Which of the following are examples of repetitive strain injury from widespread and long term computer use?

Which of the following are examples of repetitive strain injury from widespread and long term computer use?

The first signs of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) or Work-Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD) may be soreness, tingling or discomfort in the neck, arms, wrists, fingers or shoulders. These symptoms may come on when you do an activity or appear after a repetitive task. Repeated use of the same movements can cause inflammation and trauma to the soft tissues; muscles, nerves, tendons and tendon sheath. The symptoms are more common in the upper limb and forearm but can occur elsewhere in the body.

Which of the following are examples of repetitive strain injury from widespread and long term computer use?
Work-Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD) or Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) describes a pain or injury to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that have been caused by the patient performing repetitive tasks, often if using mechanical equipment which induces vibrations sometimes in awkward body positions. Essentially it is a condition of overuse. Examples of specific conditions that may sometimes be attributed to such causes include Thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome and De Quervain syndrome. Since the 1970's there has been a worldwide increase in RSIs of the arms, hands, neck, and shoulder attributed to the widespread use of typewriters/computers in the workplace that require long periods of repetitive motions in a fixed posture Affecting 

  • Wrists and Hands
  • Neck and Shoulders
  • Forearms and Elbows

Safety At Work

Employers must protect workers from the risks of developing upper limb disorders (ULDs) caused by work. Upper limb disorders include aches and pains in the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and fingers, as well as in the neck. They can be caused or made worse by work, for example on assembly lines, in construction, meat or poultry processing and in work with computers.

With the additional number of people working from home probably with laptops, sitting at dinning tables, on dining chairs we expect to see an increased level of people suffering with RSI. If you are experiencing pain which could be caused by working in awkward positions then get in touch with Abbey Physiotherapy.

 Symptoms of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) can range from mild to severe and normally gradually develop,

  • pain, aching or tenderness
  • stiffness
  • throbbing
  • tingling or numbness
  • weakness
  • cramp
  • swelling

You may notice the first signs of RSI when repeating an action which is part of the problem, for example clicking a mouse button on a computer or using mechanical machinery which induces vibration through the body. Without treatment, the symptoms of RSI can become very difficult to treat and may cause pain long term. This injury is more recognised now so your place of work may provide access to an occupational health representative who may have recommended a trip to Abbey Physiotherapy. The earlier we start treating the symptoms, the better the outcome is likely to be.

Symptoms of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

The causal factors of repetitive strain injury are related to overuse of muscles and tendons in the body performing repetitive activities sometimes at high intensity for a long period and without rest. Climate and temperature can also increase the risk. A poor posture can be a contributing factor or tasks which require the individual to work in awkward positions for a period of time. On examination we often find tightness and overactivity in one group of muscles and weakness and under activity in others, resulting in an imbalance that reinforces the movement dysfunction.

Treatment of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

The initial step of treatment of RSI is to modify the task or job which is a cause of the symptoms. In some cases, you may need to cease the activity altogether.  Physiotherapy treatment will be aimed at reducing inflammation and pain, restoring flexibility and balance of strength and advising on prevention of reoccurrence. This may include techniques such as taping or splinting, joint and soft tissuerelease work, acupuncture, ultrasound as well as home management programmes.

  • Get In Touch

    If you think we can help you, why not contact us to enquire further or make an appointment. You can contact us by calling 024 7628 1133 or emailing us

    Contact us at Abbey Physiotherapy, if you would like any support with the management of your condition.

Which of the following are examples of repetitive strain injuries from widespread and long term computer use?

Today, the main causes of RSI are manual labor, office work, and the use of modern technological devices. Examples include Blackberry thumb, iPod finger, PlayStation thumb, Rubik's wrist or cuber's thumb, stylus finger, raver's wrist, and Emacs pinky.

What is an example of a repetitive strain injury?

Examples of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) include tendonitis, neuritis, fascitis, myositis, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, degenerative arthritis, tendinosis, fibromyalgia, herniated disk, focal hand dystonia, and neuropathic pain.

Which is the most common repetitive stress injury from computer use?

Tendonitis is the most common example of RSI, while carpal tunnel syndrome is a more rare and serious disorder.

Which of the following can cause repetitive strain injury in computer users?

Any motion or movement — from typing on a computer at work to practicing an instrument — can cause a repetitive strain injury if you do it too often. Most repetitive stress injuries can be treated at home.