A 14-year-old is being treated for renal failure. the nurse would ensure that the child follows a:

A typical WBC range for a child is:



Which of the following would be the priority intervention the nurse should initiate for a child suspected of having Varicella (Chicken pox)?

Contact and droplet precautions
Droplet respiratory precautions
Contact precautions
Universal precautions and standard precautions

Contact and droplet precautions

Which is an example of an absolute contraindication for someone receiving the polio vaccine?
History of Anaphylactic reactions to streptomycin


Common cold

Diabetes Mellitus

History of Anaphylactic reactions to streptomycin

What is the most common reaction to the polio vaccine?
Whooping Cough

A sore, tender area at the site where the vaccine was administered



A sore, tender area at the site where the vaccine was administered

What is the preferred site when giving a vaccination to a 4 month old baby?


Only give subcutaneously


Vastus Lateralis

Vastus Lateralis

Which child should not receive the pneumococcal vaccine?

Child with a cough

Child with a fever of 99.6

Child who had a previous allergic reaction to the vaccine

Child with a mild upper respiratory tract infection

Child who had a previous allergic reaction to the vaccine

Which instructions would be of the highest priority for the mother of an infant receiving his first oral rotavirus vaccine?

Call the MD if he develops fever, redness, or swelling at the injection site

Call the MD if he develops bloody stool or diarrhea

Call the MD if he develops constipation or irritabilty

Call the MD if he develops a fever or a cough

Call the MD if he develops bloody stool or diarrhea

Which Pneumonia vaccine is currently recommended to give to infants under the age of 2 years?



PCV 23

PCV 13

PCV 13

The nurse is speaking to a mother of a 10 month old child. The nurse understands that further teaching about the Hepatitis A vaccine is necessary when the mother states:

Anyone 1 year or older who wants protection from Hepatitis A should get this vaccination.

My child will receive two separate doses of the vaccination.

My child can first receive the shot when she is 12 months old.

After receiving the first dose, I should bring my child back in 3 months for the second dose.

After receiving the first does, I should bring my child back in 3 months for the second dose.

-The dose should be given 6 mo. apart

Which individual is allowed to receive the live influenza vaccine?
A 4-year old diagnosed with asthma
A health-care working directly with a HIV-infected individual
A -5mo infant
An adolescent on long-term aspirin regimen

A health-care worker working directly with a HIV-infected individual

Which set of signs and symptoms best represents the mild side effects reported with both the live attenuated and inactivated influenza vaccines?

High fever and difficulty breathing

Hoarseness and weakness

Dizziness and rapid heart rate

Coughing and headache

Coughing and headache

What would be the priority nursing action on finding the varicella vaccination at room temperature on the shelf in the medication room?

Do not administer this batch of vaccination

Ask the mother if the child had any prior reactions to the vaccination

Ensure the varicella vaccine's integrity is intact; if intact, follow the five rights of medication administration

Ensure that varicella vaccin'es integrity is intact; if intact, give the vaccine after verify the physician orders

Do not administer this batch of vaccination

Which is the nurse's best response when the mother of a 2 month old who is going to get the IPV tells the nurse the older brother is immunocompromised?

Your baby should receive the oral polio virus vaccine instead so that your immunocompromised son does not get sick

You should separate your 2 month old son from the immunocompromised son for 7-14 days after the IPV

Your baby should not be immunized because your immunocompromised son could develop polio

Your baby can be immunized with the IPV; he will not be contagious

Your baby can be immunized with the IPV; he will not be contagious

A normal blood glucose level for a child greater than 2 months is:






Your patient presents with fever, tachycardia, slightly elevated BP, and mildly tachypneic. They have a history of severe headache and neck stiffness/generalized body aches for the past 48 hours. They are sensitive to light and have a positve Kernig's sign.

