Which statement best explains the reason for the demand for election of United States senators by direct vote quizlet?

"To what expedient, then, shall we finally resort, for maintaining in practice the necessary partition of power among the several departments, as laid down in the constitution? The only answer that can be given is, that as all these exterior provisions are found to be inadequate, the defect must be supplied, by so contriving the interior structure of the government as that its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places. Without presuming to undertake a full development of this important idea, I will hazard a few general observations, which may perhaps place it in a clearer light, and enable us to form a more correct judgement of the principles and structure of the government planned by the convention."-James Madison, Fed papers 51


    "By a faction, I understand a number of citizen, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and situated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community...There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests... it could never be more truly said than of the first remedy, that it was worse than the disease. Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political if, because it nourishes faction, then it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency."- James Madison Federalist No.10

    Which of the following idealogical perspectives are most consistent with the passage above?





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    Semester 1 Sophomore year civics exam flashcards ( Unit 1 - Unit 8 ).

    Terms in this set (206)

    In terms of civil society, the concept of order is best described as follows:

    Conditions where freedom from disruption is maintained through respect for established authority.

    The following terms best describes activities associated with governance of a country, especially debate among individuals or parties over power:


    The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without interference or restraint is best described as follows:


    The following term best describes a country whose political or economic system is so weak the government is no longer in control:

    Failed State

    The following term best represents the idea that a government's right to use state power is only justified when agreed to by the people over which that power is exercised:

    Consent of the governed

    The system used in the United States to register young people into a possible draft for the armed services is known as:

    Selective Service System

    The crime of being disloyal to one's country is known as:


    The following term best describes a sense of duty and attachment to one's country


    The following term best describes the actions of good citizens and their duties to the country and their fellow citizens:

    Civic responsibilities.

    The right of a government to take private property for public use, with payment of compensation, is known as:

    Eminent domain

    The process of admitting a foreigner to the citizenship of a country is known as:


    The following term best describes when a U.S. citizen voluntarily decides to give up American citizenship:


    The following term best describes the act of leaving one's resident country with the intent to settle elsewhere:


    Persons applying for naturalization must be permanent residents in the United States for the following amount of time before applying:

    5 years

    The following term best describes the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punishment reasons:


    A person applying for American citizenship must be at least:

    18 years old

    The following is the correct name for the American agency that handles naturalization:

    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

    A country with a weak central authority that derives all its powers from the state or provincial governments is known as:

    A confederal state

    The following term best describes a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force:


    A form of government by a titled person such as a king or queen is known as:

    A monarchy.

    A country in which the central government holds most of the political authority is known as:

    A unitary state.

    The following term best describes a system of government where the head of the central government is also head of state and leads the executive branch:

    Presidential democracy.

    A country in which power is divided up between a strong national government and smaller local governments is known as:

    A federal state.

    The following term best describes the idea that there is an understood agreement among members of a society to cooperate for social benefits:

    Social contract

    The Mayflower Compact was based upon the following:

    A majority-rule model.

    The following statement best reflects the concept of a writ of habeas corpus:

    A court order demanding a prisoner be brought to court, preventing unlawful detention.

    Property or money given as a guarantee that a person released from custody will return to court is known as:


    The following term best describes fair treatment through the normal judicial system:

    Due process.

    The following statement best reflects the concept of inalienable rights:

    Rights that cannot be given or taken away.

    The following term best describes power of a legal or political agency to exercise authority over people or territory:


    What is the rule of law?

    All people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly enforced.

    What Enlightenment figure had the greatest influence on the American revolutionaries?

    John Locke

    All of the following were reasons why the Great Awakening was a long term cause of the American Revolution EXCEPT for this:

    The British tried to crush the Great Awakening, causing Americans to become angry.

    What is a republic?

    A state in which political power is held by citizens and their elected representatives

    What best reflects the concept of tabula rasa?

    Humans are not born with any innate knowledge

    The influential pamphlet published in 1776 by Tom Paine was titled:

    Common sense

    New Light ministers:

    Supported what became known as the Great Wakening

    What statement best explains the reasons for a system of checks and balances?

    To prevent one part of a government from becoming too powerful.

    What statement best reflects the results of the Seven Years' War with respect to Britain?

    Britain won the war, but had very high debt.

    What statement best reflects the concept of propaganda?

    Information used to promote a particular political cause or point of view.

    What was the main cause of the American Revolution?

    American colonists wanted full rights as British citizens.

    What assembly was called in response to the Coercive Acts?

    The First Continental Congress.

    Colonists of the American revolutionary period who supported the British cause were known as:


    The Americans benefited greatly from financial and military aid from what European nation during the Revolutionary War?


    A decrease in the value of a currency as compared with other currencies is called what?


