Which staffing policy calls for individuals from the home country to manage operations abroad?

When apparel contractors in Bangladesh admitted that they hired​ children, Levi Strauss demanded that they comply with local regulations.​ Unfortunately, it turned out that many of the underage workers were their​ families' sole sources of support. Which one of the following options did Levi Strauss enact to solve the​ problem?

A. Levi Strauss fired the underage children in order to follow the code of conduct and adhere to​ company's ethic policy.

B.​Levi's struck a​ deal: Contractors continued paying wages to the youngsters while they went to school and then rehired them when they reached age 14.

C.Levi Strauss had to avoid the bad publicity and any child labor allegations. The company closed the plant and moved their operation out of Bangladesh.

D.Levi​ Strauss' investigation team had to report the incident to the home office for further​ action, and the home office requested the contractors to remove the youngsters.

E.Levi Strauss cancelled their contract with the contractors and filed a lawsuit against the contractor for violating the​ company's code of conduct.

What are the three types of staffing policies that international companies can choose to implement?

Research has identified three types of staffing policies in international businesses: the ethnocentric approach, the polycentric approach, and the geocentric approach.

What is a characteristic of a geocentric staffing policy quizlet?

A geocentric staffing policy is one in which the best people are sought for key jobs throughout the organization, regardless of nationality. -consistent with building a strong unifying culture and informal management network.

Which of the following is the process of staffing a company and ensuring that employees are as productive as possible?

Human resource management​ (HRM) is the process of staffing a company and ensuring that employees are as productive as possible.

Which staffing model focuses on deploying talent regardless of employee country of origin?

In geocentric staffing, operations outside the home country are managed by the best-qualified individuals, regardless of their nationality. The process of reducing the size of an organization's workforce is called decruitment.