When planning how do you respond to a child about telling stories you would base your statement on the fact that?

Correct response:
Present the food matter-of-factly and allow the child to choose what to eat.
The parents should maintain a matter-of-fact approach, offer the meal or snack, and then allow the child to decide how much of the food, if any, he or she is going to eat. High-fat, nutrient-poor snacks should not be substituted for healthy foods just to coax the child to "eat something." If the preschooler is growing well, then the pickiness is not a cause for concern. A larger concern may be the negative relationship that can develop between the parent and child relating to mealtime. The more the parent coaxes, cajoles, bribes, and threatens, the less likely the child is to try new foods or even eat the ones he or she likes that are served. The child should be offered a healthy diet, with foods from all groups over the course of the day as recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Sets found in the same folder

How do you encourage children to take part in stories or rhymes?

What to Do.
Play rhyming games and sing rhyming songs with your child. ... .
Read nursery rhymes to your child. ... .
Listen for rhymes in songs that you know or hear on the radio, TV or at family or other gatherings. ... .
Around the home, point to objects and say their names, for example, sink..

What statement by the mother of a preschooler indicates the need for further education by the nurse?

What statement by the mother of a preschooler indicates the need for further education by the nurse? "If food falls on the floor, my child should pick it up quickly and wipe it off before eating it."

What type of play does the nurse use to prepare a preschooler for upcoming surgery to reduce the stress of the event?

Dramatic play is a big part of preschoolers' life. Using pictures, stuffed animals, or toys to help your child understand is better than simply telling him/her what will happen. Illustrate the situation clearly for your child. Play “hospital” with your child at home before surgery.

Which statement by the student nurse indicates an understanding about children who engage in associative play?

Which statement by the student nurse indicates an understanding about children who engage in associative play? "Children play together and are engaged in a similar activity."