Which part of a textbook reviews the overall organization and contents often chapter by chapter?

Chapter Six: Reading to Learn From College TextbooksStudent Goals:1)Apply the four steps in active reading: previewing, marking, reading withconcentration, and reviewing.2)Use strategies for reading textbooks across different subject areas.3)Improve and monitor your reading and develop your vocabulary.6.1: A Plan for Active ReadingA Plan For Active Reading:1)What is active reading?a)Participating in reading by using strategies, such as highlighting andnote taking, which helps you stay focused.b)Active reading will increase your focus/concentration, help youunderstand what you read, and prepare you to study fortexts/exams/quizzes.2)How can I plan for active reading?a)Active reading has four steps: Previewing, Marking, Reading withconcentration, and Reviewing.Previewing:1)What is previewing?a)The step in active reading where you develop a purpose for readingand take the first look at an assigned reading before you really tacklethe content.b)Get the big picture, to understand the main ideas in the reading andhow those ideas connect with what you already know and to thematerial the instructor covers in class.2)How can I use previewing in my studies?a)Begin by reading the title of the chapter; ask: What do I already knowabout this subject?b)Read through the learning objectives, or intro paragraphs.c)Turn to the end of the chapter and read the summary (if provided). Asummary provides the most important ideas of a chapter.d)Finally, skim the chapter, look at headings, subheadings,key terms,tables and figures, and study exercises at the end of the chapter.3)Additional Notes:a)As you preview material, look for connections between the text andthe related lecture material

b)Use notes with powerpoints/PDF files/supplemental material toconnect everything together.c)Remember different textbooks require more/less time to readMapping:1)What is mapping?a)A preview strategy in which you draw a wheel or branching structureto show relationships between main ideas and secondary ideas and howdifferent concepts and terms fit together.b)Also helps you make connections to what you already know about thesubject.2)How can mapping help me in my studies?a)Visual mapping is an excellent learning tool not only for reading, butalso for text preparation.3)How to use mapping?a)In the wheel structure place the central idea of the chapter (shouldbe in the intro to chapter) in the circleb)Secondary ideas go on the lines connected to the circle, and placeoffshoots of those ideas on the lines attached to the main lines.4)Additional Notes:a)Provides a visual guide to see different ideas relate to each other.b)Good tool for hands on learners/read-write learners.

QUESTION 13__________ is the step in active reading where you develop a purpose for reading and take afirst look at an assigned reading before you really tackle the content.A.HighlightingB.PreviewingC.AnnotatingD.Reviewing

QUESTION 14A(n) __________ reviews a textbook's overall organization and contents, often chapter bychapter.

.D.introductionQUESTION 15__________ are like portable test questions that allow you to quiz yourself on dates, keyterms, and formulas wherever you go.

Which part of a textbook reviews the overall organization and contents often chapter by chapter?

QUESTION 16__________ is an active reading strategy that involves underlining, highlighting, or annotatingas you read.

QUESTION 17Anna often has trouble concentrating on her reading — either her roommates distract her, orshe wants to go for a run, or she gets text messages from friends wanting to hang out.Which strategy would NOT help Anna maintain her concentration while reading?A.Studying in a public place, such as a coffee shop or student loungeB.Sitting somewhere quiet where the noise of people won't bother her, like alibraryC.Turning off her phone while she is doing work and only checking it duringdesignated breaksD.Taking a quick walk down the hall during breaks for some brief exercise

QUESTION 18What should you read first when previewing a reading assignment?

QUESTION 19When creating a wheel map, the main idea goes at the top, followed by supporting ideas onthe second tier, and so forth.

QUESTION 20While reading his political science textbook, Ted became interested in the LouisianaPurchase, which was discussed briefly in one of the chapters. If Ted wants to locate theprimary source from which the author obtained information about the Louisiana Purchase, heshould __________.

QUESTION 21__________ literacy is the ability to think deeply about what you see and read through boththe content and context of television, film, advertising, radio, magazines, books, and theInternet.A.ComputerB.MediaC.EnvironmentalD.Cultural

What part of a textbook reviews the overall organization and contents often chapter by chapter?

Look in the front: Read and think about the Table of Contents. 1. This will show you the overall organization of the course and help identify what's important.

Which part of a textbook contains a list of key words and their definitions?

In the glossary you will find important words about your subject. The terms are listed in alphabetical order followed by their definitions. This vocabulary list can be found at the beginning or at end of a section or chapter. These words may be in bold and italicized.

Which part of a book is often an endorsement of the book written by someone other than the author?

A foreword is an introduction to a book written by someone other than the author that lends credibility to the author's status to write the book. Think of a foreword as a sort of endorsement of the book.

What is the benefit of mapping a chapter prior to fully reading it?

You should always spend a few minutes previewing a chapter or section before you start to read so that you can get an idea of the main concepts in that section. This will help you to have a better purpose and focus going into the reading and will help you to be able to pull out the important ideas more easily.