Wer ist benjamin piasku

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Wer ist benjamin piasku

Jared Yes, according to the authors site the series should finish with a 6th book.
Yes, according to the authors site the series should finish with a 6th book.

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 ·  2,778 ratings  ·  127 reviews

Wer ist benjamin piasku

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Wer ist benjamin piasku

This book is definitely one hell of a roller coaster! It is non stop right from page one and only ramps up the farther along into it you get and I absolutely loved it! And with all the devastating twists thrown in, I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through! By now I've really gotten attached to all the characters and really grown to love them. They're each so unique and it's really great having such an eclectic mix of characters. There's some pretty sad and shocking moments in this book This book is definitely one hell of a roller coaster! It is non stop right from page one and only ramps up the farther along into it you get and I absolutely loved it! And with all the devastating twists thrown in, I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through! By now I've really gotten attached to all the characters and really grown to love them. They're each so unique and it's really great having such an eclectic mix of characters. There's some pretty sad and shocking moments in this book and they hit pretty hard. I won't mention specifics because I don't want to spoil it but a few scenes definitely tore my heart to pieces. I keep saying it, but this series really gets better and better as it goes on. And in this book in particular there's a lot of set up for the final two books in the series and it has me absolutely dying to know how it's all going to play out! ...more

Wer ist benjamin piasku

The story was okay. Felt a bit rushed to be honest. There was some good world building and story progression but I feel like the story telling could be better. There was alot of potential in this book for some main character growth but it feels like he's been on a flat trajectory for the past 2 books.

My concern is that with 2 books to go, the author is setting Ben up to be some great unifying figure but there's nothing really outstanding about him. He's good with a sword and he's a friendly dud

The story was okay. Felt a bit rushed to be honest. There was some good world building and story progression but I feel like the story telling could be better. There was alot of potential in this book for some main character growth but it feels like he's been on a flat trajectory for the past 2 books.

My concern is that with 2 books to go, the author is setting Ben up to be some great unifying figure but there's nothing really outstanding about him. He's good with a sword and he's a friendly dude. Not exactly inspiring stuff.

At this point I'm too far in to give up (FML), but I have a feeling the rest of the series will be just as rushed as this book.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

The books are a pretty solid 3.5 to 3.75 stars, some are almost a 4 and I think I can say the series itself is a 4. When books in a series are very consistent it is easy to mark up the series as a whole. I have enjoyed the books and characters and will for sure continue the series.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

still in love with the series <3

Wer ist benjamin piasku


Great story. Lovable characters. Nasty bad people. Love. Loss. Friendships. This story is fantastic. I am very happy to have found a friend in this series and another story worthy of the greats.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Really enjoying this series. A.C. gets me from one book to the next smoothly without making me feel like I'm being strung along just to extend the story. That's hard to do in a series like this, but each book is it's own adventure. The Benjamin Ashwood collection isn't breaking any new ground in terms of Adventure and Fantasy storytelling, but it is surely keeping it alive and well. If you're a fan of the genre you can't go wrong checking it out. Really enjoying this series. A.C. gets me from one book to the next smoothly without making me feel like I'm being strung along just to extend the story. That's hard to do in a series like this, but each book is it's own adventure. The Benjamin Ashwood collection isn't breaking any new ground in terms of Adventure and Fantasy storytelling, but it is surely keeping it alive and well. If you're a fan of the genre you can't go wrong checking it out. ...more

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Amazing as usual

This is one of those authors that you end up having a love \hate relationship with. The books are great and the flow is so fast that you get sucked up into the story and in my case finish it in a few days.

However the way AC makes you feel for the characters is what makes you keep constantly looking for the next installment of the series. Which is why you hate AC for making you wait.

Then you forgive and forget thinking that it takes time for this style of writing. Then finish th

Amazing as usual

This is one of those authors that you end up having a love \hate relationship with. The books are great and the flow is so fast that you get sucked up into the story and in my case finish it in a few days.

However the way AC makes you feel for the characters is what makes you keep constantly looking for the next installment of the series. Which is why you hate AC for making you wait.

Then you forgive and forget thinking that it takes time for this style of writing. Then finish the newest book in a few days. 😑

Your suffering but devoted fan AC I hope you read this one.

