Which high calcium food does the nurse direct the parents of a child with lactose intolerance to include in the childs diet?

Waterproof sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 is a necessity

Rationale: SLE, a chronic multi-system autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue, varies in severity and is marked by remissions and exacerbations. Although the origin of SLE is not known, genetic, environmental, hormonal, and immune response factors are likely responsible. These factors include exposure to sun and other UV light, stress, fatigue, viruses, bacteria, certain medications, and some food additives. Avoiding triggers that set off exacerbation is essential, so wearing appropriate sunscreen is a necessity. The sunscreen should contain an SPF higher than 15 and should be waterproof. The remaining options present incorrect information.

An infection can precipitate a celiac crisis.

Rationale: Celiac disease is the result of an inability to digest fully the gliadin, or protein, part of wheat, barley, rye, and oats. This lifelong deficiency requires dietary modifications to prevent chronic maldigestion and malabsorption; dietary management is the mainstay of treatment. All wheat, barley, rye, and oats (i.e., pasta, baked products, and many breakfast cereals) should be eliminated from the diet and replaced with corn and rice. Celiac crisis is marked by profuse, watery diarrhea and vomiting and can quickly lead to severe dehydration and metabolic acidosis.

Absence seizures

Rationale: Absence seizures, formerly called petit mal seizures, are characterized by brief episodes of altered consciousness. There is no muscle activity except for eyelid fluttering, twitching, or head bobbing, and the child has a blank expression. Absence seizures last only 5 to 10 seconds but may occur one after another, several times a day. Atonic seizures are marked by an abrupt loss of postural tone, impairment of consciousness, confusion, lethargy, and sleep. Myoclonic seizures are brief, random contractions of a muscle group that may occur on both sides of the body and may occur singly or in clusters. Tonic-clonic seizures, formerly called grand mal seizures, consist of a tonic phase (a sustained, generalized stiffening of muscles lasting a few seconds) and a clonic phase (symmetric and rhythmic, consisting of alternating contraction and relaxation of major muscle groups).

Which high calcium food does the nurse direct the parents of a child with lactose intolerance to include in the child's diet?

Which high-calcium food does the nurse direct the parents of a child with lactose intolerance to include in the child's diet? Rationale: Yogurt, ice cream, and broccoli are high in calcium, but the child with lactose intolerance should avoid all high-lactose foods, such as milk, yogurt, and ice cream.

What instruction should the nurse provide to a parent regarding the prevention of urinary tract infection in his child?

Preventing future UTIs Make sure that your child drinks plenty of water each day. This helps your child urinate often, which clears bacteria from the body. Encourage your child to urinate as soon as they need to.