Which of the following is the best characterization of traditional political participation quizlet

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Terms in this set (55)

traditional political participation

activities designed to influence government, including voting and face-to-face activities such as volunteering for a campaign or working on behalf of a candidate or political organization (page 289)


participation that involves assembling crowds to confront a government or other official organization (page 289)


the right to vote; also called franchise (page 290)


the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote (page 292)

digital political participation

activities designed to influence politics using the Internet, including visiting a candidate's website, organizing events online, and signing an online petition (page 295)

socioeconomic status

status in society based on level of education, income, and occupational prestige (page 301)

gender gap

a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views between women and men (page 307)


the process by which large numbers of people are organized for a political activity (page 310)

same-day registration

the option in some states to register on the day of the election, at the polling place, rather than in advance of the election (page 318)

permanent absentee ballots

the option in some states to have a ballot sent automatically to your home for each election, rather than having to request an absentee ballot each time (page 318)

early voting

the option in some states to cast a vote at a polling place or by mail before the election (page 319)

Apart from voting, this form of political participation is the MOST common way citizens participate in American politics.

digital political participation

As of 2014 approximately what percentage of senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress were women?

18 percent

Especially controversial _________ are likely to increase voter turnout, political interests, and political contributions.

ballot measures

For many years, analysts have referred to the _____ vote as the "sleeping giant" because this is such a large group with relatively low levels of participation.


In states that do not require registration or that allow registration on the day of the election,

younger and less affluent voters turn out in larger percentages.

One contemporary example of political participation through protests, this one concerning police treatment of African Americans, is the

Black Lives Matter campaign.

One of the MOST common reasons given for why U.S. citizens don't participate in elections is

the registration process.

Republicans argue that _________ protect against voter fraud and ensure the vote is fair, whereas Democrats believe that these laws suppress the vote of segments of the population most likely to vote for Democrats.

photo ID laws

Suffrage refers to the

right to vote.

The Twenty-Sixth Amendment grants

eighteen-year-olds the right to vote.

The idea of politics finding and engaging individuals through e-mail, Facebook, and other Internet activities rather than individuals purposefully seeking out politics is described as

accidental mobilization.

The process of gerrymandering in the United States has directly

reduced the number of competitive electoral races.

Thirty-six states currently implement a temporary ban on voting for which of the following?

a felony record

Voter registration is determined and controlled by

the states.

Voter turnout is highest for elections at which level of government?


What factor has traditionally made Iowa and New Hampshire so important in the presidential nominating process and boosted their primary voter participation?

early timing

What might be the primary reason that presidential candidates spend more time campaigning in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania than they do in California, New York, or Texas?

They are battleground states.

What relatively recent barrier to voter participation has become a bitterly fought partisan battle?

proof of identity requirement for voters

When did American women officially attain the right to vote?


Which group best represents the following trends: opposition to military activities, especially war; support of social spending for health care, public education and welfare; and gun control?


Which group is credited with playing an important role in helping George W. Bush win the presidency in 2000 and 2004?

the religious right

Which of the following elections represented a modern high point for voter turnout, with 62 percent of eligible voters participating?


Who of the following is MOST likely to vote?

a 40-year-old dermatologist

_____ refers to a group's right to vote.


____ are the hallmark of democracy.


Women and minorities in the U.S. Congress are

significantly underrepresented compared with their percentage of the U.S. population.

Which voting trend began in 2004 and continued through 2008?

the first significant increase in voter turnout in 40 years

Which religious group became a significant part of the Republican Party base starting in the 1980s?

white evangelical Protestants

Which of the following statements about the voting rights of felons is accurate?

Some states allow felons who have served their sentences to vote, while others do not.

Which of the following is true of Asian American voting patterns and political participation?

Asian Americans often vote similarly to whites

Which of the following is a voting practice that most European countries have but that the United States does not?

holding elections on nonworking days

Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to vote?

a white middle-aged college graduate

Which of the following granted 18-year-olds the right to vote?

the Twenty-Sixth Amendment

Which group won suffrage in 1920?


Which factor in particular helped the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election?

better mobilization efforts by Democrats

What is the single MOST important factor in predicting not only whether an individual will vote but also most kinds of political participation?

education level

The concept defined as "when individuals are represented in government by officials of their same race, ethnicity, or gender" is known as

descriptive representation

The Latino vote is often referred to by analysts as the

sleeping giant

Reversing decades of negative trends, digital media may foster community building. Digital media may also increase Americans' social capital, which is defined as

community networks that motivate political participation.

Political scientist Russell Dalton argues that social media such as Twitter and Facebook is making participation in politics much more


Over the past two centuries of American history, which of the following has been the MOST persistent barrier to increased suffrage for disenfranchised groups?

state laws

Apart from voting, this form of political participation is the most common way citizens participate in American politics

digital political participation

An example of ____ was the Black Lives Matters campaign starting in Ferguson but spreading to New York City, Baltimore and dozens of other locations in 2015.


A series of experiments by Donald Green and Alan Gerber showed that face-to-face interaction may increase voter turnout by

10 percent

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Which of the following is the best characterization of digital political participation quizlet?

Which of the following is the best characterization of digital political participation? Digital political participation includes activities like visiting a candidate's website or signing an online petition.

Which of the following is the best definition of political participation?

Political participation includes a broad range of activities through which people develop and express their opinions on the world and how it is governed, and try to take part in and shape the decisions that affect their lives.

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Voting is the most common type of political participation.

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Political participation refers to the many different ways that people take part in politics and government. Voting is one of the most common and widely studied forms of political participation.