Which of the following is a system of moral principles or rules of conduct relating to human behavior?

1. A personal/specific basis of conduct/management; to adhere to one's principles; a kindergarten run on modern principles

2. Guiding sense of requirements + obligations of right conduct; a person of principle

3. An adopted rule/method for application in action; a working principle for general use

4. A rule/law exemplified in natural phenomena, the construction/operation of a machine, working of a system; the principle of capillary attraction

5. Method of formation, operation, or procedure exhibited in a given case; i.e. a community organized on patriarchal principle

6. A determining characteristic of something; essential quality

7. An originating/actuating agency/force; i.e. growth is the principle of life

8. An actuating agency in mind/character, as an instinct, faculty, or natural tendency; i.e. the principles of human behavior

9. Chemistry, a constituent of a substance, especially one giving to it some distinctive quality/effect

10. Obsolete; beginning/commencement

What is a system of moral principles or rules of conduct relating to human behavior?

What are ethics? Ethics are a system of moral principles or rules that say what is and is not acceptable. Generally speaking, ethics refer to the rules or code of conduct that people use to determine when an action is acceptable or not.

What are the principles of moral behavior?

Moral principles are guidelines that people live by to make sure they are doing the right thing. These include things like honesty, fairness, and equality. Moral principles can be different for everyone because they depend on how a person was raised and what is important to them in life.

What are moral principles called?

the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group. synonyms: ethic, value orientation, value-system.

What is a system of moral principles and values?

An moral system is a system of coherent, systematic, and reasonable principles, rules, ideals, and values which work to form one's overall perspective.