What is defined as consistent behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes originating within the individual?

1. According to Freud, what we dream about provides clues about what's in our unconscious. Dream researchers have developed various procedures to record and interpret the content of our dreams (Domhoff, 1996, 1999; Hill, 1996).

2. Sometimes sleepers are awakened when physiological measures indicate they are probably dreaming. Other investigators rely on participants to record their dreams first thing in the morning in diaries they keep next to their beds. Still others simply ask participants to describe a recent dream or a recurrent dream.

3. Consistent with Freud's intuition, investigators find the content of our dreams is not random. Although there may be no apparent explanation for some of the bizarre material that makes its way into our nighttime productions, there is evidence that dream content is often influenced by the fears, problems, and issues that capture our thoughts before we go to bed (Domhoff, 2001; Foulkes & Cavallero, 1993).

Object relations theory became the springboard for what has been called attachment theory. Perhaps the two biggest contributors to this theory were John Bowlby (1969,1973, 1980) and Mary Ainsworth (1989; Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978). These psychologists examined the emotional bonds between infants and their caregivers,again usually the mother.Bowlby was particularly interested in the reactions of infants who are physically separated from their primary caregiver. Some children deal with the separation quite
well. These infants seem to understand that mother is gone for the moment but that she will return and that the love and nurturance they need will not be lost. However, Bowlby observed that other children seem to protest the separation by crying. Still other infants react to their mother's absence by falling into a type of despair, and some respond with a kind of detachment to the mother even when she returns.According to attachment theory, infants who experience loving, secure relationships with their parents develop unconscious working models for secure, trusting relationships as adults.


What are the 6 personality approaches?

Six Approaches to Personality Six general approaches to explaining personality. These are the psychoanalytic approach, the trait approach, the biological approach, the humanistic approach, the behavioral /social learning approach, and the cognitive approach.

What do the psychoanalytic and behavioral social learning approaches to personality have in common?

What do the psychoanalytic and behavioral/social learning approaches to personality have in common? Both approaches believe that personality is not entirely within our own control.

What are the basic approach in the study of personality?

There are four major theoretical approaches to the study of personality. Psychologists call them the psychoanalytic, trait, humanistic and social cognition approaches.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship among the six approaches to understanding personality quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship among the six approaches to understanding personality? Although the six approaches occasionally vary only in emphasis, two or more approaches often provide incompatible explanations.