A job description identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job.

What is Functional job analysis

Functional job analysis is a process for systematically collecting and analysing job-related data. The purpose of functional job analysis is to identify the key tasks and knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) needed to perform a job. The data collected through functional job analysis can be used to develop job descriptions, identify training and development needs, and assess job performance.

Functional job analysis explained

Functional job analysis is a process for obtaining detailed information about the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with a particular job. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the specific skills, knowledge, and abilities required to perform the job successfully. This information can then be used to develop job descriptions, performance standards, and training programs.

Functional job analysis is usually conducted by interviewing incumbents or subject matter experts and observing workers as they perform their jobs. The resulting data are then analyzed and compiled into a report that includes a task list, a description of the skills required to perform each task, and a list of the knowledge and abilities required for the job as a whole.

This type of analysis is particularly helpful in identifying the training and development needs of employees. It can also be used to assess the suitability of candidates for specific positions and to determine whether current employees have the necessary skills to assume new responsibilities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the elements of a job description
  • Differentiate among job analysis, job descriptions and job specifications

A job description is a written statement of what a position entails: what is done, how it’s done and under what conditions. Wright State University’s (WSU) Human Resources department notes that “when well-written, [a job description] produces a realistic picture of a job and answers the question, “What does the person in this role actually do?”[1] In addition to describing the responsibilities of the position, a job description is the primary reference document for recruiting and evaluation. To that point, WSU notes it “sets the stage for optimum work performance by clarifying responsibilities, expected results, and evaluation of performance.” As is true of a job analysis, a job description should be “incumbent neutral;” that is, a classification of the position, without reference to a specific person in that position.

Elements of a Job Description

Although layouts vary, job descriptions generally include the following elements:

  • Job Title. Job title and other reference information such as a job code.
  • Reporting Relationships. Identification of the department the job is a part of, the position the role reports to and any supervisory responsibilities (i.e., number of staff supervised).
  • Job Summary. A brief (1–2 sentence) overview of the role, including its purpose, level and scope of responsibility.
  • Essential Functions. A representative description of the essential tasks, duties and responsibilities of the position. Although in templates this section is often titled “Job Duties and Responsibilities,” using the terminology “essential functions” reinforces the point that these are considered “must have” capabilities. That is, they are required for the successful performance of the job and cannot be modified. For fairness and legal defensibility, these should include all but only those specific skills or abilities that are necessary. Employers who do not have job descriptions with current, defensible essential functions may find themselves unable to defend against a claim of discrimination.
  • Job Specifications. This section identifies the minimum acceptable qualifications for the job including education, experience, and specialized knowledge or skills, if applicable. If applicable, a job description may also list a few preferred qualifications, which may reflect a preference for additional education, experience, knowledge, skills or ability. For example, the job may specify a minimum of a bachelor’s degree but list a preference for a master’s degree or a Human Resource certification.

CareerBuilder states that “the key to writing effective job descriptions is to find the perfect balance between providing enough detail so candidates understand the role and your company while keeping your description concise,” noting that job descriptions that range between 700 and 2,000 characters receive up to 30% more responses.[2] You may also use job description templates written by SHRM who offers members free sample organized by title and function.

Pratice Question

Job Analysis, Job Descriptions, and Job Specifications

A job analysis is an internal document that serves as the basis for both job descriptions and job specifications. A job description summarizes key details of the job, including its purpose, essential functions and job specifications. Job specifications are a subset of the job description that detail the minimum acceptable qualifications for the job. For an illustration of this, refer to Table 1.

Table 1. Job Analysis produces a Job Description and Job Specifications
Job DescriptionJob Specifications
Job Title Qualifications
Job Location Experience
Job Summary/Duties/Responsibilities Training
Reporting to Skills
Working conditions/Hazards Emotional Characteristics

A key distinction is that the details listed under job description are not personal; they are aspects of the job. That is, the job description is what is to be done. Job specifications reflect what is required to complete the job and are personal in the sense that each candidate or employee will have a different job specification profile or combination of education, experience and expertise. Note that a job description may also contribute to the job analysis as a source document when a job is being reviewed or updated.

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What is job description duties and responsibilities?

A job description summarizes the essential responsibilities, activities, qualifications and skills for a role. Also known as a JD, this document describes the type of work performed. A job description should include important company details — company mission, culture and any benefits it provides to employees.

Which of the following identifies the tasks duties and responsibilities for a particular job?

A job analysis is a process used to identify and describe the duties and responsibilities of a job. It also includes identifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the job.

Is to identify the duties and responsibilities of specific positions?

Job analysis is a procedure through which you determine the duties and responsibilities, nature of the jobs and finally to decide qualifications, skills and knowledge to be required for an employee to perform particular job. Job analysis helps to understand what tasks are important and how they are carried on.