The MD orders a lumbar puncture and the result is:
Appearance - clear
Glucose mg/dL 45
Protein mg/dL 45
Total Cell Count 10
WBCs /uL 15

What is the most likely diagnosis?
baceterial meningitis
Viral meningitis
Migraine headache

Viral Meningitis

The nutritional needs of the infant with CHF are usually:
The same as a healthy infant's
Less than a healthy infant's
The same as an adult's
Greater than a healthy infants

Greater than a healthy infant's

The nurse explains to new parents that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends iron-fortified formula be continued in a child's dietary intake up until what age?

18 months
6 months
12 months
24 months

12 months


The nurse is caring for a toddler who is not toilet trained. The doctor has ordered intake and output measurement. The nurse most accurately measure the urine by:

Determining urine output by the number of diaper changes in each 24 hour period

Estimating output as a small, moderate, or large and recording on the child's chart

Subtracting the weight of a dry diaper from a wet diaper and recording this amount

Weighing each wet diaper and recording the weight of the diaper as the amount of urine output

Subtracting the weight of a dry diaper from a wet diaper and recording this amount

A 14-year-old is being treated for renal failure. The nurse would ensure that the child follows a:

Low-sodium diet
High protein diet
Low fiber diet
High sodium diet

Low-sodium diet

When discussing hyperlipidemia with a group of adolescents, the nurse should explain that high levels of what substance are thought to protect against cardiovascular disease?

Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
High-density lipoproteins (HDL)

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)

Which teaching would be important to discuss with the family of a child born with PKU?

High-protein and high-dairy products consumption must be maintained

Exclusive breastfeeding is encouraged for maximal nutrition for the child

Studies have shown that children with PKU outgrow the disease

Consumption of decreased amounts of protein and dairy products is advised

Consumption of decreased amounts of protein and dairy products is advised

Anorexia nervosa may best be described as:

Resulting in severe weight loss in the absence of obvious physical causes.

Occurring most frequently in adolescents from lower socioeconomic groups.

Resulting from a posterior pituitary disorder.

Occurring most frequently in adolescent males.

Resulting in severe weight loss in the absence of obvious physical causes.

Which response about safety measures is the most appropriate advice to the 2-year old girls's mother who had her older home remodeled to reduce lead levels?

Wash and dry the child's hands and face before eating

Remodeling the home ot remove the lead is all you need to do

It is best to use hot water to prepare the child's food to decrease the lead

Diet does not matter in reducing lead levels

Wash and dry the child's hands and face before eating


What would be the best response if the mother of a 10 year old boy on kidney dialysis tells the nurse that he has no appetite and only eats bananas?

Let's talk about your son and his diet

Bananas are good to eat; they are rich in needed nutrients

Did you try asking him what else he wants to eat?

Right now his stomach is upset, and as long as he is eating something to give him strength it is fine

Let's talk about your son and his diet

The electrolyte usually is depleted with diuretic therapy in children is:



A 16 year old boy has a diagnosis of new onset diabetes (Type 1). The child is meeting with the RN educator regarding changes that will need to be made in his diet. What would most influence a teenager's food choices?

cultural background

television and other forms of media influence

peers and their dietary choices

Parents and their dietary choices

Peers and their dietary choices

An 11month old girl has a diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia. The child's mother tells the RN that her daughter is currently taking iron and a multivitamin. Which statement by the mother should be of concern to the RN?

"I give her her iron and MVI in oral syringes toward the back of her cheek"

"I give my daughter her medication at the same time every morning"

"I give her her iron and MVI in a nipple before I feed the morning bottle"

"I give her the iron and MVI in her morning 6 ounce bottle of formula"

"I give her the iron and MVI in her morning 6 ounce bottle of formula"

A 2 yr old has been admitted for anemia. His mother asks the nurse what foods to include in his diet to improve his nutritional status. Which of the following should the nurse recommend?

