Which of the following is a simple guide used to compile relevant information about economic competitive and political trends that may affect a firm?

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Terms in this set (57)

SMART goals set by managers are ________.
A) specific, measurable, aggressive, required, and tested
B) short-term, motivational, attainable, relevant, and total
C) standardized, manageable, accurate, restrictive, and tested
D) short-term, measurable, aggressive, risky, and timely
E) specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely

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Which of the following provides a summary of a firm's intended direction and shows in broad terms what we want to become quizlet?

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Which of the following refers to any factors that allow a company to differentiate its product or service from those of its competitors to increase market share? Explanation: A competitive advantage refers to the factors that allow a firm to differentiate its product or service from competitors to gain market share.