Which of the following indicates the time when a successor task can start before a predecessor task is complete?

  • School ECPI University, Virginia Beach
  • Course Title MATH 131
  • Pages 1
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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Following, predecessor Task, successor task

In which of the following ways is estimating effort different from estimating time quizlet?

C. In which of the following ways is estimating effort different from estimating time? A. Effort estimates focus more on general activities than on specific tasks.

What is successor and predecessor in project management?

By definition, the predecessor is the first task; it controls the start or end date for all related successor tasks. The successor, by contrast, is the task whose start or end date is controlled by the predecessor. A dependency is the relationship between predecessor and successor tasks.

Which of the following does a project manager do after a change request is approved?

If the change request is approved then the project deliverables will need to be updated. This can include plans and schedules, business process documents, and the requirements documents. Once these updates have been made, the project manager can communicate the new course of action to everyone who will be impacted.

What are the 3 types of dependencies?

Types of dependencies in project management.
Logical dependencies. Also known as causal dependencies. ... .
Resource dependencies. This dependency originates from a project constraint as it deals with the availability of shared resources. ... .
Preferential dependencies. ... .
External dependencies. ... .
Cross-team dependencies..