Which assessment finding at the insertion site of a hemodialysis catheter would suggest infection?

A 19-year-old first-time mother in the second stage of labor who has been given an epidural reports severe, unrelenting abdominal pain and rates it as 10 on a scale of 0 to 10. As the nurse, what should you do?

a) Proceed with standard care; the nurse knows that this is typical in the second stage of labor and that younger women and those who are first-time mothers are more likely to report severe pain.
b) Call the obstetrician; severe unrelenting abdominal pain could indicate placental abruption, uterine rupture, or other undiagnosed complication.
c) Call the anesthetist, who is responsible for managing the epidural and should be monitoring the woman's pain.
d) Discuss with the woman the additional pain medication options available to her at this stage in her labor so that she can choose which option she prefers.