Increase the child's intake of whole cow's milk to 32 ounces a day

Increase the number of snacks that the child eats during the day

Increase the child's intake of fruits, whole grains, and rice

Increase the child's intake of meats, eggs, and green vegetables

Increase the child's intake of meats, eggs, and green vegetables


The nurse is instructing a new breastfeeding mother in the need to provide her premature infant with an adequate source of iron in her diet. Which one of the following statements reflects a need for further education of the new mother?

"When my baby begins to each solid foods, I should introduce iron fortified cereals into her diet"

"I will need to add iron supplements to my baby's diet when she is 9 months old"

"I will use only breast milk or iron fortified formula as a source of milk for my baby until she is at least 12 months old"

"My baby will need to have iron supplements introduced when she is 4-6 months old"

"I will need to add iron supplements to my baby's diet when she is 9 months old"

Which statement is most descriptive of bulimia during adolescence?

Feelings of elation after the binge-purge cycle

Strong sense of control over eating behavior

Weight that can be normal, slightly above normal, or below normal

Profound lack of awareness that the eating pattern is abnormal

Weight that can be normal, slightly above normal, or below normal

A 2 yr old has been admitted for anemia. His mother asks the nurse what foods to include in his diet to improve his nutritional status. Which of the following should the nurse recommend?

Increase the child's intake of whole cow's milk to 32 ounces a day

Increase the number of snacks that the child eats during the day

Increase the child's intake of fruits, whole grains, and rice

Increase the child's intake of meats, eggs, and green vegetables

Increase the child's intake of meats, eggs, and green vegetables

What would be the priority nursing action on finding the varicella vaccination at room temperature on the shelf in the medication room?

Do not administer this batch of vaccination

Ask the mother if the child had any prior reactions to the vaccination

Ensure the varicella vaccine's integrity is intact; if intact, follow the five rights of medication administration

Ensure that varicella vaccin'es integrity is intact; if intact, give the vaccine after verify the physician orders

Do not administer this batch of vaccinations

What would be the priority nursing action on finding the varicella vaccination at room temperature on the shelf in the medication room?

Do not administer this batch of vaccination

Ask the mother if the child had any prior reactions to the vaccination

Ensure the varicella vaccine's integrity is intact; if intact, follow the five rights of medication administration

Ensure that varicella vaccin'es integrity is intact; if intact, give the vaccine after verify the physician orders

Do not administer this batch of vaccination

Which individual is allowed to receive the live influenza vaccine?
A 4-year old diagnosed with asthma
A health-care working directly with a HIV-infected individual
A -5mo infant
An adolescent on long-term aspirin regimen

A health-care working directly with a HIV-infected individual

Which instructions would be of the highest priority for the mother of an infant receiving his first oral rotavirus vaccine?

Call the MD if he develops fever, redness, or swelling at the injection site

Call the MD if he develops bloody stool or diarrhea

Call the MD if he develops constipation or irritabilty

Call the MD if he develops a fever or a cough

Call the MD if he develops bloody stool or diarrhea

What is the most common reaction to the polio vaccine?
Whooping Cough

A sore, tender area at the site where the vaccine was administered



A sore, tender area at the site where the vaccine was administered

The nurse is teaching a class on preventing diaper rash in newborns to a group of new parents. Which statement made by a parent indicates a correct understanding of the teaching?

"I will wash with a mild soap and water and dry thoroughly whenever my infant has a bowel movement."

"I will apply baby oil and powder to the creases in my infant's buttocks."

"I should wash my infant's buttocks with soap and water every time I change the diaper."

"I should wash my infant's buttocks with soap before applying a thin layer of oil."

I will wash with a mild soap and water and dry thoroughly whenever my infant has a bowel movement."

Which statement regarding atopic dermatitis (eczema) in the infant is most accurate?

It is associated with allergy with a hereditary tendency.

It is associated with upper respiratory tract infections.

It is worse in humid climates.

It is easily cured.

