Which child would have the most difficulty in coping with separation from parents because of hospitalization quizlet?

Preschooler growth and developmental milestones NCLEX questions quiz for nursing students!

In pediatric nursing, you must be familiar with the developmental milestones. These milestones are routinely assessed by the nurse to ensure the infant is developing properly. This developmental milestones quiz will assess your knowledge on body changes, milestone achievement, nursing interventions for the hospitalized preschooler, eating plan etc.

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Which child would have the most difficulty in coping with separation from parents because of hospitalization quizlet?

Preschooler Growth Development NCLEX Quiz Questions

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1. Your patient is 4-years-old. According to Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development the child should develop ____________ by the end of their developmental stage.

A. trust

B. purpose

C. autonomy

D. competence

The answer is B: purpose. Ages 3-5 years include preschoolers, and according to Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development the child is in the Initiative vs. Guilt stage. The child is learning how to venture out and be independent. If they are able to do this (not discouraged or restraint) the child will develop a sense of purpose and be able to go to the next stage, which is Industry vs. Inferiority.

2. When considering Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development for a 3-year-old which action below would potentially hinder a child’s development?

A. Giving the child freedom to try new things

B. Offering options of play that are imaginary

C. Accepting reasonable choices made by the child

D. Making choices and decisions for the child

The answer is D. Children at this age need to be given opportunities to try new things and make their own choices. If not given opportunities to try new things or make choices on their own, the child will develop guilt and struggle with trying new things and being independent. In turn, the child will have trouble developing a sense of purpose. Therefore, the parent should avoid trying to control or make choices or decisions for the child.

3. A preschooler is in what stage of development according to Piaget’s Theory?

A. Preoperational

B. Concrete operational

C. Formal operational

D. Sensorimotor

The answer is A. A preschooler is in the preoperational stage of cognitive development. This stage includes children 2-7 years.

4. Which statement below is TRUE regarding a 5-year-old’s cognitive development based on Piaget’s Theory?

A. “The goal of this stage is to achieve the understanding of object permanence.”

B. “This child now has the ability to think logically about events.”

C. “This child’s thinking is still egocentric and they can’t understand the point of views of others.”

D. “This child has the ability to create hypothetical arguments.”

The answer is C. Option A is a description of a child that is birth to 2 years (sensorimotor stage). Option B is a description of a child that is 7-11 years (concrete operational). Option D is a child that is 11 years and beyond (formal operational).

5. You’re assessing the development of a 5-year-old. Which of the following are FINE motor skills a child should be able to perform at this age? Select-all-that-apply:

A. Ride a tricycle

B. Use blunt tip scissors

C. Hop

D. Skip

E. Copy triangles and circles

F. Print their first name

The answers are: B, E, and F. This question wants to know the FINE motor skills. Fine motor skills are skills that require small muscles for holding and using objects (using scissors, copying shaped and writing etc.). The other options A, C, and D are GROSS motor skills.

6. A 3-year-old is hospitalized and the parent has to leave to care for other children but will be back to visit. What observation found in this preschooler would demonstrate the child is experiencing the protest phase of separation anxiety?

A. Loud crying that is inconsolable

B. Withdrawn and sullen

C. Crying quietly and acting out

D. Happy and content

The answer is C. Separation anxiety can still present in a preschooler. It usually starts to subside by 4-5 years. During the protest phase the preschooler is different than the toddler in that he or she will be crying quietly and may act out…the toddler will be loudly crying that is inconsolable. The preschooler will generally act the same as the toddler during the despair and detachment phase.

7. What is an example of animism in a 3-year-old child? Select the most appropriate option below:

A. The child leaves the T.V. on while she plays outside so her doll won’t become bored.

B. The child dresses up in a doctor outfit.

C. The child uses a stick as a sword to slay dragons.

D. The child copies her mother by putting on jewelry and high heels.

The answer is A. Animism is where the preschooler thinks inanimate objects (ex: toys) are living things and have feelings like they do.

8. You need to start an IV on a 4-year-old. Select the appropriate interventions to perform before starting the IV to help the preschooler cope with this procedure. Select-all-that-apply:

A. Let the child know that at 9:00 am you will be starting the IV.

B. Be honest with the child about what to expect with starting the IV.

C. Have a doll available that the child can start an IV on.

D. Give the child privacy and direct the parents to the waiting room while the IV is started.

E. Encourage and answer all the child’s questions before starting the IV.

The answers are B, C, and E. Option A is wrong because a preschooler does not understand time. It is best to give them a time frame like “we will start your IV after your eat breakfast” rather than a specific time. Option D is wrong because removing the parents from the room during the procedure may increase the child’s anxiety. It is best to have them present.

9. A 4-year-old is hospitalized for the treatment of a brain tumor. As the nurse you know that a preschooler would struggle with which of the following issues during the hospitalization?

A. Separation anxiety

B. Loss of control

C. Loss of relationship with peers

D. Negativism

The answer is B. The child is at risk for experiencing loss of control. Loss of control can occur when the preschooler is hospitalized or sick because the child is restricted in the normal things they usually do (dress, eat, play etc.) This can cause the child to regress, increase anxiety and fear, or act out.

10. You’re developing a plan of care for a 3-year-old that includes play activities. What type of play does a child participate in at this age?

A. Parallel

B. Cooperative

C. Associative

D. Solidary

The answer is C: Associative Play. With this type of play, children are playing/talking together in the sense they are doing the same activity together like using the same toys or use equipment but they aren’t working together to accomplish something but rather focusing on their own activities.

11. You see a group of children working together to build a sand castle. What type of play is this?

A. Parallel

B. Cooperative

C. Associative

D. Solidary

The answer is B: Cooperative. With this type of play, children play together doing the same activity by cooperating and collaborating together and have the same focus and goals…hence building a sand castle.

12. A parent verbalizes concern about her 3-year-old stammering while pronouncing words and asks for suggestions. Which statement by the nurse to the parent is NOT an appropriate intervention regarding the child’s stammering?

A. “When the child stammers help the child finish the word.”

B. “Encourage the child to take their time as they speak.”

C. “It is normal for a child to stammer during this time and should subside.”

D. “Be patient and listen attentively to the child as she speaks.”

The answer is A. Option A is not an appropriate intervention for a child who stammers because it can further complicate the issue. Stammer is normal during the preschool years due to the explosion of the vocabulary and should subside once the child becomes proficient with speaking. The other options are correct interventions.

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What age would a child have the most difficulty in coping with separation from parents because of hospitalization?

Younger children, especially those between the ages of 6 months and 4 years are most vulnerable. Individual factors such as the children's temperament and intelligence contribute to their style of coping and thus may influence both the short term and long term effects of hospitalisation.

What are the stages of separation anxiety commonly experienced by hospitalized children?

According to the literature, there are three phases of child separation anxiety: protest, denial, and detachment.

What are the three major stressors for children of all ages during hospitalization?

fear of pain. fear of death. fear of anesthesia (unknown sleep)

Which would the nurse identify as a group of hospitalized toddlers most important need quizlet?

Gentle discipline from the nurse may be necessary at times, but the greatest need of hospitalized toddlers is to have parental contact.