What challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the cloud?

What challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the cloud?

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Cloud Storage, Data Protection and Forensic Practitioner Ethical Practices
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Cloud Storage, Data Protection and Forensic Practitioner Ethical Practices
Quiz 1.
Cloud Computing and its Working Mechanism
Cloud storage is a computer model of storing data in which the data is in pools. The
storage stretches to multiple servers in the same location or different locations, and a hosting
company owns the physical environment. They are responsible for the accessibility and
availability of the data. Organizations and people buy storage capacities from the providers to
store applications, organization, or user data. Dr. Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider does put the
belief behind its invention. The invention was made in the early 1960s. Two decades later,
customers were provided with disk space to store their essential pieces of information. It has
grown popular since people need larger space to store their data and for organizations to back up
their data. Cloud storage requires just one online server. A person then sends copies of the file or
data that they want to save over the internet to the server (Guo et al., 2018). The server then
records the information. In times of wanting to access the stored data, a web-based interface is a
way of accessing the server. The server then allows the person to temper with the data; it sends it
back to them. Cloud storage relies purely on data servers.
Challenges Faced and Remedies Applied when Working with Cloud Storage
The challenges faced when trying to acquire data from the cloud are such as; crashing of
machines may lead to inability access to the data. Therefore, it is advised to have the data backed
up in different devices to prevent inconvenience when accessing the data. Another thing, most
machines use a power supply. In the event of power loss, one may be unable to access their
documents. Performance may also be an issue when trying to access data from cloud storage.


The server may have traffic, making the process slower or not even going through, therefore
making it harder to access data.
Quiz 2.
Explaining to Someone on the Need for that Person to Protect His or Her Data
User-created data is the most valuable thing on the network or devices. Operating
systems or applications can be reinstalled, but data can be lost for good, and one may not recover
it. Organizational records, personal information, and secrets can be in a company's network.
Applications may also expose information about a person...

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July 2, 2021

Featured article by Richard Dumont, Independent Technology Author

What challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the cloud?

The advent of technology also means that so many more technological advancements are used in many businesses today. Among the many, cloud computing is a common name that’s almost always present. It’s a popular trend, used in many businesses. And, to remove its technicality for better understanding even for most non-techy business individuals out there, it’s as its name suggests. Cloud computing refers to moving manual business computing, to an automated system, through the cloud.

Cloud computing is used in many businesses because of the profound advantages that doing so brings. But, like any machine or technological advancements, it’s also not without weaknesses. Cloud computing has challenges, which businesses must be able to traverse successfully.

With that said, here are five major cloud computing challenges and what you can do to overcome them:

1. Security Issues

Like any software, security is always a top challenge, even for cloud computing. As technology gets more used frequently, this also means that hackers are constantly on their toes, looking for the next victim to prey on.

With cloud computing technology, for instance, you’re unable to locate, in a clear and tangible sense, where your business data is stored. The location isn’t precise. This fact alone increases all the security issues that arise when it comes to the management and the implementation of cloud technology.

For better understanding, here are some of the common security problems that typically arise with cloud computing:

* A data breach or cyber security* Account hijacking
* Compromised credentials

To lessen the risks of these security issues from arising, it’s important for your business to also have strict measures in place. If you can, have a team dedicated solely to managing your cloud accounts. That way, the bulk of their work’s focus is on protecting the safety of your cloud accounts. Should a breach happen, then the team can also troubleshoot the security problem right away.

2. Password Security

The bigger your business, the more vulnerable your business’ cloud accounts become. It’s simply because now, so many more individuals are going to have access to the shared password. The more employees have the password, the higher the likelihood that the password may leak, either on purpose or by accident.

Unfortunately, this means that when the passwords get leaked, the confidential information of your business may also now become public.

To be able to overcome password security problems, the solution can be as simple as having a two-factor authentication in place. Do make it a habit as well to change the passwords as frequently as possible and update only those employees who absolutely need access to the password security.

3. Cost Management

Another challenge that’s an inherent part of cloud computing is the cost management factor. If you aren’t careful with the way that you manage your cost management, the costs can spiral upwards and fall out of control. For small businesses, this can be a big blow on your finances, especially during economic difficulties in the industry.

The problem with cost management will typically arise through the on-demand nature of cloud computing services. If you aren’t careful, or your team isn’t well-versed, then it can be difficult to predict quantities, costs and even define the expenses that are inherent only to cost management.

To ensure that those cost problems don’t arise, here are some solutions that your business can employ with your cloud computing services:

* Keep a stable management reporting practice.
* Conduct better financial analysis.
* Automate policies for good governance.

What challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the cloud?

4. Lack of Expertise

The problem of the lack of expertise is common for those businesses that don’t have a team solely dedicated to cloud computing. Remember that mastery of cloud technology isn’t easy. So, you need to have a team dedicated to any cloud-related work. That way, it’s the same group of employees that you’re going to train and re-train with your cloud computing management systems.

Typically, this means hiring an expert team of IT professionals to help with all the cloud-related work.

5. Internet Connection Problem

Making it last on this list, but also a frequent problem faced universally by many businesses who are very dependent on Internet-related services is internet connection problems.

Depending on where you’re from, Internet connection problems can be more frequent than in other places. If you aren’t careful to keep up with connectivity challenges, you may lose unsaved files.

To avoid this from happening, always have a backup. The cloud may be a very good and stable soft asset to use for businesses, but it’s not without limitations. Having a backup ensures that any problems with files on the cloud during Internet connectivity problems are properly dealt with.


This list of cloud computing challenges, as enumerated above, isn’t meant to stop your business from using cloud computing if your business needs it. Rather, it’s for your business to learn from so that you also don’t fall through the pitfalls of those challenges. Or, at the very least, if you do, then you also know how to traverse through the hardships of cloud computing.

As you can see, it takes hard work, mastery, and a dedicated team to know the ins and outs of cloud computing. But when you do, you’ll also begin to enjoy the advantages that it can bring for your business.

Richard Dumont

Richard Dumont is an IT expert. He makes it a point to share his knowledge and skills by writing helpful articles. During his free time, Richard enjoys fishing, boating, and mountain climbing. He is married with three sons. He also has a turtle pet named Donatello.


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