Thank you


Wer ist benjamin piasku


One of my biggest pet peeves is the lack of a prologue or characters synopsis of big series. I read so many books I can't keep track of series without a brief refresher. It means I start a book in the middle of a series without any investment in the characters. You might want to wait until the series is finished and then read it through. Now that I'm done whining the story was flat. The book was absolutely unnecessary to the series. It could been covered as a few chapters in either boo


One of my biggest pet peeves is the lack of a prologue or characters synopsis of big series. I read so many books I can't keep track of series without a brief refresher. It means I start a book in the middle of a series without any investment in the characters. You might want to wait until the series is finished and then read it through. Now that I'm done whining the story was flat. The book was absolutely unnecessary to the series. It could been covered as a few chapters in either book three or five. I like Cobble but I'm not sure I will continue on with the series. Gbash


Wer ist benjamin piasku

The best of the series

The Benjamin Ashwood series has been very good overall and this one eclipses the predecessors. In terms of timeline, story, and advancement this is a great read. It doesn't ever feel like there is too much happening, the story is clearly outlined and has great flow. At times books 1&2 felt like the characters were hurrying around trying to accomplish as many feats as could fit. This felt more natural. Overall great series and as stated, this was the best so far.

The best of the series

The Benjamin Ashwood series has been very good overall and this one eclipses the predecessors. In terms of timeline, story, and advancement this is a great read. It doesn't ever feel like there is too much happening, the story is clearly outlined and has great flow. At times books 1&2 felt like the characters were hurrying around trying to accomplish as many feats as could fit. This felt more natural. Overall great series and as stated, this was the best so far.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

I like Cobble's style, I got hooked on the series, it does not fall in to the traps that many fantasy series fall in to, there are no Mary sues running around battling some evil lord who only has the backstory that he is evil for no reason. There are nuances about everything, the characters feel real, and making a millenia old assassin who battles mages with a silver glowing magic sword feel real takes talent, it is possible to follow each character and see how they develop, change, and overcome I like Cobble's style, I got hooked on the series, it does not fall in to the traps that many fantasy series fall in to, there are no Mary sues running around battling some evil lord who only has the backstory that he is evil for no reason. There are nuances about everything, the characters feel real, and making a millenia old assassin who battles mages with a silver glowing magic sword feel real takes talent, it is possible to follow each character and see how they develop, change, and overcome hardships. I would recommend this series to any fantasy lover. ...more

Wer ist benjamin piasku

I have gotten this far in a week! Don't ask about dust and laundry. I have found the series has a developing plot and the characters are realistic. There are obvious clues the characters miss and yet if they didn't I'm not sure the storyline would stand.

There is sex in this volume that I didn't need. I have a good imagination. There is a strong case for doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Not easy, but that is character.

I have to take a break but I will be back to the se

I have gotten this far in a week! Don't ask about dust and laundry. I have found the series has a developing plot and the characters are realistic. There are obvious clues the characters miss and yet if they didn't I'm not sure the storyline would stand.

There is sex in this volume that I didn't need. I have a good imagination. There is a strong case for doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Not easy, but that is character.

I have to take a break but I will be back to the series.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

One of the best book series out there regardless of format

A great continuation of the series. The characters are diverse and very likable or unlikable according to their roles. There are multiple villains and various strategies utilized by the group of heroes to overcome said villains. It is also notable that it is a collective effort by the group and various collaborators in overcoming obstacles rather than relying on one main character to save the day. Very enjoyable read

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Thrilling. Fast paced adventures. The characters continue to grow and develop into the heroes we wish we could be.

The saga continues as life goes on. Honestly the best book to date of the series. Easily read, but far from childish. This book flows seemlessly from scene to scene. Cudo for a well written book. Rhys has stolen my heart, Towall proves appearances are deceiving, Amelia shows the world that even nobility can be noble, and Ben is the noble at heart.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Enjoyable read

I really liked this chapter in the story of Ben and his crew. The author has found a way to keep the story fresh while it unfolds. He's not afraid to introduce New character's and kill off old ones. I like the pace of this book. The character development is good and doesn't feel manufactured. I don't know how many books are going to be in this series but I'm looking forward to the next one.

Enjoyable read

I really liked this chapter in the story of Ben and his crew. The author has found a way to keep the story fresh while it unfolds. He's not afraid to introduce New character's and kill off old ones. I like the pace of this book. The character development is good and doesn't feel manufactured. I don't know how many books are going to be in this series but I'm looking forward to the next one.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

It could have been great!

I did not read this book. You can read my review for book 1.

I'm angry that I had bought the whole set. I lost interest at the first F-word in book 1 and I feel foolish because I hoped Cobble wouldn't go that far. It should have been obvious to me at the point he wrote a graphic sex scene but his plot is good and you can get enthralled. I wanted to be optimistic the story would stay clean. It's a dirty shame - pun intended.

