Which communication technique is the nurse using when stating I see you havent eaten anything while taking a patients history?

"I should avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute."

"I should avoid terms such as honey, dear, or grandma while addressing the patients."

"I should introduce myself by giving my name and designation."

The nurse should introduce himself or herself by giving his or her name and status, such as nursing student, RN, or LPN. It is important that the nurse avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attribute, because this approach would be demeaning to the patient. The nurse should avoid terms of endearment such as "honey," "dear," "grandma," or "sweetheart" while addressing patients, even with close nurse-patient relationships. Using first names is appropriate for infants, young children, and patients who are confused or unconscious, as well as close team members. Addressing patients by the last name is respectful in most cultures; nurses usually use a patient's last name in an initial interaction and then use the first name if the patient requests it.

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Which communication technique is the nurse using when he or she comments on positive aspects of a patients behavior and response?

Sharing observations involves commenting on observations such as the looks, sounds, or actions of the patient. While interacting with a patient, the nurse comments on positive aspects of the patient's behavior and response.

Which nontherapeutic communication technique is the nurse using when saying?

Sympathy is the nontherapeutic communication technique exhibited by the nurse in this scenario. Sympathy is concern, sorrow, or pity felt for another person.

Which technique would the nurse use to actively listen to a patient?

By using nonverbal and verbal cues such as nodding and saying “I see,” nurses can encourage patients to continue talking. Active listening involves showing interest in what patients have to say, acknowledging that you're listening and understanding, and engaging with them throughout the conversation.

Which of the following techniques would the nurse use when communicating with someone who has cognitive deficits quizlet?

The nurse should use simple sentences and avoid long explanations while communicating with patients who are cognitively impaired. Giving sufficient time to the patient to answer a question is an appropriate strategy in communicating with patients who are cognitively impaired.