Which patient with an open wound seen in the emergency department requires a tetanus vaccine?

Palpating the spine for deformities and pain

Inspecting the genitalia for bleeding and obvious injuries

Inspecting the back for ecchymosis, abrasions, and wounds

Checking for circulation, pain, and numbness of any areas that have swelling

The secondary survey includes inspecting the back for ecchymosis, abrasions, and wounds; palpating the spine for deformities and pain; checking for circulation, pain, and numbness of any areas that have swelling; and inspecting the genitalia for bleeding and obvious injuries. The doctor, not the nurse, performs a rectal exam to check for internal bleeding and orders a CT scan if he or she suspects an intraabdominal hemorrhage.

Which patient would be designated red during triage at the site of a mass casualty incident?

Red tags are assigned to any victim with the following: Respiratory rate greater than 30. Absent radial pulse or cap refill greater than 2 sec. Unable to follow simple commands.

When triaging for a mass casualty incident which color tag will the nurse use after assessing a patient whose condition is not life threatening but who has multiple injuries?

SAVE Triage 6). The injured people, who cannot survive and cannot be treated at the disaster scene, but can be saved if they reach the hospital, will be tagged with a red label. Those patients, who take the most from the available therapeutic interventions, are marked with a yellow tag.

Which situations will be classified as mass casualty incidents quizlet?

An emergency is defined as an event that requires a rapid and skilled medical response that existing resources can manage easily. A mass casualty incident is an event that overwhelms community resources.

In which order would Clients receive care based on triage tag color quizlet?

Red-tagged clients have major injuries, black-tagged clients are expected and allowed to die, and yellow-tagged clients have major injuries.