It could have been great!

I did not read this book. You can read my review for book 1.

I'm angry that I had bought the whole set. I lost interest at the first F-word in book 1 and I feel foolish because I hoped Cobble wouldn't go that far. It should have been obvious to me at the point he wrote a graphic sex scene but his plot is good and you can get enthralled. I wanted to be optimistic the story would stay clean. It's a dirty shame - pun intended.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

Well much like the rest of the series so far I enjoyed it. The only part I found fault with was near the end when a primary character died and suddenly reappears. It felt like a cheat to me. Kind of like the old serial cliff hanger of the person about to die and next time everything is fine again. This won't keep me from reading the next book, in fact I already downloaded it. All in all I have enjoyed this series but dead should remain dead. Well much like the rest of the series so far I enjoyed it. The only part I found fault with was near the end when a primary character died and suddenly reappears. It felt like a cheat to me. Kind of like the old serial cliff hanger of the person about to die and next time everything is fine again. This won't keep me from reading the next book, in fact I already downloaded it. All in all I have enjoyed this series but dead should remain dead. ...more

Wer ist benjamin piasku

I did not enjoy the fourth offering of the Benjamin Ashwood series very much. The only thing I enjoyed about this book was the fact that the gang was back together again. While I enjoy a good fight sequence, it felt like the majority of the plot involved Our Gang of Adventures running from one battle to the next battle to the next battle. It became quite tiresome to read and I had to force myself to finish the book.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

With this, the fourth book in the series the group heads south searching for the "Purple" with hopes that they have something to put down the demon uprising.
But the dark mage Eldred is hot on their trail.
All of the characters are growing, even 2000 year old Rhys. Lots of action, some intrigue as they meet new people, some good and some bad.
I have really enjoyed this series to date and look forward to the last 2 books.
With this, the fourth book in the series the group heads south searching for the "Purple" with hopes that they have something to put down the demon uprising.
But the dark mage Eldred is hot on their trail.
All of the characters are growing, even 2000 year old Rhys. Lots of action, some intrigue as they meet new people, some good and some bad.
I have really enjoyed this series to date and look forward to the last 2 books.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Just one problem

Great book, didn’t notice any typos and there were, they were so small that I didn’t notice them. I just love this series but the problem I have is that it just isn’t long enough. Or maybe I just read too fast, don’t know. Seriously, awesome series. Can’t wait for more.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

And a hero rises!

An amazing book that got me reinvigorated for reading again. I have been in many concurrent series and was unsure if I was going to recall everything that happened in this one. But from the first chapter everything came flooding back and started to bloom even further with this addition. I can't wait for the next one!

And a hero rises!

An amazing book that got me reinvigorated for reading again. I have been in many concurrent series and was unsure if I was going to recall everything that happened in this one. But from the first chapter everything came flooding back and started to bloom even further with this addition. I can't wait for the next one!


Wer ist benjamin piasku

Another very good one

Again, a very good read. If you haven’t read the 3 before this, you’re missing out. “Just” that - this one would still be enjoyable. The series is rich, hearty and satisfying. Full on quaffable.
Excellent grasp of both essential good and evil, and the roads travelled to get there.
Worthy journey!

Wer ist benjamin piasku

The story is progressing, and some of the things about the previous book's writing that I did not like are getting to be less of a problem. The repetition of some phrases has gotten less, the unreal fight scenes. Both of those have improved. But Benjamin is still far too perfect as a hero, and far too self-controlled for a young man.

The storyline is well developed and engaging.

The story is progressing, and some of the things about the previous book's writing that I did not like are getting to be less of a problem. The repetition of some phrases has gotten less, the unreal fight scenes. Both of those have improved. But Benjamin is still far too perfect as a hero, and far too self-controlled for a young man.

The storyline is well developed and engaging.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

Action packed! But starting to stretch...

As with the others in this series bk 4 was an entertaining read. I’ve grown attached to the characters and the plot line / story arch. However, it’s starting to stretch thin in places a little overlong and convoluted in others. Hope the author is able to keep it together through the conclusion. Will be waiting on the next installment.