It is associated with allergy with a hereditary tendency

What effect does immobilization have on the cardiovascular system?
Normal distribution of blood volume

Increased efficiency of orthostatic neurovascular reflexes

Venous stasis

Increased vasopressor mechanism

Venous stasis

The nurse is teaching the parents of a 7-year-old child who has just had a cast applied for a fractured arm with the wrist and elbow immobilized. Which instructions should be included in the teaching?

Immobilize the shoulder to decrease pain in the arm.

Swelling of the fingers is to be expected for the next 48 hours.

Allow the affected limb to hang down for 1 hour each day.

Elevate casted arm when resting and when sitting up.

Elevate casted arm when resting and when sitting up.

What would cause a nurse to suspect that an infection has developed under a cast?

Cold toes

Complaint of paresthesia

"Hot spots" felt on cast surface

Increased respirations

"Hot spots" felt on cast surface

Which statement is accurate concerning a child's musculoskeletal system and how it may be different from an adult's?

Growth occurs in children as a result of an increase in the number of muscle fibers.

Because soft tissues are resilient in children, dislocations and sprains are less common than in adults.

Infants are at greater risk for fractures because their epiphyseal plates are not fused.

Children's bones have less blood flow.

Because soft tissues are resilient in children, dislocation and sprains are less common than in adults

Which nursing intervention is appropriate to assess for neurovascular competency in a child who fell off the monkey bars at school and hurt his arm?

The skin color, temperature, movement, sensation, and capillary refill of the extremity.

The amount of swelling noted in the extremity and pain intensity.

The length, diameter, and shape of the extremity.

The degree of motion and ability to position the extremity.

The skin color, temperature, movement, sensation, and capillary refill of the extremity.

Kristin, age 10 years, sustained a fracture in the epiphyseal plate of her right fibula when she fell off of a tree. When discussing this injury with her parents, the nurse should consider which statement?

This type of fracture is inconsistent with a fall.

This is an unusual fracture site in young children.

Healing is usually delayed in this type of fracture.

Growth can be affected by this type of fracture.

Growth can be affected by this type of fracture.

A young boy has just been diagnosed with pseudohypertrophic (Duchenne's) muscular dystrophy. The management plan should include:

Suggesting ways to limit the use of muscles.

Recommending genetic counseling.

Explaining that the disease is easily treated.

Assisting the family in finding a nursing facility to provide his care.

Recommending genetic counseling

The nurse is admitting a child with Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (spinal muscular atrophy type 1). Which signs and symptoms are associated with this disease?

Pseudohypertrophy of certain muscle groups

Neural atrophy of muscles

Spinal muscular atrophy

Progressive weakness and wasting of skeletal muscle

Progressive weakness and wasting of skeletal muscle

Kristin, age 10 years, sustained a fracture in the epiphyseal plate of her right fibula when she fell off of a tree. When discussing this injury with her parents, the nurse should consider which statement?

This type of fracture is inconsistent with a fall.

This is an unusual fracture site in young children.

Healing is usually delayed in this type of fracture.

Growth can be affected by this type of fracture.


What major complication is associated with a child with chronic renal failure?

When a child has kidney disease, the kidneys do not filter waste from their body in the way that healthy kidneys do. Toxins and wastes can build up in the blood, leading to complications such as anemia, high blood pressure, protein in urine and poor nutrition.

How do you explain kidney failure to a child?

Explain why your kidneys are not functioning the way they should and reassure the child that you are getting the finest care possible. Explain dialysis and transplantation so they have a better understanding of your current or future treatment. Talk about other family members or friends who will be helping the family.

Can a child recover from kidney failure?

Some children may need dialysis for a short time to take over the work the kidneys usually do. Most children recover completely with no long-term consequences.

Which of the following is an important nursing consideration when caring for an infant with failure to thrive?

The nurse preparing to feed an infant with failure to thrive should maintain a face-to-face posture with the infant when possible. Encourage eye contact and remain with the infant throughout the meal. Stimulation is not recommended, a quiet, unstimulating atmosphere should be maintained.