Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed employees?

  • What is characteristic of Type A management?
  • Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed Employees Group of answer choices?
  • When managers use tools such as reprimands pay reductions and suspensions These tools are called?
  • Which statement would a proponent of management by objectives likely make?
  • What are example characteristics of someone with a Type A personality quizlet?
  • Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed employees?
  • When Elaine accepted a position with cannon Corporation in Dallas Texas she felt uneasy?
  • Which statement is the best description of how scientific management?
  • Which of the following best defines scientific management group of answer choices?
  • Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies quizlet?
  • What is scientific management quizlet?
  • What is a characteristic of Type J management?
  • What is a dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?
  • Which of the following performance appraisal methods requires managers to keep logs that focus on individual employee behavior in specific situations?
  • Which of the following problems would indicate that a manager failed to apply the basic concepts?
  • What is the purpose of management by objectives?
  • What is the purpose of management by objectives quizlet?
  • What is meant by MBO in management?
  • What are the principles of MBO?
  • What are examples of characteristics of someone with a Type A personality?
  • What is the character traits of type A?
  • Which is the best example of a Type A personality?
  • Which statement describes the relationship between employee training and employee development?
  • What was the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?
  • When reflecting upon the newer generation each older generation says the same thing quizlet?


Type A individuals are aggressive, ambitious, controlling, highly competitive, preoccupied with status, workaholics, hostile, and lack patience. Type B people are relaxed, less stressed, flexible, emotional and expressive, and have a laid-back attitude.

Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed Employees Group of answer choices?

Which of the following statements is the best description of how the scientific management approach viewed workers? Workers were like machines that must be programmed to perform in a certain way.

When managers use tools such as reprimands pay reductions and suspensions These tools are called?

Reprimands, pay reductions, and suspensions are all examples of: negative reinforcement.

Which statement would a proponent of management by objectives likely make?

The following statement would a proponent of management by objectives likely make: When all is said and done, employees must motivate themselves.

What are example characteristics of someone with a Type A personality quizlet?

A Type A person is time pressured, competitive and easily made angry and this anger is the direct inwards. A type B person is usually more creative and empathetic. Are not time pressured and are often unaware of time.

Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed employees?

Reprimands, pay reductions, and suspensions are all examples of: negative reinforcement.

When Elaine accepted a position with cannon Corporation in Dallas Texas she felt uneasy?

Which of the following statements is the best description of how the scientific management approach viewed workers? Workers were like machines that must be programmed to perform in a certain way.

Which statement is the best description of how scientific management?

Which of the following statements best describes scientific management? It focuses on how jobs, work, and incentive schemes could be designed to improve productivity using industrial engineering methods.

Which of the following best defines scientific management group of answer choices?

Which of the following best defines scientific management? It is the thorough studying and testing of different work methods to identify the best, most efficient way to complete a job.

Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies quizlet?

Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies? Workers are more motivated if they feel they are part of a special group or project. Maslow was mainly concerned with explaining how: human motivation was related to a hierarchy of needs.

What is scientific management quizlet?

Scientific Management- a theory of creating a scientific job environment to manage the workers and increase productivity Organization worker control-

What is a characteristic of Type J management?

Type J is the term used by William Ouchi to describe the management approach typically taken by Japanese firms. One characteristic of this approach is a commitment to lifetime employment

What is a dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?

Scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity during the early 1900’s. True or False? The results of the Hawthorne studies encouraged researchers to begin studying human motivation and managerial styles that lead to higher productivity.

Which of the following performance appraisal methods requires managers to keep logs that focus on individual employee behavior in specific situations?

4. Which of the following performance appraisal methods requires managers to keep logs that focus on individual-employee behavior in specific situations? Critical incidents method

Which of the following problems would indicate that a manager failed to apply the basic concepts?

Which of the following problems would indicate that a manager failed to apply the basic concepts of expectancy theory? Employees are unwilling to work toward achieving an important goal because they believe the reward offered is not sufficient to justify the effort.

What is the purpose of management by objectives?

Management by objectives (MBO) is a strategic management model that aims to improve organizational performance by clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and employees.

What is the purpose of management by objectives quizlet?

Management by objectives sets goals, creates organizations to achieve goals, and measures progress toward goals.

What is meant by MBO in management?

Definition: MBO is a management practice which aims to increase organizational performance by aligning goals and subordinate objectives throughout the organization. Description: MBO requires all levels of management to agree on clearly defined quantitative and/or qualitative objectives.

What are the principles of MBO?

The Theory of MBO The following four major components of the MBO process are believed to contribute to its effectiveness: (1) setting specific goals; (2) setting realistic and acceptable goals; (3) joint participation in goal setting, planning, and controlling; and (4) feedback.

What are examples of characteristics of someone with a Type A personality?

What are some traits of a type A personality?

  • tend to multitask.
  • be competitive.
  • have a lot of ambition.
  • be very organized.
  • dislike wasting time.
  • feel impatient or irritated when delayed.
  • spend much of your time focused on work.
  • be highly focused on your goals.

What is the character traits of type A?

The phrase Type A refers to a pattern of behavior and personality associated with high achievement, competitiveness, and impatience, among other characteristics. In particular, the positive traits of a Type A personality include: Self-controlMotivation to achieve results

Which is the best example of a Type A personality?

The best example of a Type A Personality is an individual who is excessively yearning, objective situated, time-pressing, and competitive.

Which statement describes the relationship between employee training and employee development?

Which of the following statements best describes scientific management? It focuses on how jobs, work, and incentive schemes could be designed to improve productivity using industrial engineering methods.

What was the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s?

Scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity during the early 1900’s. True or False? The results of the Hawthorne studies encouraged researchers to begin studying human motivation and managerial styles that lead to higher productivity.

When reflecting upon the newer generation each older generation says the same thing quizlet?

Which of the following problems would indicate that a manager failed to apply the basic concepts of expectancy theory? Employees are unwilling to work toward achieving an important goal because they believe the reward offered is not sufficient to justify the effort.

Which statement is the best description of how scientific management?

Which of the following statements best describes scientific management? It focuses on how jobs, work, and incentive schemes could be designed to improve productivity using industrial engineering methods.

Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies quizlet?

Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies? Workers are more motivated if they feel they are part of a special group or project. Maslow was mainly concerned with explaining how: human motivation was related to a hierarchy of needs.

Which of the Hawthorne studies found that employees?

The Hawthorne studies found that employees in the experimental group: were more productive than other employees regardless of the level of lighting.

What was scientific management quizlet?

A classical management approach that applied scientific methods to analyze and determined "one best way" to complete production tasks.