    What statement about Loyalists is not true?

    Some Loyalists fled to British-controlled Mexico

    What best reflects the concept of sectionalism?

    Loyalty to the interests of one's own region, rather than to the country as a whole.

    Prices for consumer goods during the Revolutionary period:

    Rose sharply.

    What best reflects the financial situation of the United States after the Revolutionary War?

    The United States had difficulty paying its debts.

    Republicans in the early Revolutionary era:

    Favored more power in the hands of individual states.

    The right to publish a newspaper with articles critical of the government would be an example of:

    Freedom of the press

    The right for citizens not to be tortured by government personnel is protected by what amendment?

    Eighth Amendment

    The right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government would best be described as:

    Freedom of assembly.

    The right for citizens to demand a search warrant from law enforcement personnel seeking entry to their home is protected by what amendment?

    Fourth Amendment

    Writing a letter to the mayor of your city to complain about damage to your house caused by city workers would be an example of:

    Freedom to petition.

    Putting a political bumper sticker on your car without fear of being persecuted would be an example of:

    Freedom of speech

    The right for citizens facing criminal charges to have a speedy and public trial is protected by what amendment?

    Sixth Amendement

    The following statement best reflects the number of amendment proposals that get ratified:

    Very few amendment proposals become part of the constitution.

    All 33 amendments submitted to the states for ratification originated in:


    After it is officially proposed, a constitutional amendment must then be ratified by:

    Three-fourths of the states.

    The following part of the Constitution describes the methods for amending the Constitution:

    Article V.

    The following statement best reflects the role of the President in the constitutional amendment process:

    The president has no official function in the process.

    The following entity is responsible for administering the amendment ratification process:

    Archivist of the United states .

    The following term best describes all the people in a country or area who can to vote in an election:


    If a person born in the United States believed that equal protection under the laws was not being provided, which amendment protects that person's rights?

    Fourteenth Amendment

    If a citizen thought she was being disenfranchised on the basis of sex, which amendment protects that person's rights?

    Nineteenth Amendment

    If a citizen over the age of 18 was denied the right to vote, which amendment protects that person's rights?

    Twenty- sixth Amendment

    What term best describes the denial of the right to vote to a person or group of people?


    If a citizen thought he or she was being disenfranchised on the basis of race, which amendment protects that person's rights?

    Fifteenth Amendment

    The drive to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 grew in response to

    Opposition to the Vietnam War

    If a citizen thought his or her employer was creating conditions of slavery, which amendment protects that person's rights?

    Thirteenth Amendment.

    If a citizen was told to pay a tax in order to vote, which amendment protects that person's rights?

    Twenty-Fourth Amendment

    Which amendment authorized the government to punish states that interfered with the right to vote of citizens by proportionally reducing their representation in Congress?

    Fourteenth Amendment

    What was NOT discussed as a reason for the failure of prohibition?

    The high prices for Alcohol

    What amendment permitted the federal government to create a federal income tax?

    Sixteenth Amendment

    What amendment established prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States?

    Eighteenth Amendment

    What following amendment allowed citizens of Washington, D.C. to vote in presidential elections?

    Twenty-Third Amendment

    What amendment established direct election of U.S. senators?

    Seventeenth Amendment

    What amendment repealed the prohibition amendment?

    Twenty-first Amendment

    What term best describes abstinence from or moderation in drinking alcoholic beverages?


    Qualifications for representatives in the House include all of the following EXCEPT for this:

    Must be a resident of the district they represent

    The following term refers to the title held by members of the U.S. Supreme Court:


    The following term refers to an order by which a higher court reviews a decision of a lower court:


    Proposed legislation under consideration by Congress is known as:

    A bill

    The head of the US Department of Justice is known as:

    Attorney General

    The informal name for the heads of the fifteen executive branch departments is:

    the cabinet

    The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is chosen by the following method:

    An election with members of the house voting

    The Constitution lists all of the following qualifications for the Presidency EXCEPT this one:

    The president must have a college degree.

    The Supreme Court currently has the following number of members:


    The following term best describes powers that can be reasonably inferred by the necessary and proper clause for the purpose of carrying out listed powers in the Constitution:

    Implied powers

    The following term best describes governmental powers made legal by legislation:

    statutory powers

    Special, exclusive powers given to the Senate under the Constitution include all of the following EXCEPT for this:

    revenue bills must originate in the Senate

    The following term is a concept that directs judges to be cautious about overturning decisions made by past courts:

    stare decisis

    The following term best describes those powers that are specifically mentioned in the Constitution:

    Enumerated powers

    The following describes an action a President may take to overturn legislation that Congress has passed:


    The federal courts' most important power is that of:

    judicial review

    All of the following are Congressional checks against the judicial branch EXCEPT for this:

    Congress can nominate new federal judges

    The following term best describes an action by the President that sets aside the punishment for a crime:


    The following term describes a formal accusation of wrongdoing against a federal official:


    Presidential pardons would be considered to be:

    A check that can be used by the executive branch.

