Which of Edgar Scheins common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organizations reason for being?

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Which of Edgar Scheins common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organizations reason for being?

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Which of Edgar Scheins common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organizations reason for being?


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Which of Edgar Scheins common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organizations reason for being?


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Which of Edgar Scheins common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organizations reason for being?

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Which of Edgar Scheins common elements unifies employees and gives everyone an understanding of the organizations reason for being?

MGMT 300

Chapter 8 – Organizational Culture, Structure & Design: Building Blocks of the Organization

8.1 What kind of organizational culture will you be operating in?

Major Question

How do I find out about an organization’s “social glue,” its normal way of doing business?

The Big Picture

The study of organizing, the second of the four functions in the management process, begins

with a study of organizational culture, which exists on three levels. An organizational culture has

four functions.

A great part of learning to negotiate the politics – that is, the different behavioral and

psychological characteristic – of a particular office means learning to understand the

organization’s culture. This culture consists not only of the slightly quirky personalities you

encounter but also all of an organization’s normal way of doing business.

How an Organization’s Culture & Structure Are Used to Implement Strategy

Strategy – the large scale action plans that reflect the organization’s vision and are used to set

the direction for the organization. To implement a particular strategy, managers must determine

the right kind of (1) organizational culture and (2) organizational structure.

Organizational Culture: The System of Shared Beliefs & Values

According to scholar Edgar Schein, organizational culture – sometimes called corporate

culture, is a system of shared beliefs and values that develops within an organization and

guides the behavior of its members.

Culture can vary considerably, with different organizations having differing emphases on

risk taking, treatment of employees, teamwork, rules and regulations. Conflict and

criticism, and rewards.

Organizational Structure: Who Reports to Whom & Who Does What

Organizational structure – is a formal system of task and reporting relationships that

coordinate and motivates an organization’s members so that they can work together to

achieve the organization’s goals.

There must be consistency among all these elements – Culture Plus Structure

Vision -> Strategy -> Culture -> Structure and internal practices -> Collective attitudes

and behaviors -> Achievement of goals

Whether an organization is for profit or nonprofit, the challenge for top managers is to

create a culture and structure that will motivate its members to work together and

coordinate their actions to achieve the organization’s goals.

What is the chain of command also known as?

The chain of command, sometimes called the scaler chain, is the formal line of authority, communication, and responsibility within an organization. The chain of command is usually depicted on an organizational chart, which identifies the superior and subordinate relationships in the organizational structure.

Is a control mechanism in which organizations make sure the right people?

Hierarchy of authority is the control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right things at the right time. This control enables organization members to make decisions quickly when necessary.

What is the process of assigning managerial authority and responsibility to lower level managers and employees?

The delegation of authority refers to the division of labor and decision-making responsibility to an individual that reports to a leader or manager. It is the organizational process of a manager dividing their own work among all their people.

What is the movement that suggested training managers in behavioral leadership in order to encourage employee cooperation and increase their productivity?

The scientific management movement produced revolutionary ideas for the time—ideas such as employee training and implementing standardized best practices to improve productivity.