0780208925 wer ist das

Did this number call you? ?

Did they send you an SMS? ?

Did you answer the call? ?

Why you did not answer it: ?

Did you speak with a human? ?

Did they offer you some product or service? ?

Do you have some info about this number? ? Press YES only if you have information from a source different than these pages! Thank you.

Choose your rating: ?

Do you have some more info about this number? ?

Are you sure this was a scam behavior? ? This is serious indication! To publish this rating, description must be filled sufficiently together with your email.

How would you name a Category for this number? ? Since the Category is not clear please fill also the Title and Description for us to be able to process the review.

Was it a call from private number? ? These pages are designed as a protection against unsolicited telemarketing calls. Private numbers and personal info should not belong here in most cases.

Title: ? Write short and clear description of the number. E.g.: "World Bank" or "Money offer". Detail description will follow lower.

Detail description: ? Please DO NOT write personal info, dirty words or similar problematic statements contrary to legal usage of these service. Thank you.

Where do you have the info from? ? If from these pages only it is pointless to add a review.

Write your name ? Anonymous ratings have lower credibility. Please write your Name or Nickname. If you do not fill the info then part of your IP address should be used instead.

Your Email ? This email will not be publicly visible. If filled we could contact you if necessary.

Thank you for information Our system will process your review and if no problem is found we will publish it. Thank you and have a nice day!

Thank you for information! So far we do not have much info for this number. If this is a trouble number our community will soon add a rating for it. You can also contribute anytime when you get some info useful for others. Thank you.