Options button drop-down list to specify whether you want the Quick Access toolbar, ribbon, and Status bar visible or hidden.

Navigate in a document using the Navigation pane. Display the pane by clicking the Navigation Pane check box in the Show group in the View tab.

To save space on the screen, you can remove the white space by double-clicking the left mouse button on the Hide White Space icon.

The default page orientation is portrait, which can be changed to landscape with the Orientation button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.

The default page size is 8.5 by 11 inches, which can be changed with options at the Size drop-down list or options at the Page Setup dialog box with the Paper tab selected.

Change margins with preset margin settings at the Margins button drop-down list or with options at the Page Setup dialog box with the Margins tab selected.

When you click the Margins button in the Page Setup group, a drop-down list of margin options is displayed.

The page break that Word inserts automatically is a soft page break which automatically adjusts when text is added or deleted.

A page break that you manually insert is a hard page break.

Insert a hard page break with the Page Break button in the Pages group in the Insert tab or by pressing Ctrl + Enter.

Insert a predesigned and formatted cover page by clicking the Cover Page button in the Pages group in the Insert tab and then clicking the desired option of predefined pages at the drop-down list.

The placeholders found in the predesigned cover pages are locations where you can enter specific information.

Text that appears at the top of every page is called a header; text that appears at the bottom of every page is called a footer.

Insert predesigned and formatted page numbering by clicking the Page Number button in the Header & Footer group in the Insert tab, specifying the desired location of page numbers, and then clicking the desired page numbering option.

Page numbers are not printed by default.

You can insert predesigned headers and footers in a document with the Header button and the Footer button in the Header & Footer group in the Insert tab.

A predesigned header, like a predesigned cover page, often contains location placeholders.

To remove a footer, begin by clicking the Footer button in the Header & Footer group.

Clicking the Header or Footer button displays a drop-down list of predefined headers.

A watermark is a lightened image that displays behind text in a document. Use the Watermark button in the Page Background group on the Design tab to insert a watermark.

Insert page color in a document with the Page Color button in the Page Background group on the Design tab.

Page color is designed for viewing a document on-screen and does not print.

The Blank Page button inserts a blank page at the position of the insertion point.

Click the Page Borders button in the Page Background group and the Borders and Shading dialog box with the Page Border tab selected displays. Use options at this dialog box to insert a page border or an image page border in a document.

Change the position of the page border from the edge of the page with options at the Borders and Shading Options dialog box.

Use the Find feature to search for specific characters or formatting. Use the Find and Replace feature to search for specific characters or formatting and replace with other characters or formatting.

At the Find and Replace dialog box, click the Find Next button to find the next occurrence of the characters and/or formatting.

Click the Replace button to replace the characters or formatting and find the next occurrence.

Click the Replace All button to replace all occurrences of the characters or formatting.

Click the More button at the Find and Replace dialog box to display additional options for completing a search.

Choose the Match case option to exactly match the case of the search text.

Choose the Find whole words only option to find a whole word, not a part of a word.

Choose the Use wildcards option to search for wildcards, special characters, or special search operators.

Choose the Sounds like option to match words that sound alike but are spelled differently.

Choose the Find all word forms option to find all forms of the word entered in the Find what text box.

Use the Match prefix option to find only those words that begin with the letteris in the Find what text box.

Use the Match suffix option to find only those words that end with the letters in the Find What text box.

The Reading Highlight button contains both a Highlight All and a Clear Highlighting option.

When you click the Format button in the Replace tab, a pop-up list displays with options for the type of formatting you want to find.

Ctrl + H is the keyboard shortcut to display the Find and Replace dialog box with the Replace tab selected.

In which group on the Design tab would you find the page color and page border buttons?

To use page borders in Word, click the “Design” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Page Borders” button in the “Page Background” button group. Doing this then opens the “Borders and Shading” dialog box and displays the “Page Border” tab within it.

What happens when you choose a color from the page color button?

What happens when you use the Page Color button to add background color to a document? The document will display on the screen with background color, but the background color will not print.

Where are page borders positioned?

Borders and Header/Footer If the body text or objects are in the position where page borders are to be inserted, page borders will be drawn behind the body text and the header and footer will be located outside page borders.

Which tab contains the cover page button?

Insert a cover page On the Insert tab, click Cover Page. Click a cover page layout from the gallery of options. After you insert a cover page, you can replace the sample text with your own text by clicking to select an area of the cover page, such as the title, and typing your text.