    The following statement best reflects the meaning of the establishment clause:

    Prohibits the government from creating an offical church

    All of the following are Congressional checks against presidential power EXCEPT for this:

    Congress can order new presidential elections if it does not like the outcome of an election.

    The rejection of the League of Nations treaty would be an example of

    A check by the legislative branch against the executive branch.

    The system of checks and balances is:

    Much weaker in global affairs than domestic affairs

    The sole organ doctrine holds that the following entity should lead in foreign affairs:

    The president

    The question of what entity should make foreign affairs policy is primarily the struggle between:

    Congress and the president

    The following term refers to people who advocate inward looking politics focused on domestic affairs rather than outward looking politics focused on foreign affairs:


    American foreign policy in the 1920s and 1930s tended to be:

    isolationist in nature

    The first executive department established by the new American government after the 1789 Constitution was:

    The state department

    In global affairs, the Supreme Court:

    Generally stays out of disputes involving global affairs.

    The question of whether the U.S. should be involved in global affairs or stay out of external global affairs revolves around the following concepts:

    Isolationism and engagement.

    The following term is used to describe items related to party politics


    Which of the following reflected the policy of the Washington administration regarding the war between France and Britain that started in the 1790s?

    Washington advocated a policy of neutrality.

    The following term best describes a small, organized group within a larger one


    The following term refers to an organized group that is against another party or the government


    The following term refers to an alliance for combined action, such as an alliance of political parties


    The following term describes when the same social groups vote for the same party for long periods of time


    Due to a flaw in the original Electoral College procedures, the following situation occurred in the 1796 presidential election:

    The President and Vice President were from two different political parties.

    Which of the following would NOT be true of the Federalist Party?

    They supported more power to the individual states.

    William M. Tweed would most accurately be described as:

    A political machine boss.

    The following term best describes a set of goals supported by a political party or candidates to appeal to voters:


    The following term best describes dishonest or illegal behavior by those in power, typically involving bribery:


    The following term best describes a person or group in a lower social class or lower in a political hierarchy:


    The following term best describes a meeting of party leaders and members to select candidates and elect delegates:


    The group known as the mugwumps is most closely associated with the start of:

    The progressive Movement

    The following statement is most accurate regarding the Electoral College:

    The Electoral College is biased in favor of less populous states and against more populous states.

    The following term best describes a group of candidates that run in elections on a common platform:


    The Electoral College has the following number of members:


    The following term best describes loyalty first to one's own region as opposed to the country as a whole:


    In the event that no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote, the following entity chooses the president:

    House of Representatives

    The following term best describes a number that is greater than half of a total:


    Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the Electoral College?

    A vote for President cast in Wyoming carries more weight than a vote cast in California.

    The following state agency is the primary department in charge of voter registration in Michigan:

    Secretary of State

    The following statement best defines a political action committee

    An organization that raises money privately to influence elections or legislation.

    Illegal interference with the process of an election is best described as:

    Election fraud

    The following statement best reflects turnout in off-year elections:

    Turnout is generally lower in off-year elections than in presidential election years.

    The most significant predictor of how an individual will vote is:

    Political Party preference

    Which of the following is NOT true about qualifications to vote in the state of Michigan:

    Must have a valid drivers license

    The following term best describes a group of voters who almost always support a party's candidates for elected office:


    The current holder of a political office running for re-election is best described as:

    An incumbent

    The following statement best reflects the concept of "hard money" in politics:

    Regulated contributions to specific political candidates.

    Which of the following would NOT be true of the Republicans in the 1790s?

    They supported a program of internal improvements like roads.

    The following term best describes a group of candidates that run in elections on a common set of goals and stands on issues:


    Almost all of the American municipalities known as independent cities are in the following state:


    Oakland County would be an example of:

    A county that follows the unified form.

    The following two states do not use the county system:

    Louisiana and Alaska

    The following statement best reflects the concept of an unfunded mandate:

    A law requiring certain actions with no money given for meeting the requirements.

    In a charter county in Michigan, the greatest amount of government power is assigned to:

    A county executive

    The following statement best reflects the trends regarding Michigan counties and state revenue sharing

    Revenue sharing to counties has significantly decreased over the past decade.

    The following statement best reflects the trends in Michigan counties with state and federal funding for infrastructure over the past two decades:

    Michigan counties have seen a decline in both state and federal funding for infrastructure.

