Which instruction should the nurse include in the teaching plan for a postpartum woman with mastitis?


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Which instruction should the nurse include in the teaching plan for a postpartum woman with mastitis?

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pretest questions

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What teaching points should the nurse provide to a postpartum client regarding mastitis?

Apply warm, moist compresses to the affected breast every few hours or take a warm shower. Breastfeed every two hours or more often to keep milk flowing through the milk ducts. If needed, use a breast pump to express milk between feedings. Drink plenty of fluids and rest when possible.

Which instruction would the nurse provide to a woman who is breastfeeding and has mastitis?

Take your time when you breastfeed to allow your baby to empty your breast. Try not to switch breasts too early. Express or pump after you breastfeed if your baby is not emptying your breasts when he or she feeds. Prevent sore and cracked nipples.

Which nursing discharge instructions are appropriate to include when teaching a postpartum woman?

A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a postpartum client following a cesarean birth..
Feed the newborn less frequently..
Continue to breast-feed every 2 to 4 hours..
Switch to bottle-feeding the infant for 2 weeks..
Stop breast-feeding and switch to bottle-feeding permanently..

Which instruction should the nurse offer a client as primary preventive measures to prevent mastitis?

Explanation: As a primary preventive measure to prevent mastitis, the nurse should instruct the client to perform good handwashing before breastfeeding. The nurse should instruct the client to frequently breastfeed to prevent engorgement and milk stasis.