Wer ist benjamin piasku


In many of the book series I have read; after the first book or two the story loses traction and fails to continue grabbing my attention. With this fourth installment in the Benjamin Ashwood Saga AC Cobble has not failed. The story has become even more intriguing. I see myself finishing out this series to the end.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Good read

This being book 4 I would imagine that anyone reading this review is more interested in the series as a whole than this particular book. Here is my advice, read this series. However, pace yourself, I read the series in a little over a week. I now have to wait a month to read book 5. It won’t be easy, but take it from me, pace yourself.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

The series gets better with each book

I have loved these books from the start, but this story is a real page turner. Just when you think the author has fallen into a trope, Woops, there he goes in a totally different direction. Start it with plenty of time to read. You won’t be able to put it down for long.

Wer ist benjamin piasku

Good but the end.......

This is a good book, some parts were predictable. I'm not one for spoilers but as you read you know when something is going to happen and the ending is clear as can be from a long way off. There are a few part that were original and a little of a surprise. I did enjoy it, a good quick one day read.

Good but the end.......

This is a good book, some parts were predictable. I'm not one for spoilers but as you read you know when something is going to happen and the ending is clear as can be from a long way off. There are a few part that were original and a little of a surprise. I did enjoy it, a good quick one day read.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

Good Series

I have enjoyed reading this series very much. Good character development with interesting premises. I am a bit of a book snob and many times I just stop, but this series has drawn me in and kept me interested without depending on sex and/or gratuitous violence (plenty of action and adventure).

Wer ist benjamin piasku

This wasn't my favorite of the Benjamin Ashwood books, but I'm still happy with the way the series is progressing. Ben is growing as a character, as are all of the extended cast members, and we are continuously being introduced to new and interesting characters and places.

I'll definitely continue reading this series, and I hope it gets even better from here.

This wasn't my favorite of the Benjamin Ashwood books, but I'm still happy with the way the series is progressing. Ben is growing as a character, as are all of the extended cast members, and we are continuously being introduced to new and interesting characters and places.

I'll definitely continue reading this series, and I hope it gets even better from here.


Wer ist benjamin piasku

Is it too much to ask for fantasy authors to not kill the fan-favorite characters? William Shakespeare had been long gone from this world. Jeez Louise! It’s the 21st Century for the love of french fries.

Good story. Lots of revelation have transpired in this book. But of course, the journey does not end in this installment. As the saying goes, when one door closes another one opens.

Revenge: Wahrheit Book 2 is on Kickstarter beginning Nov 29th. Search "AC Cobble" on Kickstarter, or follow the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...

AC Cobble is the author of Wahrheit, The King's Ranger, Benjamin Ashwood, and Cartographer series.

Wahrheit is a classic epic fantasy adventure. It is packed full of political intrigue, epic battles, spies & assassins, ancient magic, a

Revenge: Wahrheit Book 2 is on Kickstarter beginning Nov 29th. Search "AC Cobble" on Kickstarter, or follow the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...

AC Cobble is the author of Wahrheit, The King's Ranger, Benjamin Ashwood, and Cartographer series.

Wahrheit is a classic epic fantasy adventure. It is packed full of political intrigue, epic battles, spies & assassins, ancient magic, a little humor, a young man and woman against impossible odds, and dragons. If you liked AC Cobble's other books, you will love this series.

The King's Ranger is a clean, action-packed adventure. Rew, the titular ranger, wants only to manage the wilderness he is responsible for, but the arrival of three youths in his jail cell force him to embark on an epic journey. To protect the youths, he's forced to confront a darkness in his past and join a swirling conflict that will envelope the entire kingdom.

Benjamin Ashwood is AC's take on the classic farm boy with a sword fantasy story. It starts much like they all do, but in Ben's world like the real world, heroes are made not born, and the good guys don't always win. Try it today and find out why this series has sold hundreds of thousands of copies!

The Cartographer is a little sexier and a little darker, but has the same sense of fun and adventure as Benjamin Ashwood. Think world spanning travel and exploration, occult rituals, dark seductresses, bodies dropping like flies, and bar fights. Fans of Rhys will love Oliver and Sam. Join the adventure today!

For series artwork, maps, the newsletter signup, the blog, and more, head over to: https://accobble.com/.


Other books in the series

Wer ist benjamin piasku

  In the realm of reading, there are few experiences as truly immersive as the one you get with an epic fantasy novel. As a genre, fantasy is...

“You don’t fight your battles because of what you think you will gain, or because they are easy, or because you’re certain you can win. You fight because you believe it’s necessary. Whether you will win or lose is a secondary concern,” — 2 likes

“It’s the nature of man,” continued Amelie. “Ignore what you can. Only face what you have to.” — 1 likes

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