    Wayne County would be an example of:

    A county that follows the charter (home rule) form

    Michigan counties typically receive the largest part of their total revenue from:

    Property taxes

    Which of the following would be an example of a legacy cost?

    Current and future payments due to retired employees.

    The following term best describes freedom from external control or influence:


    Which of the following statements best reflects the concept of revenue sharing?

    The state shares revenue from certain taxes with local governments.

    The following term best describes the act of incorporating new territory into the domain of a city, country, or state:


    Which of the following statements best reflects the concept of a municipal corporation?

    A city

    The following term best describes an appointed official, often professionally trained, who directs the administration of a city:

    City Manager

    A millage rate of 5 mills would mean that a homeowner with a house worth $100,000 would pay the following amount:


    Which of the following statements is true about general law townships and charter townships?

    There are many more general law townships than charter townships.

    The following term best describes the concept in which greater local control of government is established:

    Home rule

    Which of the following is true about townships?

    Michigan is one of many states that has some form of township government.

    The official term for charter schools in Michigan is:

    Public school academics

    The following term best describes the number of students registered in and attending a school:


    The following term best describes regional service agencies in Michigan that offer support services to school districts:

    Intermediate school district

    The following term best describes an administrator in charge of a school district:

    A superintendent

    The following term best describes the methods and materials with which students interact to achieve educational outcomes:


    The following statement best reflects the concept of a referendum in politics:

    A vote by the electorate on a political question referred to them for a direct decision.

    The following department of the Michigan government provides financial, tax, and administrative services for the state:


    The following statement about the Michigan Legislature is true:

    There are more members of the House of Representatives than the Senate.

    The following statement best reflects the concept of an initiative in politics:

    A process enabling citizens to place proposed laws and amendments on the ballot.

    Which of the following officials is NOT an elected member of the executive branch of the Michigan government?

    Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

    The following department of the Michigan government manages vehicle registration and the licensing of automobile drivers:

    Secretary of state

    The following statement best reflects the concept of a recall in politics:

    A method by which voters can remove elected officials from office with a direct vote.

    The following term best describes Common Cause, the organization founded by Ralph Nader:

    Interest group

    The following term best describes a person who seeks to influence a politician or public official on an issue:


    Which of the following best reflects the status of the Indoor Tanning Association?

    A trade interest group

    The following is true about grassroots organizing?

    It is focused on individual citizens.

    An amicus curiae brief would be used to lobby:

    The judicial branch

    The following best describes the primary actions of interest groups:

    They lobby the government to adopt their positions.

    The following term best describes the process of taking legal action:


    The following term best describes people at a local or lowest level rather than at the center or upper levels of a political movement:


    The following best reflects the concept of a determinant:

    This is a factor that decisively affects the outcome of something.

    The following term best describes the act of using energetic campaigning to bring about political or social change:


    The following term best describes the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you:


    Civil disobedience can best be defined as follows:

    Refusal to obey certain laws as a form of political protest.

    Which of the following would NOT be an example of an action taken by people in a protest movement to bring attention to their causes?

    paying taxes

    The term satyagraha can best be translated as follows:

    "truth force"

    The following term best describes enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment:


    Which of the following groups occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay in the 1970s to bring attention to their demands?

    American Indian Movement

    A type of ballot measure where citizens are asked if they want a law repealed is known as:

    an initiative

    Which of the following would NOT be an argument made by opponents of the referendum and initiative processes?

    Voters are sufficiently informed to make decisions on complex issues

    The following statement best describes the success rate of proposed amendments to the state's constitution that appeared on Michigan ballots through the initiative process between 1963 and 2014:

    About one-third passed

    A ballot measure asking voters if they want an early end to an officials term in office would be an example of:

    A recall

    A ballot measure asking voters if they want a law overturned would be an example of:

    A referendum

    The most famous Michigan initiative passed by voters concerned:

    Deposits on bottles and cans

    The following statement best describes the number of petition signatures needed to put a referendum or initiative on the ballot in Michigan:

    Hundreds of thousands of signatures are needed.

    Another term for representative democracy would be:

    Indirect democracy

    The following statement best describes the success rate of legislative referendums that appeared on Michigan ballots through the initiative process between 1963 and 2014:

    very few passed

    A ballot measure proposing a new law would be an example of:

    An initiative

    Which of the following states was NOT considered a swing state in the 2012 elections?


    The following statement best reflects the amount of time persons between the ages of 16 and 24 spent online between 2005 and 2015:

    The amount tripled

    The following term best describes an image, video, or advertisement that circulates rapidly on the Internet:


    The increase in the amount of time people spend online owes much to the following factor:

    There are faster and more powerful cell phones

    The following term best describes statistical data related to a population and the particular groups within it:


    The following term best describes a humorous image, video, or section of text copied and spread rapidly by Internet users:


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