If a person is satisfied with their job, which of the following may not be reduced?

A 2019 Deloitte survey revealed that only 49 percent of employees are satisfied with their jobs. The impact of low job satisfaction goes beyond high turnover rates. Employees are a company's biggest asset. If their expectations are not met, they may lack the motivation needed to reach peak performance and excel in their roles.

What Causes Job Dissatisfaction?

The Inc. website notes that employee satisfaction is at an all-time low. About 40 percent of American workers say that their job is very or extremely stressful. Heavy workloads, team conflicts, poor management and low wages all contribute to job dissatisfaction. If left unaddressed, these factors may result in diminished productivity and high turnover.

Knowing what makes employees unhappy is the first step to boosting their morale and satisfaction. For example, a manager who doesn't acknowledge and reward hard work may end up with a disengaged team. If your organization lacks clearly defined values or has unrealistic goals, your employees may lose their motivation. Workplace stress and burnout can further affect job satisfaction. No one enjoys working until late at night or canceling their vacation plans to get more work done.

Harvard Business School reports that over 70 percent of U.S. employees sought new jobs in 2018 due to low wages or lack of recognition. Others were dissatisfied with their teams, supervisors or work environment. Poor communication can hurt job satisfaction, too.

While it's great to hold meetings and establish rules for your staff, it's just as important to be open to their ideas. Communication is a two-way street; your employees should feel heard and have the freedom to provide feedback or make suggestions when the situation asks for it.

The Impact of Low Job Satisfaction

These factors and others can lead to employee disengagement, low team morale or high absenteeism. Your company's profits may suffer, too. According to Inc., American companies lose $450 to $500 billion per year because of disengaged employees. Furthermore, replacing employees who quit their jobs costs 100 to 300 percent of their annual salary. As a manager, the best thing you can do is take a close look at these numbers and make the necessary changes to keep your staff engaged and motivated.

The impact of job dissatisfaction in an organization shouldn't be taken lightly. According to Forbes, only 21 percent of employees are engaged at work. More than one-third of workers are planning to quit their jobs and find something better. They're doing just enough to receive their paychecks, but they don't put in the time and effort to do their best work.

Forbes reports that disengaged employees are 15 percent less profitable and 18 percent less productive than those who are satisfied with their jobs. This kind of behavior costs companies thousands a year, affecting the bottom line. Job dissatisfaction also negatively affects job involvement and organizational commitment, reports a February 2018 study published in Frontiers in Psychology.

Job dissatisfaction may also foster bad habits in the workplace, notes the Society for Human Resource Management. Approximately 40 percent of employees who are unhappy with their jobs play pranks on their colleagues. Another 55 percent shop online, and 15 percent take naps while at work. Alcohol consumption and social media usage in the workplace are common, too.

Unhappy Employees Are Less Productive

Staff satisfaction, productivity and work performance are strongly connected, suggests an October 2019 Saïd Business School study published at the SSRN website. Call center employees who were happy with their jobs made more calls per hour and closed more sales than their discontented colleagues. On top of that, they adhered more closely to their schedule for the day. The top-performing group didn't work longer hours to get these results. Instead, they used their time more efficiently.

Companies that invest in employee happiness – such as Google and Tesla – achieve faster growth and higher productivity than other companies. LinkedIn, for example, offers free counseling sessions, wellness programs, paid tuition, paid pet care, adoption assistance, and free meals to its staff. Employees also can personalize their benefits with gym memberships, tax preparation, child care and other perks. Plus, they can take a Friday off every month to focus on themselves.

Entrepreneur states that investing in your team is the smartest decision you can make for your business. Each year, lost productivity costs companies up to $7 trillion. Some companies overlook the importance of staff training, which may decrease job satisfaction. Others micromanage their employees, tracking every movement they make. These common mistakes affect team morale and productivity and the workplace as a whole.

Job Dissatisfaction Increases Turnover

Employees who feel like their professional growth and careers have stagnated are 12 times more likely to quit their jobs, reports Entrepreneur. Micromanagement, workplace stress, bad management and other factors responsible for job dissatisfaction are all linked to higher turnover rates. Employee happiness is not about pizza and free snacks for lunch, but about how you treat your staff. Small things, such as thanking people for their hard work and offering a flexible schedule, can make all the difference.

Occupational stress is one of the leading causes of job dissatisfaction. A January 2019 study published at BMC Family Practice assessed the effect of workplace stress on employee turnover and job satisfaction. Researchers surveyed over 5,000 rural health workers. Nearly one-third of respondents expressed their intention to quit work and find a new job. Their turnover intentions were strongly associated with workplace stress and job satisfaction, among other factors.

Another large-scale study conducted on more than 9,600 workers in the financial sector reports similar findings: Occupational stress increases turnover rates. Approximately 760 women and 120 men resigned during the study because of workplace stress. Those who experienced the most stress were up to three times more likely to quit their jobs than their lower-stressed counterparts. The journal BMC Public Health published these findings in February 2020.

Employee Satisfaction Affects Customer Experience

It's not uncommon to walk into a store and have a bad experience with a salesperson. Some appear as rude or disrespectful, while others ignore their clients. These problems are often rooted in job dissatisfaction. Perhaps those salespeople earn a low wage or have been working overtime for days. All in all, their attitude and behavior affect customer experience, leading to revenue loss.

Unhappy employees equal unhappy customers. Stressed or disengaged workers, especially those who work directly with customers, may fail to do their job or deliver exceptional service. This can affect a company's image, marketing efforts and bottom line. Satisfied employees, on the other hand, work hard to meet or exceed customers' expectations. They are more likely to pay attention to details and seek creative solutions because they know their efforts will be rewarded.

According to a Gallup survey, eight in 10 Americans feel stressed during the day. About 40 percent say they lack the time to do what they want. Another survey conducted by Gallup reports that more than 20 percent of employees feel burned out at work. Your staff members are no exception; if you miss the signs, you may end up dealing with a disengaged team.

As an employer, it's your responsibility to recognize the signs of job dissatisfaction and address their root causes. If your employees are stressed out, consider implementing remote work options. Seek ways to reward their accomplishments and make them feel valued. Focus on building a culture of open communication and encourage your staff to speak out. The happier your team is, the harder they will work to meet customer needs and reach peak performance.