Which of the following powers belong to the state governments? (choose all that apply) quizlet

Back in 1800 during the presidential election, Thomas Jefferson won against John Adams, before Adams left office he elected a bunch of his own Federalist judges to the district of Columbia courts. The Senate approved them, and they were signed by the president at the time, John Adams. For the people to be appointed judges, they had to go through a commission that ended up taking longer and was started when Thomas Jefferson was in office. Once Thomas Jefferson was elected, he told Madison to hold off on sending out the commissions. William Marbury pops up and says that it's unfair and he wants his job, so Marbury took it to the supreme court and wanted a court order telling Madison to send out the commissions. John Marshall, one of Adams appointed judges, came in and demanded all these things to be done, but the most important was that Madison didn't have to hand in Marbury's commission. Long story short- the supreme court had no power or rule in this case. Marshall said that the constitution is the supreme law of the land.

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Which of the following powers belong to the state governments? (choose all that apply) quizlet

Which of the following powers belong to the state governments? (choose all that apply) quizlet

Which of the following powers belong to the state governments?

In the Tenth Amendment, the Constitution also recognizes the powers of the state governments. Traditionally, these included the “police powers” of health, education, and welfare.

Which of the following powers belong to the state governments quizlet?

maintaining law and order, levying taxes (including property, sales, and income tax), borrowing money, charter banks, establish courts, oversee public/health safety, enforce laws.

Which of the following are powers shared by the national and state governments?

Concurrent powers refers to powers which are shared by both the federal government and state governments. This includes the power to tax, build roads, and create lower courts.

Which of the following are powers shared by the national and state governments quizlet?

Collecting taxes is a power shared by the national and state governments. Establishing courts is a power shared by the national and state governments. Coining money is a power delegated to the national government.