On the third day postpartum, which temperature is internationally defined as a postpartal infection?

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c)Postpartum psychosis
The client's signs and symptoms suggest that the the client has developed postpartum psychosis. Postpartum psychosis is characterized by clients exhibiting suspicious and incoherent behavior, confusion, irrational statements, and obsessive concerns about the baby's health and welfare. Delusions, specific to the infant, are present. Sudden terror and a sense of impending doom are characteristic of postpartum panic disorders. Postpartum depression is characterized by a client feeling that her life is rapidly tumbling out of control. The client thinks of herself as an incompetent parent. Emotional swings, crying easily--often for no reason, and feelings of restlessness, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, headache, anxiety, loss of appetite, decreased ability to concentrate, irritability, sadness, and anger are common findings are characteristics of postpartum blues.

The woman with endometritis typically looks ill and commonly develops a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher (more commonly 101°F [38.4°C], possibly as high as 104°F [40°C]) on the third to fourth postpartum day. The rise in temperature at this specific time is the most significant finding. The woman exhibits tachycardia, typically a rise in pulse rate of 10 beats per minute for each rise in temperature of one degree. In addition, the woman may report chills, anorexia, and general malaise. She also may report abdominal cramping and pain, including strong afterpains. Fundal assessment reveals uterine subinvolution and tenderness. Lochia typically increases in amount and is dark, purulent, and foul-smelling. However, with certain microorganisms, her lochia may be scant or absent.

One of the primary assessments you, as a postpartum nurse, make every day is for postpartum hemorrhage. What do you assess the fundus for?

a) Consistency, location, and place
b) Content, lochia, place
c) Location, shape, and content
d) Consistency, shape, and location

a)Feels like eating all the time
Some signs and symptoms of postpartum depression include feeling restless, worthless, guilty, hopeless, moody, sad, overwhelmed, cry a lot, exhibit a lack of energy and motivation, experience a lack of pleasure, changes in appetite, sleep, or weight, withdraw from friends and family, feel negatively toward her baby, or shows lack of interest in her baby.

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Which temperature is internationally defined as a Postpartal infection?

Postpartum fever is defined as an oral temperature ≥38.0°C (≥100.4°F) on any two of the first 10 days postpartum, excluding the first 24 hours.[31] The first postpartum day is excluded because fevers are common in this period, not associated with increased maternal morbidity, and are typically self-limiting.[31] High ...

What infection is contracted mostly by mothers who are breastfeeding and usually occurs after the first postpartum week?

Puerperal mastitis A recent study placed breast infections as the most common postpartum infection at 12% of all infections, most occurring within the first 4 weeks after discharge and a 2013 Cochrane review reported a range from 2% to 33% of all postpartum women.

Which of the following factors puts a Multiparous client in her first postpartum day at risk for developing hemorrhage quizlet?

Which factor puts a multiparous client on her first postpartum day at risk for developing hemorrhage? Explanation: Multiparous women typically experience a loss of uterine tone due to frequent distentions of the uterus from previous pregnancies. As a result, this client is also at higher risk for hemorrhage.

Which measurement best describes postpartum hemorrhage?

Traditionally, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) has been defined as greater than 500 mL estimated blood loss associated with vaginal delivery or greater than 1000 mL estimated blood loss associated with cesarean delivery.