Which information would the nurse provide to a client with insomnia to prevent injury quizlet

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During REM sleep, the client's temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respirations increase. The client may experience small muscle twitching, such as facial muscles twitching, and irregular pulse rate and respirations. During non-eye movement sleep, the client will exhibit a decrease in body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respirations.

Assess the client's vital signs and pulse oximetry.
Considering the client's sleep pattern, including periods of apnea; obesity; and cardiovascular disease, the client is likely experiencing sleep apnea. Sleep apnea may result in periods of life-threatening apnea, hypoxia, and bradycardia. As such, the nurse should awaken the client, obtain and record vital signs, and notify the health care provider of the sleep pattern and vital sign results. Calling a code blue is inappropriate, as the client is experiencing periods of apnea that are consistent with a sleep disorder and there is no indication that the client does not have a pulse. Asking a peer to observe the sleep pattern is inappropriate, as the nurse should assess the client's well-being. Reviewing the medical record is inappropriate, as attention should be on the client's well-being.

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Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can help you control or eliminate negative thoughts and actions that keep you awake and is generally recommended as the first line of treatment for people with insomnia. Typically, CBT-I is equally or more effective than sleep medications.

What intervention should you prioritize when caring for a resident with chronic insomnia quizlet?

The use of eye masks and ear plugs are simple interventions that have shown promise for easing insomnia in adults. Resistance strength training and walking, combined with social activity, significantly improved sleep in nursing home and assisted living residents in one study.

Which instruction would the nurse provide to the client to promote sleep?

Taking a warm bath and consuming milk or a light snack before bedtime promote sleep. If the patient is unable to sleep after 15 to 30 minutes in bed, he should get out of bed and do some quiet activity until he feels sleepy. The nurse should instruct the patient to listen to soft music at bedtime.

What questions does the nurse ask to assess insomnia?

To determine the timing of insomnia, ask the patient the following questions: Is the difficulty with falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or early morning awakening?