Which of the following accurately describes the correlation between task interdependence and team performance?

  • School Lycoming College
  • Course Title COM MISC
  • Pages 8

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7. Which of the following accurately describes the correlation between task interdependence andteam performance?A. It is moderate and negative.B. It is strong and negative.C. It is moderate and positive.D. It is weak and negative.

8. _____ are formed to take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex and require a lot ofinput from members with different types of training and expertise.

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9. When teams engage in _____ behavior, their activities are focused on generating novel anduseful ideas and solutions.

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10. Which of the following characterizes pooled interdependence?

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11. Which of the following is an example of a team task role?A. EncouragerB. CompromiserC. OrienterD. Follower

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Which of the following characterizes pooled interdependence multiple choice?

Which of the following characterizes pooled interdependence? Group members complete their work assignments independently, and then this work is simply "piled up" to represent the group's output.

Which of the following is suggested by the similarity attraction theory?

Similarity/attraction theory posits that people like and are attracted to others who are similar, rather than dissimilar, to themselves; “birds of a feather,” the adage goes, “flock together.” Social scientific research has provided considerable support for tenets of the theory since the mid-1900s.

Which of the following types of teams generally requires a full time commitment from team members?

Work teams are designed to be relatively permanent. Their purpose is to produce goods or provide services, and they generally require a full-time commitment from their members. Teams are composed of four to eight members who do the physical work, and a leader who supports the team and coordinates with other teams.

Is Social loafing a type of production blocking?

Hierarchical sensitivity reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members. Social loafing is a type of production blocking.